zpm: always a shell script, that way it can source config files and export environment
variables for sub-programs
+Good to have a program to check if a package exists. That is, would
+zpm install do anything, at least notionally.
+Three basic modes
+1: working on the local database and manipulating packages
+This is where 'install' 'update' 'remove' etc are done.
+Additionally, this is where notes, bug reports, repo
+control, and so forth are done. Since this is the most
+common mode, these commands shouldn't need a prefix or
+something saying we're dealing with the local package DB.
+2: working on a package file.
+This is where building a new package, adding files, and otherwise
+dealing with package metadata happens
+3: working on a repository of package files
+Since 2 and 3 are the less common operations, they can have
+more verbose syntax, also, 2 "expects" a package file, so
+require an option to force using the local DB, and 3 expects
+needs repos, perhaps force not using local DB
+Difference between working on a repository, and manipulating
+repository info for the local or other DB
+And 1 expects the local db, so option to specify package file.
+-f for package file? or -p? and for cat 2, take as argument if
+not specified? perhaps an option to construct? probably
+not, have a program to construct if needed.
+Need a way to specify a non-default local database location,
+/var/lib/zpm/local.zpm by default
+For 2: zpm pkg
+For 3: zpm repo
+Conceivably for 2: 'zpm -f <pkgfile>', since if it's not the
+local package database, you'll have to specify the package file
+install: will search the repos for the most recent package.
+of install a from a package file given with -f.
+so zpm install -f 'pkgfile' will install all packages in that file
+zpm install -f pkgfile package will install just the named package
+zpm install -f pkfile package package2 will installed both packages
+zpm install -f pkgfile -V 1.2 will install version 1.2 of all packages
+that have a version 1.2
+zpm install -f pkgfile foo-1.2 will install version 1.2 of package foo
+zpm install foo will install the most up to date foo from the
+zpm install foo-1.2 install version 1.2. how to distinguish
+between versions and package names with hyphens? Use @?
+Package filters: Version, release, name, min/max version, min/max release
+Package tags?
+File filters: Get everything, except exclude by tag, which will
+exclude every file with the tag. Can reverse sense, and get
+nothing, except what's in tag. +tag will add a tag to the set,
+-tag will remove it. 'tag' sets the tag list
Environment Variables
ZPMPACKAGE: package name
ZPMPKGVER: package version
ZPMPKGREL: package release
+ZPMPKGFILE: package file
+Command Line Options
+Used by all programs, so can be passed to zpm
+-f package file
Package Selector
-p <package name> -V <package version> -R <package release>
-version and release are always the latest available if not specified
-for new packages, version defaults to 1.0, release to 1, but
-may also be taken from the environment
+version and release are always the latest available if not specified for new
+packages, version defaults to 1.0, release to 1, but may also be taken from the
+If there is more than one package name in a database the shortest name is the
+default, and the earliest alphabetically after that. This makes it so that if
+you have 'db' and 'db-dev' in the same package, db will be the default. Though
+that's not the way to do it, instead you should tag files within a package, and
+then filter the install.
command line over-rides environment, which over-rides defaults
ZPM - the ultimate package manager
+Like "git" for packages.
+Would like a zpm-status and zpm-log, which should do things like
+list incompletely installed packages, perhaps unacknowledged notes,
+and so forth. zpm log should mainly show install/upgrade/deletes,
+and repository actions.
+Any machine readable outputs or inputs should be json, or something
+easily parsable by shell and awk
+Specifying the Package Database
+-f /path/to/db/or/file
+env ZPMFILE only for single package ops
+env ZPMDB
+sourced in /etc/zpm.conf by setting environment variable?
+default to /var/lib/zpm/local.zpm
+Should probably distinguish here between the "package" and the "localdb".
+They're not different technically, but
+thus zpm install -f /path will still record in the ZPMDB
+Specifying a Package Within a DB
+Need a name,version,release triple
+But any string can be used, the system will attempt to disambiguate.
+Can use zpm-findpkg to show how it would be interpreted.
+Otherwise drawn from (first wins):
+-p <package string>
+If you need specific versions:
+Or use zpm-findpkg -a to find all packages that match
+and any of those can be embedded in the them.
