-PDCLib - the `Public Domain C Library<http://pdclib.e43.eu>`_\r
+PDCLib - the `Public Domain C Library <http://pdclib.e43.eu>`_\r
What is it\r
-Written in 2003-2012 by Martin "Solar" Baute,\r
- 2012- by Owen Shepherd\r
+Written in \r
+ * 2003-2012 by Martin "Solar" Baute,\r
+ * 2012- by Owen Shepherd\r
To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright \r
and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain \r
Development Status\r
-v0.1 - 2004-12-12\r
-Freestanding-only C99 implementation without any overlay, and missing\r
-the INTN_C() / UINTN_C() macros. <float.h> still has the enquire.c\r
-values hardcoded into it; not sure whether to include enquire.c in the\r
-package, to leave <float.h> to the overlay, or devise some parameterized\r
-macro magic as for <limits.h> / <stdint.h>. Not thoroughly tested, but\r
-I had to make the 0.1 release sometime so why not now.\r
-v0.2 - 2005-01-12\r
-Adds implementations for <string.h> (excluding strerror()), INTN_C() /\r
-UINTN_C() macros, and some improvements in the internal headers.\r
-Test drivers still missing, but added warnings about that.\r
-v0.3 - 2005-11-21\r
-Adds test drivers, fixes some bugs in <string.h>.\r
-v0.4 - 2005-02-06\r
-Implementations for parts of <stdlib.h>. Still missing are the floating\r
-point conversions, and the wide-/multibyte-character functions.\r
-v0.4.1 - 2006-11-16\r
-With v0.5 (<stdio.h>) taking longer than expected, v0.4.1 was set up as\r
-a backport of bugfixes in the current development code.\r
-- #1 realloc( NULL, size ) fails (fixed)\r
-- #2 stdlib.h - insufficient documentation (fixed)\r
-- #4 Misspelled name in credits (fixed)\r
-- #5 malloc() splits off too-small nodes (fixed)\r
-- #6 qsort() stack overflow (fixed)\r
-- #7 malloc() bug in list handling (fixed)\r
-- #8 strncmp() does not terminate at '\0' (fixed)\r
-- #9 stdint.h dysfunctional (fixed)\r
-- #10 NULL redefinition warnings (fixed)\r
-v0.5 - 2010-12-22\r
-Implementations for <inttypes.h>, <errno.h>, most parts of <stdio.h>,\r
-and strerror() from <string.h>.\r
-Still no locale / wide-char support. Enabled all GCC compiler warnings I\r
-could find, and fixed everything that threw a warning. (You see this,\r
-maintainers of Open Source software? No warnings whatsoever. Stop telling\r
-me it cannot be done.) Fixed all known bugs in the v0.4 release.\r
+``v0.1 - 2004-12-12``\r
+ Freestanding-only C99 implementation without any overlay, and missing\r
+ the INTN_C() / UINTN_C() macros. <float.h> still has the enquire.c\r
+ values hardcoded into it; not sure whether to include enquire.c in the\r
+ package, to leave <float.h> to the overlay, or devise some parameterized\r
+ macro magic as for <limits.h> / <stdint.h>. Not thoroughly tested, but\r
+ I had to make the 0.1 release sometime so why not now.\r
+``v0.2 - 2005-01-12``\r
+ Adds implementations for <string.h> (excluding strerror()), INTN_C() /\r
+ UINTN_C() macros, and some improvements in the internal headers.\r
+ Test drivers still missing, but added warnings about that.\r
+``v0.3 - 2005-11-21``\r
+ Adds test drivers, fixes some bugs in <string.h>.\r
+``v0.4 - 2005-02-06``\r
+ Implementations for parts of <stdlib.h>. Still missing are the floating\r
+ point conversions, and the wide-/multibyte-character functions.\r
+``v0.4.1 - 2006-11-16``\r
+ With v0.5 (<stdio.h>) taking longer than expected, v0.4.1 was set up as\r
+ a backport of bugfixes in the current development code.\r
+ - #1 realloc( NULL, size ) fails\r
+ - #2 stdlib.h - insufficient documentation\r
+ - #4 Misspelled name in credits\r
+ - #5 malloc() splits off too-small nodes\r
+ - #6 qsort() stack overflow\r
+ - #7 malloc() bug in list handling\r
+ - #8 strncmp() does not terminate at '\0'\r
+ - #9 stdint.h dysfunctional\r
+ - #10 NULL redefinition warnings\r
+``v0.5 - 2010-12-22``\r
+ Implementations for <inttypes.h>, <errno.h>, most parts of <stdio.h>,\r
+ and strerror() from <string.h>.\r
+ Still no locale / wide-char support. Enabled all GCC compiler warnings I\r
+ could find, and fixed everything that threw a warning. (You see this,\r
+ maintainers of Open Source software? No warnings whatsoever. Stop telling\r
+ me it cannot be done.) Fixed all known bugs in the v0.4 release.\r
Near Future\r