1 ; MMURTL Operating System Source Code
2 ; Copyright 1991,1992,1993,1994,1995 Richard A. Burgess
6 .DATA ;Begin Keyboard Data
14 ;The keyboard service is designed to return the complete status
15 ;of the keyboard shift, control, alt, and lock keys as well as
16 ;the key in the buffer that the state applies to.
18 ;This is done by using two buffers. The first is a "RAW" key buffer
19 ;that holds keys from the interrupt service routine which contains
20 ;all raw keystrokes including shift keys going up and down.
21 ;This information is needed to build coherent keystroke information
22 ; for an application. This buffer is 32 bytes long.
24 ;The second buffer is 256 bytes and contains the translated information
25 ;in the form of DWords (a 4 byte quantity times 64). This DWord contains the
26 ;following information:
28 ;Low byte (bits 0-7) Partially translated application keystroke
29 ;Next byte (bits 8-15) Shift State (Ctrl, Shift, Alt)
30 ;Next byte (bits 16-23) Lock State (CAPS, Num, Scroll)
31 ;Hi Byte (bits 24-31) Key Source (Bit 1 Set = Key From Numeric Pad)
35 KbdMainExch DD 0 ;Used by the Kbd Process
36 KbdHoldExch DD 0 ;Used for requestors that don't own the keyboard
37 KbdGlobExch DD 0 ;Used to hold Global CTRL-ALT requests
38 KbdWaitExch DD 0 ;Used for Kbd Wait-For-Key requests
39 KbdTempExch DD 0 ;Used to rifle thru requests
41 dGlobalKey DD 0 ;Global Key Found, else 0
44 KbdMsgBuf1L DD 0 ;Message buffers for Kbd Service
50 KbdOwner DD 1 ;Current owner of Kbd (Mon is default)
51 KbdAbortJob DD 0 ;Job that is aborting
52 KbdCancelJob DD 0 ;Job that is cancelling global request
54 rgbKbdBuf DB 20h DUP (0) ;32 byte RAW buffer
56 pKbdIn DD OFFSET rgbKbdBuf ;ptr to next char going in
57 pKbdOut DD OFFSET rgbKbdBuf ;ptr to next char going out
59 bKbdMode DB 0 ;ZERO for Cooked, 1 for RAW (testing)
60 fKBDInitDone DB 0 ;Set true when KBD Service is up and running
62 KbdState DB 0 ;(See State Masks below)
63 KbdLock DB 0 ;(See Lock Masks below)
65 rgdKBBuf DD 40h DUP (0) ;64 Dwords for translated key buffer
67 pKBIn DD OFFSET rgdKBBuf ;ptr to codes comming in
68 pKBOut DD OFFSET rgdKBBuf ;ptr to codes going out
70 ; These "masks" are for keyboard states that change with special keys:
71 ; They are BIT OFFSETS and NOT MASKS for logical operations!!!!!
80 ; Mask to tell if one of the 3 states exist (Ctrl, Shift, Alt)
81 CtrlDownMask EQU 00000011b
82 ShftDownMask EQU 00001100b
83 AltDownMask EQU 00110000b
90 CpLockMask DB 00000100b
91 NmLockMask DB 00000010b
92 ScLockMask DB 00000001b
95 ; The following special keys are processed by the Keyboard Task and handled
97 ; NUMLOCK - Lights NumLock LED and processes keys accordingly
98 ; SHIFT - Sets shift flag and processes keys accordingly
99 ; CTRL - Sets Ctrl flag
100 ; CAPSLOCK - Lights CapsLock LED and processes keys accordingly
101 ; ALT - Sets Alt flag.
102 ; SCRLLOCK - Lights ScrollLock LED and flag
104 ; This table is used to translate all active editing keys from
105 ; the raw value provided by the hardware.
