// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double abs( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float abs( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double abs( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-double fabs( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float fabs( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double fabs( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double cabs( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float cabsf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double cabsl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex acos( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex acos( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex acos( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex cacos( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex cacosf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex cacosl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex acosh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex acosh( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex acosh( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex cacosh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex cacoshf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex cacoshl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double arg( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float arg( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double arg( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float carg( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double carg( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double carg( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float cargf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double cargl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex asin( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex asin( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex asin( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex casin( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex casinf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex casinl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex asinh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex asinh( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex asinh( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex casinh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex casinhf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex casinhl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex atan( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex atan( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex atan( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex catan( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex catanf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex catanl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex atanh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex atanh( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex atanh( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex catanh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex catanhf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex catanhl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float _Complex conj( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex conj( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex conj( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex conjf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex conjl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex cos( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex cos( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex cos( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex ccos( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex ccosf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex ccosl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex cosh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex cosh( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex cosh( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex ccosh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex ccoshf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex ccoshl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex exp( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex exp( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex exp( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex cexp( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex cexpf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex cexpl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double imag( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float imag( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double imag( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float cimag( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double cimag( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double cimag( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float cimagf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double cimagl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex log( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex log( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex log( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex clog( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex clogf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex clogl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex pow( double _Complex x, double _Complex y ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex pow( float _Complex x, float _Complex y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex pow( long double _Complex x, long double _Complex y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex cpow( double _Complex x, double _Complex y ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex cpowf( float _Complex x, float _Complex y ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex cpowl( long double _Complex x, long double _Complex y ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float _Complex cproj( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex cproj( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex cproj( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex cprojf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex cprojl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double real( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float real( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double real( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float creal( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double creal( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double creal( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float crealf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double creall( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex sin( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex sin( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex sin( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex csin( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex csinf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex csinl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex sinh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex sinh( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex sinh( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex csinh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex csinhf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex csinhl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex sqrt( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex sqrt( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex sqrt( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex csqrt( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex csqrtf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex csqrtl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex tan( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex tan( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex tan( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex ctan( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex ctanf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex ctanl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double _Complex tanh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float _Complex tanh( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double _Complex tanh( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double _Complex ctanh( double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
float _Complex ctanhf( float _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double _Complex ctanhl( long double _Complex x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-intmax_t abs( intmax_t i ) { /* TODO */ };
-imaxdiv_t div( intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom ) { /* TODO */ };
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Standard C
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-double abs( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float abs( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double abs( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float fabs( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double fabs( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long abs( long i ) { /* TODO */ };
-long long abs( long long i ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double fabs( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float acos( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double acos( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double acos( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float acosf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double acosl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float acosh( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double acosh( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double acosh( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float acoshf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double acoshl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float asin( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double asin( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double asin( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float asinf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double asinl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float asinh( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double asinh( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double asinh( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float asinhf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double asinhl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float atan( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double atan( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double atan( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float atanf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double atanl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float atan2( float y, float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double atan2( long double y, long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double atan2( double y, double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float atan2f( float y, float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double atan2l( long double y, long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float atanh( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double atanh( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double atanh( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float atanhf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double atanhl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float cbrt( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double cbrt( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double cbrt( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float ceil( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double ceil( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double ceil( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float copysign( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double copysign( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double copysign( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Own code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float cos( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double cos( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double cos( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float cosf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double cosl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float cosh( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double cosh( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double cosh( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float coshf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double coshl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float erf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double erf( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float erfc( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double erfc( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double erf( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float erff( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double erfl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float exp( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double exp( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float exp2( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double exp2( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float expm1( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double expm1( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float frexp( float x, int * exponent ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double frexp( long double x, int * exponent ) { /* TODO */ };
