--- /dev/null
+ * Global definitions for the C MINUS 32 compiler.\r
+ *\r
+ * Copyright 1990, Dave Dunfield\r
+ * Copyright 1992-1995 R.A. Burgess\r
+#define FALSE 0\r
+#define TRUE 1\r
+ * Misc. fixed compiler parameters\r
+ */\r
+#define LINE_MAX 200 /* maximum size of input line */\r
+#define MACROS 500 /* number of macros allowed */\r
+#define MAC_BUFF 15000 /* string space alloted to macro pool */\r
+#define PARAMETERS 10 /* maximum # parameters to a macro */\r
+#define PARM_BUFF 200 /* parameter names & definitions */\r
+#define INCL_DEPTH 5 /* maximum depth of include files */\r
+#define GBUFFSIZE 15000 /* n bytes in symbol name pool */\r
+#define LBUFFSIZE 300 /* n bytes in Local symbol name pool */\r
+#define SYMBOL_SIZE 31 /* Max chars in symbol name */\r
+#define EXPR_DEPTH 20 /* maximum depth of expression stack */\r
+#define MAX_SYMBOLS 300 /* maximum # active symbols */\r
+#define MAX_ARGS 20 /* maximum # arguments to a function */\r
+#define MAX_PROTOS 700 /* maximum # params for all functions */\r
+#define LOOP_DEPTH 10 /* maximum # nested loops */\r
+#define MAX_SWITCH 80 /* maximum # active switch-case statements */\r
+#define DIM_SIZE 100 /* maximum # active array dimensions */\r
+#define DEFINE_SIZE 260 /* maximum # defines - was 150 */\r
+#define DEFINE_BUFF 2800 /* size of define string space - was 1500*/\r
+#define LITER_BUFF 10000 /* size of literal string space */\r
+#define MAX_ERRORS 15 /* # error before termination forced */\r
+ Bits found in the "type" entry of symbol table, also\r
+ used on the expression stack to keep track of element types,\r
+ and passed to the code generation routines to identify types.\r
+ The POINTER definition indicates the level of pointer indirection,\r
+ and should contain all otherwise unused bits, in the least significant\r
+ (rightmost) bits of the word.\r
+ All structure definitions are marked as STRUCDEF. The TAG is optionally\r
+ the name in the symbol table. The tag may be reused to dine other\r
+ structure variables. The members of a STRUCDEF follow the it directly\r
+ in the sysbol table and are marked as STRUCMEM. When a structure\r
+ variable is actually defined it is simply marked as a STRUCT and\r
+#define STRUCMEM 0x04000000L /* structure member (follows strucdef) */\r
+#define STRUCDEF 0x02000000L /* struct TAG define, members follow */\r
+#define TYPDEF 0x01000000L /* for type definition & struct tags */\r
+#define ISR 0x00800000L /* function is interrupt type */\r
+#define REFERENCE 0x00400000L /* symbol has been referenced */\r
+#define GLOBAL 0x00200000L /* symbol is not local - access by name */\r
+#define INITED 0x00100000L /* symbol is initialized */\r
+#define GLABEL 0x00080000L /* symbol is a goto label - local only */\r
+#define FUNCTION 0x00040000L /* symbol is a function */\r
+#define PROTO 0x00020000L /* symbol is a prototype function */\r
+#define VARARGS 0x00010000L /* function has var nParams */\r
+#define ARGUMENT 0x00008000L /* symbol is a function argument */\r
+#define EXTERNAL 0x00004000L /* external reference */\r
+#define FAR 0x00002000L /* far - pointers and functions ONLY */\r
+#define STATIC 0x00001000L /* symbol is not public or External*/\r
+#define CONSTANT 0x00000800L /* warning if assigned a value */\r
+#define REGISTER 0x00000400L /* register symbol */\r
+#define STRUCT 0x00000200L /* a structure */\r
+#define ARRAY 0x00000100L /* symbol is an array */\r
+#define UNSIGNED 0x00000080L /* Use unsigned value */\r
+#define DWORD 0x00000040L /* 32 bit */\r
+#define WORD 0x00000020L /* 16 bit */\r
+#define BYTE 0x00000010L /* 8 bit */\r
+#define VOID 0x00000008L /* functions and params only */\r
+#define POINTER 0x00000007L /* 7 levels of pointer indirection max */\r
+#define SIZEMASK 0x00000070L /* mask to test size only */\r
+ Tokens identifing value types.\r
+#define NUMBER 100 /* numeric constant */\r
+#define STRING 101 /* literal constant */\r
+#define LABEL 102 /* label address */\r
+#define SYMBOL 103 /* symbol value */\r
+#define INEAX 104 /* value in EAX (accumulator) */\r
+#define INECX 105 /* value is in secondary register */\r
+#define INEDX 106 /* pointer in EDX reg (indirect access) */\r
+#define PECX 107 /* pointer in ECX reg (indirect access) */\r
+#define PEDX 108 /* pointer in EDX register (indirect access) */\r
+#define PESI 109 /* pointer in index register (indirect access) */\r
+/* EBX is used as the top of the processor stack. It's simply\r
+ for rapid access to stacked items. If another item is placed\r
+ on the stack and a token is the "active EBX item" then it\r
+ must be pushed onto the real stack.\r
+#define STACK_TOP 110 /* Value in EBX for accessibility */\r
+#define ISTACK_TOP 111 /* Index to value in EBX for accessibility */\r
+#define ON_STACK 112 /* Value actually on Processor stack */\r
+#define ION_STACK 113 /* Index to value actually on Processor stack */\r