111 DB 031h ; 1 02 21h !
112 DB 032h ; 2 03 40h @
113 DB 033h ; 3 04 23h #
114 DB 034h ; 4 05 24h $
115 DB 035h ; 5 06 25h %
116 DB 036h ; 6 07 5Eh ^
117 DB 037h ; 7 08 26h &
118 DB 038h ; 8 09 2Ah *
119 DB 039h ; 9 0A 28h (
120 DB 030h ; 0 0B 29h )
121 DB 02Dh ; - 0C 5Fh _
122 DB 03Dh ; = 0D 2Bh +
138 DB 0h ; LCtrl 1D Special handling
147 DB 06Ch ; l (L) 26 4Ch
151 DB 0h ; LfShf 2A Special handling
163 DB 0h ; RtShf 36 Special handling
164 DB 02Ah ; Num * 37 Num pad
165 DB 0h ; LAlt 38 Special handling
167 DB 0h ; CpsLk 3A Special handling
178 DB 0h ; NumLk 45 Special handling
179 DB 0h ; ScrLk 46 Special handling
180 DB 086h ; Num 7 47 37h Num Home
181 DB 081h ; Num 8 48 38h Num Up
182 DB 085h ; Num 9 49 39h Num Pg Up
183 DB 0ADh ; Num - 4A Num Pad
184 DB 083h ; Num 4 4B 34h Num Left
185 DB 09Fh ; Num 5 4C 35h Num (Extra code)
186 DB 084h ; Num 6 4D 36h Num Right
187 DB 0ABh ; Num + 4E Num Pad
188 DB 08Bh ; Num 1 4F 31h Num End
189 DB 082h ; Num 2 50 32h Num Down
190 DB 08Ch ; Num 3 51 33h Num Pg Dn
191 DB 08Eh ; Num 0 52 30h Num Insert
192 DB 0FFh ; Num . 53 2Eh Num Del
193 DB 01Ch ; Pr Scr 54 SYS REQUEST
204 DB 000h ; 5F ;The following chars are subs from table2
205 DB 00Eh ; Ins 60 Cursor pad
206 DB 00Bh ; End 61 Cursor pad
207 DB 002h ; Down 62 Cursor pad
208 DB 00Ch ; PgDn 63 Cursor pad
209 DB 003h ; Left 64 Cursor pad
211 DB 004h ; Right 66 Cursor pad
212 DB 006h ; Home 67 Cursor pad
213 DB 001h ; Up 68 Cursor pad
214 DB 005h ; PgUp 69 Cursor pad
215 DB 07Fh ; Delete 6A Cursor pad
216 DB 0AFh ; / 6B Num Pad
217 DB 08Dh ; ENTER 6C Num Pad
238 ;This table does an initial character translation from the characters
239 ;provided by the keyboard. The Kbd translates incoming keystrokes
240 ;from the original scan set 2 for the IBM PC. All PCs are are set to this
241 ;by default. Keys on the 101 keyboard that were common to the numeric
242 ;keypad use a two character escape sequence begining with E0 hex.
243 ;If we see an E0 hex we scan this table and provide the translation
244 ;to another unique character which is looked up in the primary
245 ;table above. This gives us unique single characters for every key.
249 KbdTable2 DB 052h, 060h ;Insert
251 DB 050h, 062h ;Down
252 DB 051h, 063h ;Pg Down
253 DB 04Bh, 064h ;Left
254 DB 04Dh, 066h ;Rite
255 DB 047h, 067h ;Home
257 DB 049h, 069h ;Pg Up
258 DB 053h, 06Ah ;Delete
260 DB 037h, 06Bh ;Num /
261 DB 01Ch, 06Ch ;Num ENTER
263 DB 038h, 070h ;Right ALT DOWN These are special cause we
264 DB 01Dh, 071h ;Right Ctrl DOWN track UP & DOWN!!!
265 DB 0B8h, 0F0h ;Right ALT UP
266 DB 09Dh, 0F1h ;Right Ctrl UP
269 ;This table provides shift level values for codes from the primary KbdTable.
270 ;In Shift-ON state, keycodes 21 - 7E hex are translated through this table.
271 ;In CAPS LOCK state, codes 61h to 7Ah are translated through this table
272 ;In NUM LOCK state, codes with High Bit set are translated
276 DB 38h ; 01 Up 8 Numeric pad
277 DB 32h ; 02 Dn 2 Numeric pad
278 DB 34h ; 03 Left 4 Numeric pad
279 DB 36h ; 04 Rite 6 Numeric pad
280 DB 39h ; 05 PgUp 9 Numeric pad
281 DB 37h ; 06 Home 7 Numeric pad
286 DB 31h ; 0B End 1 Numeric Pad
287 DB 33h ; 0C PgDn 3 Numeric pad
289 DB 30h ; 0E Ins 0 Numeric pad
306 DB 35h ; 1F Blnk 5 Numeric pad
402 DB 2Eh ; 7F Del . Numeric Pad
405 KbdSvcStack DD 255 DUP(0) ;1024 byte stack for KbsSvc
406 KbdSvcStackTop DD 0
408 ;=============================================================================
409 ;The following equates are for the hardware handling code.
410 ;8042 Status Byte, Port Hex 0064 Read
411 ;=============================================================================
417 PARITYERROR EQU 10000000b
421 COMMANDDATA EQU 00001000b
422 SYSTEMFLAG EQU 00000100b
427 ;==================Begin Keyboard Code ===================
432 ;ISR for the keyboard. This is vectored to by the processor whenever
433 ;INT 21 fires off. This puts the single byte from the 8042
434 ;KBD processor into the buffer. Short and sweet the way all ISRs
435 ;should be... (most are not this easy though). This also sends
436 ;a message to the KBD Task (using ISend) when the buffer is almost
437 ;full so it will be forced to process some of the raw keys even
438 ;if no keyboard requests are waiting.
440 PUBLIC IntKeyBrd: ;Key Board (KB) INT 21
441 PUSHAD ;Save all registers
442 MOV ESI, pKbdIn ;Set up pointer
444 IN AL, 60h ;Read byte
445 MOV EBX, dKbdCnt ;See if buffer full
446 CMP EBX, 20h ;Buffer size
447 JE KbdEnd ;Buffer is full - Don't save it
448 MOV BYTE PTR [ESI], AL ;Move into buf
449 INC dKbdCnt ;One more in the buf
450 INC ESI ;Next byte in
451 CMP ESI, OFFSET rgbKbdBuf+20h ;past end yet?
453 MOV ESI, OFFSET rgbKbdBuf ;Back to beginning of buffer
455 MOV pKbdIn, ESI ;Set up pointer for next time
457 CMP BYTE PTR fKBDInitDone, 0 ;Service isn't ready for messages yet
460 ;ISend a msg to Keyboard task
461 MOV EBX, KbdMainExch ;Yes - ISend Message to KbdTask
462 PUSH EBX ;exchange to send to
463 PUSH 0FFFFFFFFh ;bogus msg
464 PUSH 0FFFFFFFFh ;bogus msg
465 CALL FWORD PTR _ISendMsg ;tell him to come and get it...
472 ;===============================================
473 ;This gets one byte from the Kbd Buffer and returns it in AL
474 ;Zero is returned if no key exists.
