#include <_PDCLIB_int.h>
-typedef struct _PDCLIB_div_t div_t;
-typedef struct _PDCLIB_ldiv_t ldiv_t;
-typedef struct _PDCLIB_lldiv_t lldiv_t;
typedef _PDCLIB_size_t size_t;
/* Numeric conversion functions */
-int atoi( const char * nptr );
-long int atol( const char * nptr );
-long long int atoll( const char * nptr );
+/* TODO: atof(), strtof(), strtod(), strtold() */
+/* Seperate the character array nptr into three parts: A (possibly empty)
+ sequence of whitespace characters, a character representation of an integer
+ to the given base, and trailing invalid characters (including the terminating
+ null character). If base is 0, assume it to be 10, unless the integer
+ representation starts with 0x / 0X (setting base to 16) or 0 (setting base to
+ 8). If given, base can be anything from 0 to 36, using the 26 letters of the
+ base alphabet (both lowercase and uppercase) as digits 10 through 35.
+ The integer representation is then converted into the return type of the
+ function. It can start with a '+' or '-' sign. If the sign is '-', the result
+ of the conversion is negated.
+ If the conversion is successful, the converted value is returned. If endptr
+ is not a NULL pointer, a pointer to the first trailing invalid character is
+ returned in *endptr.
+ If no conversion could be performed, zero is returned (and nptr in *endptr,
+ if endptr is not a NULL pointer). If the converted value does not fit into
+ the return type, the functions return LONG_MIN, LONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX,
+ LLONG_MIN, LLONG_MAX, or ULLONG_MAX respectively, depending on the sign of
+ the integer representation and the return type, and errno is set to ERANGE.
long int strtol( const char * _PDCLIB_restrict nptr, char * * _PDCLIB_restrict endptr, int base );
long long int strtoll( const char * _PDCLIB_restrict nptr, char * * _PDCLIB_restrict endptr, int base );
unsigned long int strtoul( const char * _PDCLIB_restrict nptr, char * * _PDCLIB_restrict endptr, int base );
unsigned long long int strtoull( const char * _PDCLIB_restrict nptr, char * * _PDCLIB_restrict endptr, int base );
+/* These functions are the equivalent of (int)strtol( nptr, NULL, 10 ),
+ strtol( nptr, NULL, 10 ) and strtoll(nptr, NULL, 10 ) respectively, with the
+ exception that they do not have to handle overflow situations in any defined
+ way.
+ (PDCLib does not simply forward these to their strtox() equivalents, but
+ provides a simpler atox() function that saves a couple of tests and simply
+ continues with the conversion in case of overflow.)
+int atoi( const char * nptr );
+long int atol( const char * nptr );
+long long int atoll( const char * nptr );
/* Pseudo-random sequence generation functions */
extern unsigned long int _PDCLIB_seed;
#define RAND_MAX 32767
+/* Returns the next number in a pseudo-random sequence, which is between 0 and
+ (PDCLib uses the implementation suggested by the standard document, which is
+ next = next * 1103515245 + 12345; return (unsigned int)(next/65536) % 32768;)
int rand();
+/* Initialize a new pseudo-random sequence with the starting seed. Same seeds
+ result in the same pseudo-random sequence. The default seed is 1.
void srand( unsigned int seed );
/* Memory management functions */
+void * malloc( size_t size );
+void free( void * ptr );
/* Communication with the environment */
void abort();
void exit( int status );
+void _Exit( int status );
/* Searching and sorting */
long int labs( long int j );
long long int llabs( long long int j );
+typedef struct _PDCLIB_div_t div_t;
+typedef struct _PDCLIB_ldiv_t ldiv_t;
+typedef struct _PDCLIB_lldiv_t lldiv_t;
div_t div( int numer, int denom );
ldiv_t ldiv( long int numer, long int denom );
lldiv_t lldiv( long long int numer, long long int denom );