-float ldexp( float x, int exponent ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double ldexp( long double x, int exponent ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double exp( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float expf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double expl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float fdim( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double fdim( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double fdim( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float floor( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double floor( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double floor( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float fma( float x, float y, float z ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double fma( long double x, long double y, long double z ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double fma( double x, double y, double z ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float fmax( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double fmax( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double fmax( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float fmin( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double fmin( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double fmin( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-int fpclassify( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-int fpclassify( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-int fpclassify( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float lgamma( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double lgamma( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float tgamma( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double tgamma( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double lgamma( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float lgammaf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double lgammal( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float hypot( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double hypot( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double hypot( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isfinite( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isfinite( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isfinite( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isgreater( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isgreater( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isgreater( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isgreaterequal( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isgreaterequal( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isgreaterequal( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isinf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isinf( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isinf( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isless( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isless( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isless( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool islessequal( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool islessequal( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool islessequal( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool islessgreater( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool islessgreater( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool islessgreater( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isnan( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isnan( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isnan( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isnormal( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isnormal( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isnormal( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool isunordered( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isunordered( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool isunordered( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float log( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double log( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float log10( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double log10( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float log2( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double log2( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float logb( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double logb( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-int ilogb( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-int ilogb( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float log1p( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double log1p( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double log( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float logf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double logl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float fmod( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double fmod( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-float modf( float x, float * integer ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double modf( long double x, long double * integer ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double fmod( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float nearbyint( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double nearbyint( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double nearbyint( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float nextafter( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double nextafter( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double nextafter( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
float nextafterf( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
long double nextafterl( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float nexttoward( float x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double nexttoward( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double nexttoward( double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
float nexttowardf( float x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
long double nexttowardl( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float pow( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double pow( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-double pow( double x, int y ) { /* TODO */ };
-float pow( float x, int y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double pow( long double x, int y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double pow( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
float powf( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
long double powl( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float remainder( float x, float y ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double remainder( long double x, long double y ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double remainder( double x, double y ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float remquo( float x, float y, int * quotient ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double remquo( long double x, long double y, int * quotient ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double remquo( double x, double y, int * pquo ) { /* TODO */ };
float remquof( float x, float y, int * pquo ) { /* TODO */ };
long double remquol( long double x, long double y, int * pquo ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-long long llrint( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long long llrint( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long lrint( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long lrint( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float rint( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double rint( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
long long llrint( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
long long llrintf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long long llrintl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-long long llround( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long long llround( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long lround( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long lround( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-float round( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double round( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
long long llround( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
long long llroundf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long long llroundl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float scalbn( float x, int ex ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double scalbn( long double x, int ex ) { /* TODO */ };
-float scalbln( float x, long ex ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double scalbln( long double x, long ex ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double scalbn( double x, int ex ) { /* TODO */ };
float scalbnf( float x, int ex ) { /* TODO */ };
long double scalbnl( long double x, int ex ) { /* TODO */ };
+++ /dev/null
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// $Id$
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Public Domain C Library - http://pdclib.sourceforge.net
-// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-bool signbit( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool signbit( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-bool signbit( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float sin( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double sin( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double sin( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float sinf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double sinl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float sinh( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double sinh( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double sinh( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float sinhf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double sinhl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float sqrt( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double sqrt( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double sqrt( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float tan( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double tan( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double tan( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float tanf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double tanl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float tanh( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double tanh( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double tanh( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
float tanhf( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
long double tanhl( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
// This code is Public Domain. Use, modify, and redistribute at will.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// C++
-float trunc( float x ) { /* TODO */ };
-long double trunc( long double x ) { /* TODO */ };
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Standard C
double trunc( double x ) { /* TODO */ };
/* Therx code
#ifndef __COMPLEX_H
-#include "personality.h"
+#include "__personality.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-// These functions return the absolute value (magnitude) of their parameter.
-double abs( double _Complex x );
-float abs( float _Complex x );
-long double abs( long double _Complex x );
-double fabs( double _Complex x );
-float fabs( float _Complex x );
-long double fabs( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the sine of their parameter.
-double _Complex sin( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex sin( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex sin( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic sine of their parameter.
-double _Complex sinh( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex sinh( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex sinh( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the arcsine of their parameter.
-double _Complex asin( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex asin( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex asin( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic arcsine of their parameter.
-double _Complex asinh( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex asinh( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex asinh( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the cosine of their parameter.
-double _Complex cos( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex cos( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex cos( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic cosine of their parameter.
-double _Complex cosh( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex cosh( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex cosh( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the arccosine of their parameter.
-double _Complex acos( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex acos( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex acos( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic arccosine of their parameter.
-double _Complex acosh( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex acosh( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex acosh( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the tangent of their parameter.
-double _Complex tan( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex tan( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex tan( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic tangent of their parameter.