478 MOV ESI, pKbdOut ;Get ptr to next char to come out
479 MOV EAX, dKbdCnt ;See if there are any bytes
481 JE RdKBDone ;No - Leave 0 in EAX
482 DEC dKbdCnt ;Yes - make cnt right
484 MOV AL, BYTE PTR [ESI] ;Put byte in AL
486 CMP ESI, OFFSET rgbKbdBuf+20h ;past end yet?
488 MOV ESI, OFFSET rgbKbdBuf ;Back to beginning of buffer
490 MOV pKbdOut, ESI ;Save ptr to next char to come out
494 ;========================================================
496 ; Reads and processes all bytes from the RAW keyboard buffer
497 ; and places them and their proper state bytes and into the next DWord
498 ; in the translated buffer if it is an edit key.
505 MOV BL, bKbdMode ;See if we are RAW... (for testing ONLY)
507 JNE KB001 ;NO - keep going
508 JMP KB029A ;Yes, leave the key in AL for buffer
510 ;Now we check to see if the byte is 0Eh which tells us
511 ;this is a two key code that needs to be translated from
512 ;our special table before processing. This turns the
513 ;two key code into a single code and sets a state
514 ;bit to indicate this.
519 CMP AL, 0E0h ;Key PREFIX???
521 MOV dfPrefix, 1 ;Yes, We got an E0
525 MOV dfPrefix, 0 ;No prefix
526 MOV ESI, OFFSET KbdTable2
527 MOV ECX, nKbdTable2
531 INC ESI ;Two byte further into table 2
534 JNZ KB004 ;Go to next table entry
535 JMP XLateDone ;No translation - ignore it
538 INC ESI ;One byte further over to get Xlate byte
540 MOV AL, [ESI] ;Fall thru to check on char...
542 ;This next section checks for special keys (shift, alt, etc.)
543 ;BL has SHIFT state, CL has LOCK State, AL has byte from buffer.
546 MOV dfPrefix, 0 ;No prefix
549 MOV BL, KbdState ;BL has Shift, Alt, Ctrl states
550 MOV CL, KbdLock ;BH has Num, Caps, & Scroll Lock
552 CMP AL, 45h ;Key = NumLock ?
554 BTC ECX, NmLockBit ;Compliment bit
557 CMP AL, 3Ah ;Caps Lock?
559 BTC ECX, CpLockBit ;Compliment bit in BH
562 CMP AL, 46h ;Scroll Lock?
564 BTC ECX, ScLockBit ;Compliment bit in BH
567 CMP AL, 2Ah ;Char Left Shift On?
569 BTS EBX, ShftLeftBit
572 CMP AL, 36h ;Right Shift On?
574 BTS EBX, ShftRiteBit
577 CMP AL, 0AAh ;Left Shift Off?
579 BTR EBX, ShftLeftBit
583 CMP AL, 0B6h ;Right Shift Off?
585 BTR EBX, ShftRiteBit
589 CMP AL, 1Dh ;Left Ctrl On?
591 BTS EBX, CtrlLeftBit
595 CMP AL, 71h ;Right Ctrl On?
597 BTS EBX, CtrlRiteBit
601 CMP AL, 09Dh ;Left Ctrl Off?
603 BTR EBX, CtrlLeftBit
607 CMP AL, 0F1h ;Right Ctrl Off?
609 BTR EBX, CtrlRiteBit
612 CMP AL, 38h ;Left Alt On?
614 BTS EBX, AltLeftBit
617 CMP AL, 70h ;Right Alt On?
619 BTS EBX, AltRiteBit
622 CMP AL, 0B8h ;Left Alt Off?
624 BTR EBX, AltLeftBit
627 CMP AL, 0F0h ;Right Alt Off?
629 BTR EBX, AltRiteBit
631 MOV KbdState, BL ;Put Kbd Shift State back
634 MOV KbdLock, CL ;Put Kbd Lock State back
635 CALL SetKbdLEDS ;Set LEDs on keyboard
638 ;We jumped here if it wasn't a key that is specially handled
641 TEST AL, 80h ;Check for high bit (key-up code)
642 JNZ XLateDone ;Go back, else fall through
644 OR AL,AL ;Zero not a valid code
645 JZ XLateDone ;Go back, else fall through
647 ;If we got here, IT'S AN EDIT KEY DOWN!
648 ;Now we lookup the code and do a single translation.
