]> pd.if.org Git - liblfds/blob - src/benchmark_stack.c
Initial import (all versions, including the new 7.1.0)
[liblfds] / src / benchmark_stack.c
1 #include "internal.h"\r
2 \r
3 \r
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6 \r
7 /****************************************************************************/\r
8 void benchmark_lfds611_stack( void )\r
9 {\r
10   unsigned int\r
11     loop,\r
12     thread_count,\r
13     cpu_count;\r
14 \r
15   struct lfds611_stack_state\r
16     *ss;\r
17 \r
18   struct lfds611_stack_benchmark\r
19     *sb;\r
20 \r
21   thread_state_t\r
22     *thread_handles;\r
23 \r
24   lfds611_atom_t\r
25     total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus,\r
26     total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus_for_one_cpu = 0;\r
27 \r
28   double\r
29     mean_operations_per_second_per_cpu,\r
30     difference_per_second_per_cpu,\r
31     total_difference_per_second_per_cpu,\r
32     std_dev_per_second_per_cpu,\r
33     scalability;\r
34 \r
35   /* TRD : here we benchmark the stack\r
36 \r
37            the benchmark is to have a single stack\r
38            where a worker thread busy-works pushing then popping\r
39   */\r
40 \r
41   cpu_count = abstraction_cpu_count();\r
42 \r
43   thread_handles = (thread_state_t *) malloc( sizeof(thread_state_t) * cpu_count );\r
44 \r
45   sb = (struct lfds611_stack_benchmark *) malloc( sizeof(struct lfds611_stack_benchmark) * cpu_count );\r
46 \r
47   // TRD : print the benchmark ID and CSV header\r
48   printf( "\n"\r
49           "Release %s Stack Benchmark #1\n"\r
50           "CPUs,total ops,mean ops/sec per CPU,standard deviation,scalability\n", LFDS611_RELEASE_NUMBER_STRING );\r
51 \r
52   // TRD : we run CPU count times for scalability\r
53   for( thread_count = 1 ; thread_count <= cpu_count ; thread_count++ )\r
54   {\r
55     // TRD : initialisation\r
56     lfds611_stack_new( &ss, 1000 );\r
57 \r
58     for( loop = 0 ; loop < cpu_count ; loop++ )\r
59     {\r
60       (sb+loop)->ss = ss;\r
61       (sb+loop)->operation_count = 0;\r
62     }\r
63 \r
64     // TRD : main test\r
65     for( loop = 0 ; loop < thread_count ; loop++ )\r
66       abstraction_thread_start( &thread_handles[loop], loop, benchmark_lfds611_stack_thread_push_and_pop, sb+loop );\r
67 \r
68     for( loop = 0 ; loop < thread_count ; loop++ )\r
69       abstraction_thread_wait( thread_handles[loop] );\r
70 \r
71     // TRD : post test math\r
72     total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus = 0;\r
73     total_difference_per_second_per_cpu = 0;\r
74 \r
75     for( loop = 0 ; loop < thread_count ; loop++ )\r
76       total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus += (sb+loop)->operation_count;\r
77 \r
78     mean_operations_per_second_per_cpu = ((double) total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus / (double) thread_count) / (double) 10;\r
79 \r
80     if( thread_count == 1 )\r
81       total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus_for_one_cpu = total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus;\r
82 \r
83     for( loop = 0 ; loop < thread_count ; loop++ )\r
84     {\r
85       difference_per_second_per_cpu = ((double) (sb+loop)->operation_count / (double) 10) - mean_operations_per_second_per_cpu;\r
86       total_difference_per_second_per_cpu += difference_per_second_per_cpu * difference_per_second_per_cpu;\r
87     }\r
88 \r
89     std_dev_per_second_per_cpu = sqrt( (double) total_difference_per_second_per_cpu );\r
90 \r
91     scalability = (double) total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus / (double) (total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus_for_one_cpu * thread_count);\r
92 \r
93     printf( "%u,%u,%.0f,%.0f,%0.2f\n", thread_count, (unsigned int) total_operations_for_full_test_for_all_cpus, mean_operations_per_second_per_cpu, std_dev_per_second_per_cpu, scalability );\r
94 \r
95     // TRD : cleanup\r
96     lfds611_stack_delete( ss, NULL, NULL );\r
97   }\r
98 \r
99   free( sb );\r
100 \r
101   free( thread_handles );\r
102 \r
103   return;\r
104 }\r
105 \r
106 \r
107 \r
108 \r
109 \r
110 /****************************************************************************/\r
111 thread_return_t CALLING_CONVENTION benchmark_lfds611_stack_thread_push_and_pop( void *stack_benchmark )\r
112 {\r
113   struct lfds611_stack_benchmark\r
114     *sb;\r
115 \r
116   void\r
117     *user_data = NULL;\r
118 \r
119   time_t\r
120     start_time;\r
121 \r
122   assert( stack_benchmark != NULL );\r
123 \r
124   sb = (struct lfds611_stack_benchmark *) stack_benchmark;\r
125 \r
126   time( &start_time );\r
127 \r
128   while( time(NULL) < start_time + 10 )\r
129   {\r
130     lfds611_stack_push( sb->ss, user_data );\r
131     lfds611_stack_pop( sb->ss, &user_data );\r
132 \r
133     sb->operation_count += 2;\r
134   }\r
135 \r
136   return( (thread_return_t) EXIT_SUCCESS );\r
137 }\r
138 \r