release integer,
path text, -- filesystem path
- mode text, -- perms, use text for octal rep?
- username text, -- name of owner
- groupname text, -- group of owner
+ mode text not null, -- perms, use text for octal rep?
+ username text not null, -- name of owner
+ groupname text not null, -- group of owner
uid integer, -- numeric uid, generally ignored
gid integer, -- numeric gid, generally ignored
- filetype varchar default 'r',
+ configuration integer not null default 0, -- boolean if config file
+ filetype varchar not null default 'r',
-- r regular file
-- d directory
-- s symlink
hash text, -- null if no actual content, i.e. anything but a regular file
mtime integer, -- seconds since epoch, finer resolution probably not needed
primary key (package,version,release,path),
- foreign key (package,version,release) references packages (package,version,release) on delete cascade
+ foreign key (package,version,release) references packages (package,version,release) on delete cascade,
+ check (not (filetype = 'l' and target is null)),
+ check (not (filetype = 'r' and hash is null)),
+ check (not (filetype = 'c' and (devmajor is null or devminor is null)))
without rowid
-create view installedfiles as
-select PF.package, PF.version, PF.release,
-printf('%s-%s-%s', PF.package, PF.version, PF.release) as pkgid,
-PF.path, PF.hash, PF.filetype
-from packagefiles PF
-left join packages P
-on P.package = PF.package and P.version = PF.version and P.release = PF.release
-P.status = 'installed'
+create view packagefiles_pkgid as
+select printf('%s-%s-%s', package, version, release) as pkgid, *
+from packagefiles
create view installed_ref_count as
group by I.path
+create view packagefiles_status as
+select P.status, PF.*
+from packagefiles_pkgid PF
+left join packages_pkgid P on P.pkgid = PF.pkgid
+create view installedfiles as
+select * from packagefiles_status
+where status = 'installed'
+create view install_status as
+select 'new' as op, PN.*
+from packagefiles_status PN
+left join installed_ref_count RC on RC.path = PN.path
+where RC.refcount is null
+and PN.status = 'installing'
+union all
+select 'update' as op, PN.*
+from packagefiles_status PN
+inner join installedfiles PI on PI.path = PN.path and PI.package = PN.package
+left join installed_ref_count RC on RC.path = PN.path
+where RC.refcount = 1
+and PN.status = 'installing'
+union all
+select 'conflict' as op, PI.*
+from packagefiles_status PN
+inner join installedfiles PI on PI.path = PN.path and PI.package != PN.package
+where PN.status = 'installing'
+union all
+select 'remove' as op, PI.*
+from installedfiles PI
+left join packagefiles_status PN
+ on PI.path = PN.path and PI.package = PN.package
+where PN.path is null
+and PN.status = 'installing'
create table pathtags (
-- package id triple
package text,
--- /dev/null
+plan 5
+rm -f $PF
+zpm-shell $PF < db.sql
+okexit direct schema load
+{ cat<<-EOS
+pragma foreign_keys = off;
+insert into packagefiles
+} | zpm-shell $PF 2>/dev/null
+okexit basic packagefile insert
+{ cat<<-EOS
+pragma foreign_keys = off;
+insert into packagefiles
+} | zpm-shell $PF 2>/dev/null
+failsok regular with null hash rejected
+{ cat<<-EOS
+pragma foreign_keys = off;
+insert into packagefiles
+} | zpm-shell $PF 2>/dev/null
+failsok null groupname rejected
+{ cat<<-EOS
+pragma foreign_keys = off;
+insert into packagefiles
+} | zpm-shell $PF 2>/dev/null
+failsok null username rejected
+rm -f $PF
+exit 0
+zpm-test test.empty 2>/dev/null
+failsok zpm-test of empty file
+zpm-init $PF
+ zpm-init new file
+rm -f $PF test.empty