650 AND EAX, 07Fh ;Chop off any upper bit junk
651 MOV ESI, OFFSET KbdTable ;Set up to index table
652 MOV DL, BYTE PTR [ESI+EAX] ;Save in DL
653 OR AL,AL ;Zero not a valid code
654 JZ XLateDone ;Go back, else fall through
656 MOV CL, KbdState ;Get Shift state
657 MOV CH, KbdLock ;Get lock state
659 ;TO let the user know if the key came from the Numeric
660 ;keypad we set the high bits in the first translation
661 ;table for these keys. This next piece of code tests for it
662 ;and sets the low bit in DH if it its. DH is later moved
663 ;into the high byte of the returned key code.
666 TEST DL, 80h ;High bit set?
668 MOV DH, 1 ;Indicates key came numeric pad
670 ;See if shift key is down and shift all keys it is is
672 TEST CL, ShftDownMask ;Either shift key down?
673 JZ KB025 ;No, go look for locks
674 CMP DL, 21h ;Is key < ' '
675 JB KB025 ;Yes, look for locks
676 CMP DL, 7Eh ;Is key > '~'
677 JA KB025 ;Yes, look for locks
678 JMP SHORT KB027 ;In-range, go do the translation
680 KB025: ;See if key is from Numerc Keypad (high bit will be set)
682 TEST DL, 80h ;High bit set?
684 AND CH, NmLockMask ;Yes, is NumLock ON
686 CMP DL, 0ADh ;Yes, but don't shift DASH (-) Special Case
688 JMP SHORT KB027 ;Do the shift Xlation
690 KB026: ;See if Caps Lock is on and if key is between 61h and 7Ah
691 ;do the translation
693 TEST CH, CpLockMask ;Is CpLock ON
695 CMP DL, 61h ;Is key >= 'a'
697 CMP DL, 7Ah ;Is key <= 'z'
699 ;Fall through to do the translation
701 KB027: ;Do the shift translation and leave in DL
702 MOV AL, DL ;Put in AL
703 AND EAX, 07Fh ;Chop all above 7 bits
704 MOV ESI, OFFSET KbdTableS ;Set up to index table
705 MOV DL, BYTE PTR [ESI+EAX] ;Save in DL
706 ;Fall though to put key in final buffer
708 ;Place DL in the LOW byte of the DWord to go into the
709 ;final buffer (the data the user will get)
710 ;If the high bit is set coming from the primary
711 ;translation table, this means the key was from the
712 ;numeric keypad so we set the numpad bit in status
713 ;which should already be in DH
716 SHL EAX, 8 ;Num Pad indicator
717 MOV AL, KbdState ;Get Shift state
718 MOV AH, KbdLock ;Get lock state
720 AND DL, 7Fh ;Lop of high bit (if there)
723 ;EAX now has the buffered info for the user (Key, Shifts & Locks)
724 ;Now we put it in the DWord buffer if it is NOT a GLOBAL.
725 ;If global, we put it in dGlobalKey.
727 TEST AH, CtrlDownMask ;Either Ctrl Down?
729 TEST AH, AltDownMask ;Either Alt Down?
732 ;It IS a global key request!
733 MOV dGlobalKey, EAX ;Save it
734 JMP XLateRawKBD ;Back for more (if there is any)
737 MOV EBX, dKBCnt ;See if buffer full
738 CMP EBX, 64 ;number of DWords in final buffer
739 JE XLateDone ;Buffer is FULL..
740 MOV ESI, pKBIn ;Get ptr to next IN to final buffer
741 MOV [ESI], EAX ;Move into buf
742 INC dKBCnt ;One more DWord in the buf
744 CMP ESI, OFFSET rgdKBBuf+100h ;40h * 4
746 MOV ESI, OFFSET rgdKBBuf ;Reset to buf beginning
748 MOV pKBIn, ESI ;Save ptr to next in
754 ;========================================================
756 ; Returns a keyboard code from FINAL keyboard buffer.
757 ; Returns zero in EAX if buffer is empty.
760 ; OUT: EAX has Key or 0 if none
762 ; MODIFIES: dKBCnt, pKBOut
767 JE KBFDone ;Nothing final buffer
768 DEC dKBCnt ;One more DWord in the buf
769 MOV ESI, pKBOut ;ptr to next code out
770 MOV EAX, [ESI] ;Put it in EAX
771 ADD ESI, 4 ;Next code please...
772 CMP ESI, OFFSET rgdKBBuf+100h ;Past end of buff?
774 MOV ESI, OFFSET rgdKBBuf ;Yes, Reset to beginning
776 MOV pKBOut, ESI ;Update pKBOut
780 ;========================================================
782 ; This is the keyboard Service task. It is an infinite loop
783 ; that services requests from users of the keyboard. It
784 ; calls XLateRawKBD to process raw keyboard buffer data,
785 ; and waits at the KeyBoard Service Main Exchange for users.