-double _Complex tanh( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex tanh( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex tanh( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the arctangent of their parameter.
-double _Complex atan( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex atan( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex atan( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic arctangent of their parameter.
-double _Complex atanh( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex atanh( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex atanh( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the imaginary part of their parameter.
-double imag( double _Complex x );
-float imag( float _Complex x );
-long double imag( long double _Complex x );
-float cimag( float _Complex x );
-long double cimag( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the real part of their parameter.
-double real( double _Complex x );
-float real( float _Complex x );
-long double real( long double _Complex x );
-float creal( float _Complex x );
-long double creal( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return x^y.
-double _Complex pow( double _Complex x, double _Complex y );
-float _Complex pow( float _Complex x, float _Complex y );
-long double _Complex pow( long double _Complex x, long double _Complex y );
-// These functions return the square root of their parameter.
-double _Complex sqrt( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex sqrt( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex sqrt( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the exponential of their parameter.
-double _Complex exp( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex exp( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex exp( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the logarithm of their parameter.
-double _Complex log( double _Complex x );
-float _Complex log( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex log( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the phase angle of their parameter.
-double arg( double _Complex x );
-float arg( float _Complex x );
-long double arg( long double _Complex x );
-float carg( float _Complex x );
-long double carg( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the conjugate of their parameter.
-float _Complex conj( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex conj( long double _Complex x );
-// These functions return the projection of their parameter.
-float _Complex cproj( float _Complex x );
-long double _Complex cproj( long double _Complex x );
-#endif // __cplusplus
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// FUNCTIONS - Standard C
// These functions return the absolute value (magnitude) of their parameter.
double cabs( double _Complex x );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-intmax_t abs( intmax_t i );
-imaxdiv_t div( intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom );
-#endif __cplusplus
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// FUNCTIONS - Standard C
intmax_t imaxabs( intmax_t i );
imaxdiv_t imaxdiv( intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef __cplusplus
#define and &&
#define and_eq &=
#define bitand &
#define xor ^
#define xor_eq ^=
-#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // __ISO646_H
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef __cplusplus
#define isgreater( x, y ) // TODO
#define isgreaterequal( x, y ) // TODO
#define isless( x, y ) // TODO
#define isnormal( x ) // TODO
#define signbit( x ) // TODO
-#else // __cplusplus
-// The same functionality as above is implemented as functions in C++.
-bool signbit( float x );
-bool signbit( double x );
-bool signbit( long double x );
-int fpclassify( float x );
-int fpclassify( double x );
-int fpclassify( long double x );
-bool isfinite( float x );
-bool isfinite( double x );
-bool isfinite( long double x );
-bool isinf( float x );
-bool isinf( double x );
-bool isinf( long double x );
-bool isnan( float x );
-bool isnan( double x );
-bool isnan( long double x );
-bool isnormal( float x );
-bool isnormal( double x );
-bool isnormal( long double x );
-bool isgreater( float x, float y );
-bool isgreater( double x, double y );
-bool isgreater( long double x, long double y );
-bool isgreaterequal( float x, float y );
-bool isgreaterequal( double x, double y );
-bool isgreaterequal( long double x, long double y );
-bool isless( float x, float y );
-bool isless( double x, double y );
-bool isless( long double x, long double y );
-bool islessequal( float x, float y );
-bool islessequal( double x, double y );
-bool islessequal( long double x, long double y );
-bool islessgreater( float x, float y );
-bool islessgreater( double x, double y );
-bool islessgreater( long double x, long double y );
-bool isunordered( float x, float y );
-bool isunordered( double x, double y );
-bool isunordered( long double x, long double y );
-#endif // __cplusplus
-// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-// These functions return the magnitude of their parameter.
-double abs( double x );
-float abs( float x );
-long double abs( long double x );
-float fabs( float x );
-long double fabs( long double x );
-// These functions return the sine of their parameter.
-float sin( float x );
-long double sin( long double x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic sine of their parameter.
-float sinh( float x );
-long double sinh( long double x );
-// These functions return the arcsine of their parameter.
-float asin( float x );
-long double asin( long double x );
-// These functions compute the arc hyperbolic sine of x.
-float asinh( float x );
-long double asinh( long double x );
-// These functions return the cosine of their parameter.
-float cos( float x );
-long double cos( long double x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic cosine of their parameter.
-float cosh( float x );
-long double cosh( long double x );
-// These functions return the arcsine of their parameter.
