newpkg $pkgid /bin/echo
skiponfail 3 "can't create $pkgid" || {
- zpm setscript -f $PF $pkgid pre-install /bin/true
+ zpm script -s -f $PF -p pre-install $pkgid /bin/true
okexit "add true pre-install script to $pkgid"
skiponfail 2 "can't set $pkgid pre-install script" || {
tryrun zpm install -v -R. -d local.db -f $PF $pkgid
-newpkg $pkgid /bin/printf
+newpkg $pkgid /bin/head
skiponfail 3 "can't create $pkgid" || {
- zpm setscript -f $PF $pkgid pre-install /bin/false
+ zpm script -s -f $PF -p pre-install $pkgid /bin/false
okexit "add false pre-install script to $pkgid"
skiponfail 1 "can't set $pkgid pre-install script" || {
zpm install -R. -d local.db -f $PF $pkgid 2>/dev/null
# option for "multipackage" just to let the system know that's what you meant
# option to take filenames from stdin
# parse package, version, release from file if not given
# TODO -l follow symlinks, -L follow symlinks, adding all, links and targets
-while getopts :f:vr:l:P:S:cu:g:NC opt; do
+# -T set link target
+# -M set mtime
+# -m set mode
+# -H set hash, will be overridden for regular files unless -N is set
+# -F set filetype, regular, symlink, directory
+while getopts :f:vr:l:P:S:cu:g:NCm:M:T:H:F: opt; do
case $opt in
N) addcontent=0 ;;
f) pkgfile="$OPTARG" ;;
S) strip=$(cleanpath "$OPTARG"); ;;
t) tags="$tags $OPTARG" ;;
c) isconfig=1 ;;
- u) username="$OPTARG" ;;
- g) groupname="$OPTARG" ;;
- m) mode="$OPTARG" ;;
+ u) cluser="$OPTARG" ;;
+ g) clgroup="$OPTARG" ;;
+ m) clmode="$OPTARG" ;;
+ M) clmtime="$OPTARG" ;;
+ T) cltarget="$OPTARG" ;;
+ F) cltype="$OPTARG" ;;
+ H) clhash="$OPTARG" ;;
v) verbose=$((verbose + 1)) ;;
C) complete=1 ;;
*) echo 'unknown option' $OPTARG; exit 1 ;;
#strip=$(cleanpath "$strip")
for path in $*; do
#echo adding $path
- mtime=$(zpm stat -f '%y' $path)
- uid=$(zpm stat -f '%u' $path)
- gid=$(zpm stat -f '%g' $path)
- if [ -z "$mode" ]; then
- mode=$(zpm stat -f '%a' $path)
- fi
- # only stat the file for the user and group name if not set on the
- # command line
- : ${username:=$(zpm stat -f '%U' $path)}
- : ${groupname:=$(zpm stat -f '%G' $path)}
+ # only stat the file for items not set on the command line
+ mode=${clmode:-$(zpm stat -f '%a' $path)}
+ username=${cluser:-$(zpm stat -f '%U' $path)}
+ groupname=${clgroup:-$(zpm stat -f '%G' $path)}
+ mtime=${clmtime:-$(zpm stat -f '%y' $path)}
+ filetype=${cltype:-$(zpm stat -l -f '%t' "$path")}
# ensure all paths are absolute
- filetype=$(zpm stat -l -f '%t' "$path")
case "$filetype" in
die "zpm addfile failed ($?): $pkgfile $path"
- hash=$(zpm hash "$path")
+ if [ -z "$clhash" ]; then
+ hash=$(zpm hash "$path")
+ else
+ hash=$clhash
+ fi
- target=$(readlink $path)
- target="'$target'"
+ if [ -n "$cltarget" ]; then
+ target=$cltarget
+ else
+ target=$(readlink $path)
+ target=$(zpm quote -q "$target")
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ die "filetype $filetype not supported"
+++ /dev/null
-# list a files libraries
-while getopts avs arg; do
- case $arg in
- a) all=1;;
- v) verbose=1;;
- c) check=1;;
- s) script=1;;
- ?) printf 'usage: zpm-preserve [-av] <pkgname>\n'
- exit 1
- ;;
- esac
-pacman -Qlq "$pkgname" | while read file; do
- if [ ! -f "$file" ]; then continue; fi
- base=$(basename "$file")
- if [ $all -eq 0 ] && [ "$base" = "${base#lib}" ]; then continue; fi
- if [ $check -eq 1 ]; then
- elftype -e "$file"
- rv=$?