786 ; When it gets a request it checks the service code and handles
790 CALL XLateRawKBD ;Processes RAW buffer if not empty
792 CMP DWORD PTR dGlobalKey, 0
793 JE KST01 ;No global key came in
796 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf1L ;Where to return pRqBlk
797 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;Check to see if RqWaiting
798 OR EAX, EAX ;Yes if ZERO
799 JZ KBDGlobal2 ;Rq waiting for global
800 MOV DWORD PTR dGlobalKey, 0 ;Wipe out global key (no one wants it)
801 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Start over again
804 MOV EBX, KbdMsgBuf1L ;pRqBlk into EBX
805 MOV ESI, [EBX+pData1] ;Ptr where to return key
806 OR ESI, ESI ;Is it null?? (Bad news if so)
807 JNZ KBDGlobal3 ;No, probably good ptr
808 PUSH EBX ;Yes, BAD PTR. Push pRqBlk
809 PUSH ErcNullPtr ;Push error
810 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
811 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
813 MOV EDX, dGlobalKey
814 MOV [ESI], EDX ;Give em the key!
815 PUSH EBX ;Push pRqBlk
816 PUSH 0 ;Push NO ERROR
817 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
818 JMP KBDGlobal1 ;Go back to see if others want it
821 CMP DWORD PTR ddVidOwner, 2 ;Debugger has video
822 JNE KST01ND ;NOT in Debugger
824 CALL FWORD PTR _Sleep ;
825 CALL XLateRawKBD ;Processes RAW buffer
826 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
829 PUSH KbdMainExch ;See if someones "Requesting"
830 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf1L ;
831 CALL FWORD PTR _WaitMsg ;Wait for the message
833 ;If we got here, we have a Request or a Msg the from ISR
835 CMP DWORD PTR KbdMsgBuf1L, 0FFFFFFFFh ;Is it a msg from the KBD ISR?
836 JNE KST02 ;No, jump to handle Request
838 ;If we got here, ISR sent msg to us (something in the buffer)
840 CALL XLateRawKBD ;Processes RAW buffer
842 CMP DWORD PTR dGlobalKey, 0
843 JNE KBDGlobal1 ;A global key came in
845 PUSH KbdWaitExch ;See if owner is waiting for a key
846 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf1L ;Where to return Request or msg
847 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;
849 JNZ KBDServiceTask ;No Rq/Msg waiting, Go back to the top,
850 ;or fall thru to check the request
853 ;If we got here we've got a Request from Main or Wait Exch
854 MOV EBX, KbdMsgBuf1L ;pRqBlk into EBX
855 MOV CX, [EBX+ServiceCode] ;Save in CX
857 CMP CX, 0 ;Job Abort Notify
861 CMP CX, 2 ;ReadKbdGlobal
863 CMP CX, 3 ;CancelGlobal
864 JE KSTCancelGlobal ;
865 CMP CX, 4 ;AssignKBD
868 PUSH ErcBadSvcCode ;Bad service code
869 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
870 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
872 ;-------------------------------------------------------
874 MOV EAX, [EBX+RqOwnerJob] ;Whose Request is it?
876 JE KSTRead00 ;This guy owns it!
877 PUSH EBX ;Not the owner, so send to Hold Exch
879 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
880 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
882 CALL ReadKBFinal ;Get Code from Buf (Uses EAX, ESI)
883 CMP EAX, 0 ;No Key in Final Buffer
884 JE KSTRead02 ;Go see if they asked to wait
885 MOV ESI, [EBX+pData1] ;Ptr where to return key
886 CMP ESI, 0 ;Is it null?? (Bad news if so)
887 JNE KSTRead01 ;No, probably good ptr
888 PUSH EBX ;Yes, BAD PTR. Push pRqBlk
889 PUSH ErcNullPtr ;Push error
890 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
891 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
893 MOV [ESI], EAX ;Give them the key code
896 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
897 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
900 CMP DWORD PTR [EBX+dData0], 0 ;Wait for key? 0 in dData0 = Don't wait
903 PUSH ErcNoKeyAvail ;Error Code (No key to give you)
904 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
905 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
908 PUSH EBX ;They opted to wait for a key
909 PUSH KbdWaitExch ;Send em to the wait exch
910 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
911 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
912 ;--------------------------------------------------------
915 ;Respond to all requests we are holding for Job in dData0
916 ;with Erc with ErcOwnerAbort. Then respond to Abort
917 ;request last. Requests can be at the HoldExch, the WaitExch,
918 ;or the GlobalKeyExch. We must chack all 3!
919 ;Save abort job for comparison
921 MOV EAX, [EBX+dData0] ;Get aborting job number
922 MOV KbdAbortJob, EAX ;this is aborting job
924 KSTAbort10: ;Check the WaitExch
925 PUSH KbdWaitExch ;See if he was "waiting" for a key
926 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf2L ;Where to return Request
927 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;
928 OR EAX, EAX ;Yes (someone's waiting) if ZERO
929 JNZ KSTAbort20 ;No more waiters
930 MOV EDX, KbdMsgBuf2L ;pRq of holding job into EDX
931 MOV EBX, [EDX+RqOwnerJob]
932 CMP EBX, KbdAbortJob
933 JE KSTAbort11 ;Go to respond with Erc
934 PUSH EDX ;Else move Request to MainKbd Exch
935 PUSH KbdMainExch ; to be reevaluated
936 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
937 JMP KSTAbort10 ;Go back to look for more waiters
939 PUSH EDX ;Respond to this request
940 PUSH ErcOwnerAbort ;cause he's dead
941 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
942 JMP SHORT KSTAbort10
944 KSTAbort20: ;Check HoldExch for dead job
945 PUSH KbdHoldExch ;See if anyone is on hold
946 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf2L ;Where to return Request
947 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;