-float acos( float x );
-long double acos( long double x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic arccosine of their parameter.
-float acosh( float x );
-long double acosh( long double x );
-// These functions return the tangent of their parameter.
-float tan( float x );
-long double tan( long double x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic tangent of their parameter.
-float tanh( float x );
-long double tanh( long double x );
-// These functions return the arctangent of their parameter.
-float atan( float x );
-long double atan( long double x );
-// These functions return the hyperbolic arctangent of their parameter.
-float atanh( float x );
-long double atanh( long double x );
-// TODO
-float atan2( float y, float x );
-long double atan2( long double y, long double x );
-// These functions return sqrt( x^2 + y^2 ).
-float hypot( float x, float y );
-long double hypot( long double x, long double y );
-// These functions return their parameter x, raised to the power y.
-float pow( float x, float y );
-long double pow( long double x, long double y );
-double pow( double x, int y );
-float pow( float x, int y );
-long double pow( long double x, int y );
-// These functions return the square root of their parameter.
-float sqrt( float x );
-long double sqrt( long double x );
-// TODO
-float cbrt( float x );
-long double cbrt( long double x );
-// TODO
-float exp( float x );
-long double exp( long double x );
-// TODO
-float exp2( float x );
-long double exp2( long double x );
-// TODO
-float expm1( float x );
-long double expm1( long double x );
-// TODO
-float frexp( float x, int * exponent );
-long double frexp( long double x, int * exponent );
-// TODO
-float ldexp( float x, int exponent );
-long double ldexp( long double x, int exponent );
-// These functions return the natural logarithm of their parameter.
-float log( float x );
-long double log( long double x );
-// These functions return the logarithm (base 10 ) of their parameter.
-float log10( float x );
-long double log10( long double x );
-// These functions return the logarithm (base 2 ) of their parameter.
-float log2( float x );
-long double log2( long double x );
-// TODO
-float logb( float x );
-long double logb( long double x );
-// TODO
-int ilogb( float x );
-int ilogb( long double x );
-// TODO
-float log1p( float x );
-long double log1p( long double x );
-// These functions return the smallest integer no larger than their parameter
-float ceil( float x );
-long double ceil( long double x );
-// These functions return the biggest integer no larger than their parameter.
-float floor( float x );
-long double floor( long double x );
-// TODO
-float fmod( float x, float y );
-long double fmod( long double x, long double y );
-// TODO
-float modf( float x, float * integer );
-long double modf( long double x, long double * integer );
-// These functions return their parameter x, with the sign of parameter y.
-float copysign( float x, float y );
-long double copysign( long double x, long double y );
-// TODO
-float erf( float x );
-long double erf( long double x );
-// TODO
-float erfc( float x );
-long double erfc( long double x );
-// TODO
-float fdim( float x, float y );
-long double fdim( long double x, long double y );
-// TODO
-float fma( float x, float y, float z );
-long double fma( long double x, long double y, long double z );
-// These functions return the larger of their parameters.
-float fmax( float x, float y );
-long double fmax( long double x, long double y );
-// These functions return the smaller of their parameters.
-float fmin( float x, float y );
-long double fmin( long double x, long double y );
-// TODO
-long long llrint( float x );
-long long llrint( long double x );
-long lrint( float x );
-long lrint( long double x );
-float rint( float x );
-long double rint( long double x );
-// TODO
-long long llround( float x );
-long long llround( long double x );
-long lround( float x );
-long lround( long double x );
-float round( float x );
-long double round( long double x );
-// TODO
-float trunc( float x );
-long double trunc( long double x );
-// TODO
-float nearbyint( float x );
-long double nearbyint( long double x );
-// TODO
-float nextafter( float x, float y );
-long double nextafter( long double x, long double y );
-// TODO
-float nexttoward( float x, long double y );
-long double nexttoward( long double x, long double y );
-// TODO
-float remainder( float x, float y );
-long double remainder( long double x, long double y );
-// TODO
-float remquo( float x, float y, int * quotient );
-long double remquo( long double x, long double y, int * quotient );
-// TODO
-float scalbn( float x, int ex );
-long double scalbn( long double x, int ex );
-// TODO
-float scalbln( float x, long ex );
-long double scalbln( long double x, long ex );
-// TODO
-float lgamma( float x );
-long double lgamma( long double x );
-// TODO
-float tgamma( float x );
-long double tgamma( long double x );
-#endif // __cplusplus
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// FUNCTIONS - Standard C
// These functions return the magnitude of their parameter.
