1 ;This is Commands.CLI.
2 ; Each line lists an external command that can be executed by
3 ; the CLI. The format of a line is:
4 ; CommandName FullPathForCommand arguments(optional)...
5 ; There should be NO spaces or tabs before the command name.
6 ; Each line must end with a LineFeed (your editor will do this).
7 ; Maximum line length is 80 characters.
9 BusyLoop C:\MSamples\Busyloop\Busyloop.run
10 CM32 C:\MSamples\CM32M\CM32.RUN
12 DumbTerm C:\Msamples\DumbTerm\DumbTerm.run
13 Edit C:\MSamples\Editor\Edit.run
14 Print C:\MSamples\Print\Print.run
15 SPU C:\MSamples\ScrnPrnt\ScrnPrnt.run
16 Service C:\MSamples\Service\Service.run
17 TestSvc C:\MSamples\Service\TestSvc.run
19 ;End of command file