--- /dev/null
+;INITIAL.JOB - This is the initial jobs file.\r
+;You may list the jobs that you wanted executed upon\r
+;system boot in this file. One run file name per line,\r
+;no spaces in front of the name and a proper end-of-line\r
+;after each entry. Any spaces, tabs or comments after\r
+;the run file name are ignored. No parameters are passed\r
+;to the run file. The file name must contain the FULL\r
+;file name including path. (e.g., Drive:\DIR\NAME.RUN)\r
+;Comment lines begin with a semi-colon\r
+;Maximum line length is 80 characters total.\r
+;C:\MMSYS\CLI.RUN <---- this would be swtiched to after boot\r
+;End of file\r