double fabs( double x );
#ifndef __STDLIB_H
#define __STDLIB_H __STDLIB_H
-// TODO: Documentation, C++ handling
+// TODO: Documentation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#endif // __cplusplus
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-long abs( long i );
-long long abs( long long i );
-ldiv_t div( long numer, long denom );
-lldiv_t div( long long numer, long long denom );
-#endif // __cplusplus
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// FUNCTIONS - Standard C
int abs( int i );
long long llabs( long long i );
char * getenv( const char * name );
int system( const char * s );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#define __cppwrapper( x ) extern "C++" x \
-extern "C" x
-#define __cppwrapper( x ) x
-#endif // __cplusplus
-__cppwrapper( int atexit( void (*func) ( void ) ) { /* TODO */ }; )
-__cppwrapper( void * bsearch( const void * key, const void * base, size_t nelem, size_t size, int (*cmp) ( const void * ck, const void * ce) ) { /* TODO */ }; )
-__cppwrapper( void qsort( void * base, size_t nelem, size_t size, int (*cmp) ( const void * e1, const void * e2) ) { /* TODO */ }; )
-#undef __cppwrapper
+int atexit( void (*func) ( void ) );
+void * bsearch( const void * key, const void * base, size_t nelem, size_t size, int (*cmp) ( const void * ck, const void * ce) );
+void qsort( void * base, size_t nelem, size_t size, int (*cmp) ( const void * e1, const void * e2) );
#endif // __STDLIB_H
#ifndef __STRING_H
#define __STRING_H __STRING_H
-// TODO: Documentation, C++ handling
+// TODO: Documentation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
char * strtok( char * restrict s1, const char * restrict s2 );
size_t strxfrm( char * restrict s1, const char * restrict s2, size_t n );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-const void * memchr( const void * s, int c, size_t n );
-void * memchr( void * s, int c, size_t n );
-const char * strchr( const char * s, int c );
-char * strchr( char * s, int c );
-const char * strpbrk( const char * s1, const char * s2 );
-char * strpbrk( char * s1, const char * s2 );
-const char * strrchr( const char * s, int c );
-char * strrchr( char * s, int c );
-const char * strstr( const char * s1, const char * s2 );
-char * strstr( char * s1, const char * s2 );
void * memchr( const void * s, int c, size_t n );
char * strchr( const char * s, int c );
char * strpbrk( const char *s1, const char * s2 );
char * strrchr( const char * s, int c );
char * strstr( const char * s1, const char * s2 );
-#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // __STRING_H
#ifndef __TGMATH_H
#define __TGMATH_H __TGMATH_H
-// TODO: Generics support, C++ handling
+// TODO: Generics support
#include <complex.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifndef __WCHAR_H
#define __WCHAR_H __WCHAR_H
-// TODO: Documentation, C++ handling
+// TODO: Documentation
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
wchar_t * wmemmove( wchar_t * s1, const wchar_t * s2, size_t n );
wchar_t * wmemset( wchar_t * s, wchar_t c, size_t n );
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-const wchar_t * wcschr( const wchar_t * s, wchar_t c );
-wchar_t * wcschr( wchar_t * s, wchar_t c );
-const wchar_t * wcspbrk( const wchar_t * s1, const wchar_t * s2 );
-wchar_t * wcspbrk( wchar_t * s1, const wchar_t * s2 );
-const wchar_t * wcsrchr( const wchar_t * s, wchar_t c );
-wchar_t * wcsrchr( wchar_t * s, wchar_t c );
-const wchar_t * wcsstr( const wchar_t * s1, const wchar_t * s2 );
-wchar_t * wcsstr( wchar_t * s1, const wchar_t * s2 );
-const wchar_t * wmemchr( const wchar_t * s, wchar_t c, size_t n );
-wchar_t * wmemchr( wchar_t * s, wchar_t c, size_t n );
wchar_t * wcschr( const wchar_t * s, wchar_t c );
wchar_t * wcspbrk( const wchar_t * s1, const wchar_t * s2 );
wchar_t * wcsrchr( const wchar_t * s, wchar_t c );
wchar_t * wcsstr( const wchar_t * s1, const wchar_t * s2 );
wchar_t * wmemchr( const wchar_t * s, wchar_t c, size_t n);
-#endif // __cplusplus
#endif // __WCHAR_H