948 OR EAX, EAX ;Yes (someones holding) if ZERO
949 JNZ KSTAbort30 ;No more holders
950 MOV EDX, KbdMsgBuf2L ;pRq of holding job into EDX
951 MOV EBX, [EDX+RqOwnerJob]
952 CMP EBX, KbdAbortJob
953 JE KSTAbort21 ;Go to respond with Erc
954 PUSH EDX ;Else move Request to MainKbd Exch
955 PUSH KbdMainExch ; to be reevaluated. It's not him.
956 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
957 JMP KSTAbort20 ;Go back to look for more holders
959 PUSH EDX ;Respond to this request
960 PUSH ErcOwnerAbort ;cause he's dead
961 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
962 JMP SHORT KSTAbort20 ;Go back to look for more holders
964 KSTAbort30: ;Check GlobalExch for dead job
965 PUSH KbdGlobExch ;See if anyone is at global
966 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf2L ;Where to return Request
967 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;
968 OR EAX, EAX ;Yes (someones holding) if ZERO
969 JNZ KSTAbort40 ;No more holders
970 MOV EDX, KbdMsgBuf2L ;pRq of holding job into EDX
971 MOV EBX, [EDX+RqOwnerJob]
972 CMP EBX, KbdAbortJob
973 JE KSTAbort31 ;Go to respond with Erc
974 PUSH EDX ;Else move Request to MainKbd Exch
975 PUSH KbdMainExch ; to be reevaluated
976 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
977 JMP KSTAbort30 ;Go back to look for more globals
979 PUSH EDX ;Respond to this request
980 PUSH ErcOwnerAbort ;cause he's dead
981 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
982 JMP SHORT KSTAbort30
984 KSTAbort40: ;Respond to original abort Req
985 MOV EBX, KbdMsgBuf1L ;pRqBlk of original Abort Request
987 PUSH 0 ;Error Code (OK)
988 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
989 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
990 ;----------------------------------------------------------
993 PUSH EBX ;They want a global key
994 PUSH KbdGlobExch ;Send em to the Global exch
995 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
996 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
997 ;-----------------------------------------------------------
998 ;Assign a new owner for the keyboard. We must check to see
999 ;if the new owner had any keyboard requests on hold.
1000 ;We do this by sending all the requests that were on hold
1001 ;back to the main exchange to be reevaluated.
1002 ;Then we respond to the original request.
1005 ;Change owner of Kbd
1006 MOV EAX, [EBX+dData0] ;Get new owner
1008 JNE KSTAssign01 ;New Owner!
1010 PUSH EBX ;Same owner
1011 PUSH 0 ;Error Code (OK)
1012 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
1013 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
1015 MOV KbdOwner, EAX ;Set new owner
1017 KSTAssign02: ;Move all waiters to main exch
1018 PUSH KbdWaitExch ;See if anyone is "waiting" for a key
1019 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf2L ;Where to return Request
1020 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;
1021 OR EAX, EAX ;Yes (someones waiting) if ZERO
1022 JNZ KSTAssign03 ;No more waiters
1023 MOV EDX, KbdMsgBuf2L ;pRq into EDX
1024 PUSH EDX ;Move Request to MainKbd Exch
1025 PUSH KbdMainExch ; to be reevaluated
1026 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
1027 JMP KSTAssign02 ;Go back to look for more waiters
1028 KSTAssign03: ;Waiter have been moved, Respond to Req
1029 PUSH KbdHoldExch ;See if anyone is on hold
1030 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf2L ;Where to return Request
1031 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;