- if [ $rv -ne 0 ]; then continue; fi
- for lib in $(zpm getlibs $file | grep preserve); do
- echo $pkgname $file $lib
- done
- continue
- fi
- soname=$(soname $file)
- if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ -n "$soname" ]; then
- dir=$(dirname "$file")
- if [ "$script" -ne 0 ]; then
- printf 'mkdir -p "%s"\n' "$dir/preserve"
- printf 'ln -f "%s" "%s"\n' "$file" "$dir/preserve/"
- else
- mkdir -p "$dir/preserve"
- if [ "$verbose" -gt 0 ]; then
- printf '# preserving %s\n' "$file"
- fi
- ln -f "$file" "$dir/preserve/"
- fi
- fi
--- /dev/null
+die() {
+ echo $* 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# zpm-install [-SCn] [ -d localdb ] [ -f pkgfile ] [ -R installroot ] pkgstr ...
+while getopts f:d:R:nSCvA opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ A) absorb=1 ;;
+ f) pkgfile="$OPTARG" ;;
+ d) localdb="$OPTARG" ;;
+ R) rootdir="$OPTARG" ;;
+ S) runscripts=0 ;;
+ C) runconfigure=0 ;;
+ n) dryrun=1 ;;
+ v) verbose=1 ;;
+ *) die "usage ..." ;;
+ esac
+shift $(( OPTIND - 1))
+if [ -z "$pkgid" ]; then
+ die "must specify pkgid"
+eval "$(zpm parse -E $pkgid)"
+if [ -z "$pkgfile" ]; then
+# cases C = create ok, R = full package id, F = specified package file
+# immediate error
+# C-- 100 error, must specify something
+# --- 000 error, must specify something
+if [ -z "$release" ] && [ -z "$pkgfile" ]; then
+ die must specify package file or complete package id
+# TODO look in package file
+# --F 001 error, wouldn't know which pkgid to create, could derive from file?
+# C-F 101 error, since package wouldn't exist in file to find
+if [ -z "$release" ]; then
+ die must specify complete package id
+# set file from pkgid
+# CR- 110 set file from pkgid, create if needed
+# -R- 010 set file from pkgid, create in file, error if no file
+if [ -z "$pkgfile" ]; then
+ pkgfile="$pkgid.zpm"
+# will now be one of these
+# CRF 111 create package in file given, create file if needed
+# -RF 011 create package in file, error if file doesn't exist
+if [ ! -f "$pkgfile" ]; then
+ if [ $create -eq 1 ]; then
+ zpm init $pkgfile
+ else
+ die $pkgfile does not exist
+ fi
+if [ "$idempotent" = 1 ]; then
+ idempotent='or ignore'
+package=$(zpm quote "$name")
+pkgver=$(zpm quote "$version")
+pkgrel=$(zpm quote "$release")
+export ZPMDB
+if [ -z "$ZPMDB" ]; then
+ die "no local db"
+ #echo "localdb = $ZPMDB"
+ true
+zpm test -v "$ZPMDB" || die "$ZPMDB is not a zpm database"
+# check if we're installing something already
+var=$(zpm list -f $localdb -s installing | wc -l)
+if [ $var -gt 0 ]; then
+ zpm list -v -f $localdb -s installing
+ die "already ($localdb) installing $var package(s)"
+if [ -n "$rootdir" ]; then
+ ZPM_ROOT_DIR="$rootdir"
+ export ZPM_ROOT_DIR
+for pkgstr in "$@"; do
+ echo removing $pkgstr from $ZPMDB
+ pkgid=$(zpm findpkg -s installed -f $ZPMDB $pkgstr)
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ die "$pkgid is not installed"
+ fi
+ eval $(zpm parse -E $pkgid)
+ echo found $name $version $release
+ if [ $runscripts -gt 0 ]; then
+ zpm script -r -f $pkgfile -p pre-uninstall $pkgid $current
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ # TODO log
+ die "pre-uninstall script for $pkgid failed"
+ fi
+ fi
+ zpm pkg $pkgid status=removing
+ #zpm shell $ZPMDB 'select * from install_status' 1>&2
+ if [ $dryrun -gt 0 ]; then
+ zpm syncfs -nv
+ zpm pkg $pkgid status=dryrun
+ continue
+ fi
+ zpm syncfs
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ die 'zpm-pkgfiles failed';
+ fi
+ zpm pkg $pkgid status=removed
+ if [ $runscripts -gt 0 ]; then
+ zpm script -r -p post-uninstall $pkgid
+ fi