--- /dev/null
+; MMURTL Operating System Source Code\r
+; Copyright 1991,1992,1993,1994 Richard A. Burgess\r
+; Version 1,0\r
+; All the static GDT descriptors below are defined as shown on page\r
+; 2-5 of the 80386 System Software Writer's Guide.\r
+; Comments next to each of the entries mean:\r
+; Limit - 00:15 DW A WORD (16 bits) with LSW of the Linear Segment Limit\r
+; Base - 00:15 DW A WORD (16 bits) with LSW of the Linear Segment Base\r
+; Base - 16:23 DB A BYTE (8 bits) with MSB of the Linear Segment Base\r
+; ProtType DB P/DPL/1/CRA or EWA/ Protection, Type, etc...\r
+; GranSizeLim DB Granularity/Size for code/\r
+; Base - 24:31 DB A BYTE (8 bits) with MSB of the Linear Segment base\r
+;Sel 00h\r
+PUBLIC GDT DD 2 DUP (0h) ;The first desc is always null\r
+;Sel 08\r
+OSCodeDesc DW 0FFFFh ; Limit 15-0 (4Gb)\r
+ DW 0000h ; Base 15-0\r
+ DB 00h ; Base 23-16 ;10000h\r
+ DB 10011010b ; P(1) DPL(00) 1 1 C(0) R(1) A(0)\r
+ DB 11001111b ; G(1) D(1) 0 0 Limit[19-16]\r
+ DB 00h ; Base 31-24\r
+;Sel 10h - This the OS and User Data descriptor.\r
+DataDesc DW 0FFFFh ;Limit (bits 0:15) at linear 00K\r
+ DW 0000h ;base (bits 15:0)\r
+ DB 00h ;base (bits 23:16)\r
+ DB 10010010b ;P(1) DPL(00) 1 0 E(0) W(1) A(0)\r
+ DB 11001111b ;G(1), B(1) 0 0 limit[19-16)\r
+ DB 00h ;Base at 0 (bits 31:24)\r
+;Sel 18h - This is the user's code descriptor.\r
+CodeDesc DW 0FFFFh ; Limit 15-0 (0FFFFh)\r
+ DW 0000h ; Base 15-0\r
+ DB 00h ; Base 23-16\r
+ DB 10011010b ; P(1)-DPL(00)-1-1-C(0)-R(1)-A(0)\r
+ DB 11001111b ; G(1) D(1) 0 0 Limit[19-16]\r
+ DB 00h ; Base 31-24\r
+;Save these for the future...\r
+OSXtra0Desc DD 0, 0 ;Sel 20h\r
+OSXtra1Desc DD 0, 0 ;Sel 28h\r
+OSXtra2Desc DD 0, 0 ;Sel 30h\r
+OSXtra3Desc DD 0, 0 ;Sel 38h\r
+;WARNING: The rgCall Descriptors must never be moved from this location\r
+; in the GDT. They describe system entry points that will become\r
+; PUBLIC for external programs. The first PUBLIC call gate is\r
+; selector 40h.\r
+;Sel 40\r
+PUBLIC rgCallDesc DD (nCallGates*2) DUP (0) ;Call Gates\r
+PUBLIC rgTSSDesc DD (nTSS*2) DUP (0) ;Task descriptors\r
+;--------- END OF MODULE ------------------------------\r