--- /dev/null
+set client_min_messages to warning;
+\set ECHO
+\set QUIET 1
+-- Turn off echo and keep things quiet.
+-- Format the output for nice TAP.
+\pset format unaligned
+\pset tuples_only true
+\pset pager
+-- Revert all changes on failure.
+\set ON_ERROR_STOP true
+select plan(33);
+select lives_ok('create temp table uuidtest (id uuid primary key)', 'create temp table');
+select lives_ok('insert into uuidtest select uuid_v4()', 'generate v4 uuid');
+select is(uuid_recent(), (select * from uuidtest), 'uuid_recent works');
+select lives_ok('select uuid_v4()', 'generate v4 uuid');
+select isnt(uuid_recent(), (select * from uuidtest), 'uuid_recent still works');
+--Generation Functions:
+select lives_ok('select uuid_v1()', 'generate v1 uuid');
+select lives_ok('select uuid_v1mc()', 'generate v1 random mac uuid');
+select lives_ok(E'select uuid_v3(uuid_recent(), \'llll\'::text)', 'generate v3 uuid');
+select lives_ok('select uuid_v4()', 'generate v4 uuid');
+select lives_ok(E'select uuid_v5(uuid_recent(), \'llll\'::text)', 'generate v5 uuid');
+select lives_ok(E'select uuid_url(\'http://pd.if.org\'::text)', 'generate url uuid');
+select lives_ok(E'select uuid_dns(\'pd.if.org\'::text)', 'generate url uuid');
+select lives_ok(E'select uuid_oid(\'2.25\'::text)', 'generate url uuid');
+--Returns a version 5 uuid using the DNS namespace.
+-- lookups
+select is(uuid_nil(), '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'::uuid, 'get nil uuid');
+select is(uuid_ns_dns(), '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'::uuid, 'get dns uuid');
+select is(uuid_ns_url(), '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'::uuid, 'get url uuid');
+select is(uuid_ns_oid(), '6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'::uuid, 'get oid uuid');
+select is(uuid_ns_x500(), '6ba7b813-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'::uuid, 'get x500 uuid');
+-- casts
+select has_cast('uuid','numeric');
+select has_cast('uuid','bytea');
+select has_cast('uuid','bit');
+select has_cast('uuid','bit varying');
+select has_cast('numeric', 'uuid');
+select has_cast('bytea', 'uuid');
+select has_cast('bit','uuid');
+select has_cast('bit varying','uuid');
+select is(uuid_ns_dns()::bytea, '\x6ba7b8109dad11d180b400c04fd430c8'::bytea, 'bytea cast');
+select is('\x6ba7b8109dad11d180b400c04fd430c8'::bytea::uuid, uuid_ns_dns(), 'bytea uncast');
+select is(uuid_recent()::numeric::uuid, uuid_recent(), 'reversible numeric cast');
+select is(uuid_recent()::bytea::uuid, uuid_recent(), 'reversible bytea cast');
+select is(uuid_recent()::bit(128)::uuid, uuid_recent(), 'reversible bit(128) cast');
+select is(uuid_recent()::bit varying::uuid, uuid_recent(), 'reversible bit varying cast');
+-- create a whole bunch of timestamp uuids
+select lives_ok('insert into uuidtest select uuid_v1() from generate_series(1,10000)', '10000 unique');
+select * from finish();
+functions in purepguuid.sql.
+UUID Lookup Functions:
+returns the most recent uuid generated by this backend. Returns
+the nil uuid if no uuids have been generated yet.
+Numeric: treats the UUID as a 128 bit number and converts it to a numeric.
+Bit(128) and bit varying: treats the uuid as a 128 bit vector.
+Casts to bit(n) where n is shorter than 128 will truncate
+the uuid. Where n is longer than 128, the bit vector
+will be zero extended.
+Field extraction functions:
+Returns an integer corresponding to the 4 bit version number.
+Returns a macaddr type corresponding to the mac address part of the
+uuid. This function can be called on any uuid, not just version 1 uuids.
+Returns a timestamp corresponding to the timestamp field in the uuid. You
+probably want to use uuid_timestamptz().
+Returns a timestamp with time zonecorresponding to the timestamp field in the