1032 OR EAX, EAX ;Yes if ZERO
1033 JNZ KSTAssign04 ;No more holders
1034 MOV EDX, KbdMsgBuf2L ;pRq into EDX
1035 PUSH EDX ;Move Request to MainKbd Exch
1036 PUSH KbdMainExch ; to be reevaluated
1037 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
1038 JMP KSTAssign03 ;Go back to look for more holders
1039 KSTAssign04: ;Holders have been moved, Respond to Req
1040 MOV EBX, KbdMsgBuf1L ;pRqBlk of original Assign Request
1042 PUSH 0 ;Error Code (OK)
1043 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
1044 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
1045 ;-------------------------------------------------------
1048 ;Rifle thru Global Exch and respond with ErcNoKeyAvail
1049 ;to those with the same JobNum as dData0
1050 MOV EAX, [EBX+dData0] ;Save Job that is cancelling global request
1051 MOV KbdCancelJob, EAX ;
1053 KSTCancel10: ;Check GlobalExch for canceled job
1054 PUSH KbdGlobExch ;See if anyone is at global
1055 PUSH OFFSET KbdMsgBuf2L ;Where to return Request
1056 CALL FWORD PTR _CheckMsg ;
1057 OR EAX, EAX ;Yes (someones holding) if ZERO
1058 JNZ KSTCancel20 ;No more globals
1059 MOV EDX, KbdMsgBuf2L ;pRq of holding job into EDX
1060 MOV EBX, [EDX+RqOwnerJob]
1061 CMP EBX, KbdCancelJob
1062 JE KSTCancel11 ;Go to respond with Erc
1063 PUSH EDX ;Else move Request to MainKbd Exch
1064 PUSH KbdMainExch ; to be reevaluated
1065 CALL FWORD PTR _MoveRequest
1066 JMP KSTCancel10 ;Go back to look for more globals
1068 PUSH EDX ;Respond to this request
1069 PUSH ErcNoKeyAvail ;cause he cancelled it!
1070 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
1071 JMP SHORT KSTCancel10 ;Back to check for more
1073 KSTCancel20: ;Respond to original cancel Req
1074 MOV EBX, KbdMsgBuf1L ;pRqBlk of original Request
1076 PUSH 0 ;Error Code (OK)
1077 CALL FWORD PTR _Respond
1078 JMP KBDServiceTask ;Go back to the top
1080 ;=============================================================
1081 ;PUBLIC blocking call to read the keyboard. This uses the
1082 ;Default TSS exchange and the stack to make the request to
1083 ;the keyboard service for the caller. The request is a standard
1084 ;service code one (Wait On Key) request.
1085 ;If fWait is NON-ZERO, this will not return without a key unless
1086 ;a kernel/fatal error occurs.
1088 ;The call is fully reentrant (it has to be...).
1090 ; Procedural interface:
1092 ; ReadKbd(pKeyCodeRet, fWait): dError
1094 ; pKeyCodeRet is a pointer to a DWORD where the keycode is returned.
1096 ; fWait is NON-ZERO to wait for a key.
1099 ; Stack Variables:
1103 PUSH EBP ; Save the Previous FramePtr
1104 MOV EBP,ESP ; Set up New FramePtr
1105 SUB ESP, 4 ; One DWORD local var
1110 PUSH 1 ;Service Code (Read Keyboard)
1112 MOV ECX,pRunTSS ;Get TSS_Exch for our use
1113 MOV EBX,[ECX+TSS_Exch] ;Exchange (TSS Exch)
1116 LEA EAX, [EBP-4] ;Rq Handle (Local Var)
1120 MOV EAX, [EBP+16] ;Key Code return (Their Ptr)
1122 PUSH 4 ;Size of key code
1127 CMP DWORD PTR [EBP+12], 0 ;Don't wait for Key?
1128 JE ReadKbd1 ;No wait
1129 MOV EAX, 1 ;Set up to wait!
1131 PUSH EAX ;Wait value (dData0)
1136 CALL FWORD PTR _Request ;make the Request
1138 ;The request is made. Now we call Wait!
1140 MOV ECX,pRunTSS ;Get TSS_Exch for our use
1141 MOV EBX,[ECX+TSS_Exch] ;
1142 PUSH EBX ;Pass exchange (for WaitMsg)
1143 ADD ECX,TSS_Msg ;Offset of TSS msg area
1145 CALL FWORD PTR _WaitMsg ;Wait on it
1147 ;When we get here the caller should have the key code
1148 ;HOWEVER, we want to pass any errors back via EAX
1150 OR EAX, EAX ;Was there a kernel error?
1151 JNZ ReadKbdEnd ;YES.... bummer
1152 MOV ECX,pRunTSS ;Get TSS_Msg area so we can get error
1153 ADD ECX,TSS_Msg ;Offset of TSS msg area
1154 MOV EBX, [ECX] ;pRqBlk
1155 MOV EAX, [ECX+4] ;Service error in second DWord
1159 RETF 8 ; Rtn to Caller & Remove Params from stack
1161 ;=============================================================
1162 ;Special Call for Debugger so it doesn't have to pass thru
1163 ;the kernel Request mechanism for a keystroke.
1164 ;It acts like ReadKbd with fWait set to true.
1165 ;It sucks keys directly from the Final Keyboard buffer.
1167 ; Procedural interface:
1169 ; ReadDbgKbd(pKeyCodeRet)
1171 ; pKeyCodeRet is a pointer to a DWORD where the keycode is returned.
1174 PUBLIC ReadDbgKBD:
1175 PUSH EBP ; Save the Previous FramePtr
1176 MOV EBP,ESP ; Set up New FramePtr
1178 CALL ReadKBFinal ;Get Code from Buf (Uses EAX, ESI)
1179 OR EAX, EAX ;Got a key?? (non zero)
1180 JNZ RDKB1 ;No. Loop back again
1181 PUSH 2 ;Sleep for 20 ms
1182 CALL FWORD PTR _Sleep
1183 JMP RDKB0 ;Check again
1185 MOV ESI, [EBP+8] ;Ptr where to return key
1190 RETN 4 ; Rtn to Caller & Remove Params from stack
1192 ;=================================================
1193 ;This sets the Keyboard Scan Set to #2 with 8042 interpretation ON
1200 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1201 MOV AL,0FAh ;Set ALL keys typematic/make/break
1202 OUT DataPort,AL ;Send Command to KBD (not 8042)
1204 CALL OutBuffFull ;Eat response
1207 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1208 MOV AL,0F0h ;Set Scan code set
1209 OUT DataPort,AL ;Send Command to KBD (not 8042)
1211 CALL OutBuffFull ;Eat response
1215 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1216 MOV AL,02h ;Scan set 2
1217 OUT DataPort,AL ;Send Command
1219 CALL OutBuffFull ;Eat response
1222 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1223 MOV AL,060h ;Set up to write 8042 command byte
1224 OUT COMMANDPORT,AL ;Send Command
1225 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1226 MOV AL,45h ;Enable IBM Xlate
1227 OUT DataPort,AL ;Send Command
1236 ;=============================================================================
1237 ;This creates the Keyboard Task and Service.
