--- /dev/null
+# edit package metadata
+#zpm pkg -s packager=foo zpm
+# zpm pkg -f <pkgfile> zpm path packager=xyz
+# zpm pkg zpm packager zyz
+# zpm pkg zpm packager
+warn() {
+ printf '%s:' "$0" 1>&2
+ printf ' %s' $* 1>&2
+ printf '\n' 1>&2
+ rv=1
+die() {
+ printf '%s:' "$0" 1>&2
+ printf ' %s' $* 1>&2
+ printf '\n' 1>&2
+ exit 1
+while getopts f: opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ f) pkgfile="$OPTARG" ;;
+ esac
+shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+set -e
+if [ ! -f $pkgfile ]; then
+ echo cannot find $pkgfile
+ exit 1
+#printf "pkg: %s\n" $pkg
+pkgid=$(zpm findpkg -f $pkgfile "$item")
+if [ -z "$pkgid" ]; then
+ die "can't find pkgid for $item in $pkgfile"
+path=$(zpm quote "$path")
+printf "begin;\n"
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ item=$1
+ shift
+ show=0
+ case "$item" in
+ :*)
+ pkgid=$(zpm findpkg -f $pkgfile "${item#:}")
+ continue
+ ;;
+ +*)
+ path="${item#+}"
+ path=$(zpm quote "$path")
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *=*)
+ field=${item%%=*}
+ value=${item#*=}
+ ;;
+ *=)
+ field=${item%%=*}
+ value=
+ ;;
+ *)
+ field=$item
+ show=1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # TODO if field = pkgid, parse and set
+ # TODO if changing pkgid, and it doesn't exist, better error
+ # message
+ if [ -z "$pkgid" ]; then
+ warn "can't find pkgid for $item in $pkgfile"
+ break;
+ fi
+ if [ $field = delete ]; then
+ printf "delete from packagefiles_pkgid where pkgid = '%s' and path = '%s';\n" "$pkgid" "$path"
+ else
+ vfield=$(zpm quote "$field")
+ hasfield=$(zpm shell $pkgfile "select name from pragma_table_info('packagefiles') where name = '$vfield';")
+ if [ -z "$hasfield" ]; then
+ warn "$field is not a valid packagefile field"
+ break
+ fi
+ field=$(zpm quote -i "$field")
+ if [ $show -eq 1 ]; then
+ printf "select %s from packagefiles_pkgid where pkgid = '%s' and path='$path';\n" "$field" "$pkgid"
+ continue
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$value" ]; then
+ value=NULL
+ else
+ value=$(zpm quote -q "$value")
+ fi
+ printf "update packagefiles_pkgid set %s = %s where pkgid = '$pkgid' and path='$path';\n" $field $value
+ fi
+if [ $rv -eq 0 ]; then
+ printf "commit;\n"
+ printf "rollback;\n"
+} | zpm shell $pkgfile
+exit $rv