1239 PUBLIC _InitKBDService:
1241 ;All initial requests and messages from the ISR come to
1244 MOV EAX, OFFSET KbdMainExch ;Alloc Main Kbd exch for service
1246 CALL FWORD PTR _AllocExch
1247 OR EAX, EAX ;Check for error on AllocExch
1248 JNZ InitKBDSvcEnd ;YUP, we got bad problems
1250 ;TempExch for testing
1252 MOV EAX, OFFSET KbdTempExch ;Alloc Hold Kbd exch for Kbd service
1254 CALL FWORD PTR _AllocExch
1255 OR EAX, EAX ;Check for error on AllocExch
1256 JNZ InitKBDSvcEnd ;YUP, we got bad problems
1258 ;Requests for ReadkeyBoard (ScvCode #1) that are from job
1259 ;that currently owns the keyboard waits here if it wants
1260 ;to wait for a key.
1262 MOV EAX, OFFSET KbdWaitExch ;Alloc Hold Kbd exch for Kbd service
1264 CALL FWORD PTR _AllocExch
1265 OR EAX, EAX ;Check for error on AllocExch
1266 JNZ InitKBDSvcEnd ;YUP, we got bad problems
1268 ;Requests for ReadkeyBoard (ScvCode #1) that are from jobs
1269 ;that do NOT currently own the keyboard get sent here using
1272 MOV EAX, OFFSET KbdHoldExch ;Alloc Hold Kbd exch for Kbd service
1274 CALL FWORD PTR _AllocExch
1275 OR EAX, EAX ;Check for error on AllocExch
1276 JNZ InitKBDSvcEnd ;YUP, we got bad problems
1278 ;Requests for ReadkeyGlobal (SvcCode #3) wait here until we
1279 ;get a global key from the keyboard.
1281 MOV EAX, OFFSET KbdGlobExch ;Alloc Global Wait exch for Kbd service
1283 CALL FWORD PTR _AllocExch
1284 OR EAX, EAX ;Check for error on AllocExch
1285 JNZ InitKBDSvcEnd ;YUP, we got bad problems
1287 ;Spawn the Keyboard Service task
1289 MOV EAX, OFFSET KBDServiceTask
1293 MOV EAX, OFFSET KbdSvcStackTop
1295 PUSH 1 ;OS Job task
1296 CALL FWORD PTR _SpawnTask
1297 OR EAX, EAX ;Check for error on AllocExch
1298 JNZ InitKBDSvcEnd ;YUP, we got bad problems
1303 CALL FWORD PTR _RegisterSvc
1305 MOV BYTE PTR fKBDInitDone, 1 ;We're UP!
1308 ;=============================================================================
1309 ;This tells the 8042 Controller to Disable the Keyboard device.
1310 ;=============================================================================
1314 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1315 MOV AL,0ADh ;Set Command to "Write the 8042 Command Byte"
1316 OUT COMMANDPORT,AL ;Send Command
1317 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1321 ;=============================================================================
1322 ; This tells the 8042 Controller to Enable the Keyboard Device.
1323 ;=============================================================================
1326 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1327 MOV AL,0AEh ;Set Command to "Write the 8042 Command Byte"
1328 OUT COMMANDPORT,AL ;Send Command
1329 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1332 ;=============================================================================
1333 ; Waits until the 8042 Input Buffer is EMPTY
1334 ;=============================================================================
1339 MOV ECX,2FFFFh ;check 128k times
1345 IN AL,STATUSPORT ;Read Status Byte into AL
1346 TEST AL,INPUTBUFFFULL ;Test The Input Buffer Full Bit
1352 ;=============================================================================
1353 ; Waits until the 8042 Output Buffer is FULL so we can read it
1354 ;=============================================================================
1356 ; Before calling this makes sure that the Keyboard interrupts have been
1357 ; masked so the keyboard interrupt doesn't eat the byte you're
1369 IN AL,STATUSPORT ;Read Status Byte into AL
1370 TEST AL,OUTPUTBUFFFULL ;Test The Output Buffer Full Bit
1376 ;=============================================================================
1377 ; This sets the indicators on the keyboard based on data in KbdState
1378 ;=============================================================================
1386 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1387 MOV AL,0EDh ;Set/Reset Status Indicators
1388 OUT DATAPORT,AL ;Send KBD Command
1390 CALL OutBuffFull ;Eat response
1393 CALL InBuffEmpty ;Wait for Input Buffer to Empty
1394 MOV AL,KbdLock ;Get Current Lock Status Byte
1395 AND AL,00000111b ;Mask all but low order 3 bits
1396 OUT DATAPORT,AL ;Send KBD Command
1398 CALL OutBuffFull ;Eat response
1406 ;================= END OF MODULE ==================