+but start with either full triple in either ZPMPKG or -p,
+or implied if neither is set
+zpm-findpkg will return a triple, so can always run
+zpm-findpkg and
package metadata
package integrity
- gpg signatures
+ gpg signatures :- use own signatures, or figure out PD way to get gpg
sha256 sums
- sha3 sums
+ sha3 sums - not implemented
package contents integrity
sha256 sums of installed files
- sha3 sums
- sha1 sums
+ sha3 sums - not implemented
+ sha1 sums - not implemented
lists of directory contents
package database editing
zpm extract <hash> <path>
+Remote Repositories
+ # add a new remote, -n don't do a pull immediately
+ zpm remote add [-n] <name> <url>
+ # show all the remotes
+ zpm remote list
+ # set the preference level, higher is better
+ # perhaps remote "order" with lower better
+ # alpha by name on ties
+ zpm remote preference <name> <number>
+ zpm remote pull [name ...] # all if no name
+ zpm remote drop <name ...>
+ zpm remote freeze <name ...> # prevent updates?
+ # fetch content of remotes, cached in filesystem?
+ zpm remote fetch [-a] [package ...]
+ # list
Packaging Software
Get the uid of a file
zpm stat -f '%u' <file>
+A repository is just an archive of packages, which amounts to package metadata,
+plus possibly file path and hash information. That is, the packages and
+packagefiles tables, and possibly the elf information. Could be pretty much
+everything except the actual file content. Could put a repo column on all of
+those tables, with NULL being no repo information. Otherwise separate tables.
+For the file paths, or at least the repo, need a url, could require it to be
+automatically constructed from the repo url, possibly with escapes.
+Need a repo table with the remote repo name (locally decided), remote repo url,
+and perhaps preference and trust policy.
+Something like
+ zpm repo add <name> <url> # repo info download/fetch url
+ zpm repo sync [name] # all if no name
+ zpm repo preference <pref> [name ...]
+ zpm repo clone <name> # download all packages to some destination
+This might mean that the package identifier tuple would be the repo, name, version, release. Which is getting a bit complex, so we need some way to
+set sensible defaults.
+Build Scripts
+A building a package with zpm build.
+Source a build script named ZBUILD, or package.build. Not sure which.
+Either way, build script itself shouldn't do anything other
+than setting variables and defining functions.
+zpm build variables:
+srcdir: where the source code is unpacked
+source: a list of urls, suitable for curl to download
+checksum: a corresponding list of sha256 checksums
+PACKAGE: the name of the package
+VERSION: the package version
+install: should install the package under $pkgtree
+can create more than one package under $pkgbase
+postpackage: optional a function to run after the package file is created,
+one arg, path to zpm file
+build: compile the package
+internal zpm functions:
+Package File tags
+There are no "subpackages", but you can tag paths
+at install time you can include or exclude paths
+you get ((tag match include) and (tag not match exclude))
+default include is all, and default exclude is none
+might use ^: for standard "what is this" tags,
+and ^@ for "sub-package" tagging, or what amount
+to optional parts of an install
+A tag must be no whitespace and no shell metacharacters
+ [a-zA-Z:=@.]+
+Hmm, it would make sense to tag regardless of package.
+perhaps require -A or somesuch.
+setting tags when building a package:
+ zpm tag [-r] -f $pkgfile <glob> tag [...]
+add tags
+ zpm tag -a -f $pkgfile <glob> tag [...]
+remove tags
+ zpm tag -d -f $pkgfile <glob> tag [...]
+list tags
+ zpm tag -l -f $pkgfile <glob>
+test tag: i.e. does a file have (all) given tag(s)
+ zpm tag -t -f $pkgfile <glob> tag [...]
+Standard tags
+dev: headers and static libraries
+doc: man pages and other documentation
+man: man pages
+lib: libraries
+shlib: shared libraries
+maybe prefix standard tags with ':' and then anything else
+is free to be used. need a way to list all package tags
+zpm pkgtags ?
-- TODO copyright and license information should probably
-- go here
- hash text primary key,
- size integer,
- compression text,
+ hash text primary key, -- sha256 of content
+ size integer, -- bigint? certainly need > 2GB
+ compression text, -- always xz?
content blob
package text,
version text, -- the upstream version string
release integer, -- the local release number
+ pkgid text, -- the three above joined with '-'
-- metadata columns
description text,
without rowid
+-- packagefile hash is columns as text, joined with null bytes, then
+-- sha256 sum of that
+-- package checksum is package columns as text, joined with null bytes,
+-- other than the checksum and install_time column
+-- then that hashed. finally, that hash, plus the ascii sorted
+-- hashes of the package files all joined with newlines, hashed.
+-- really don't like this.
-- files contained in a package
-create table packagefiles (
+create table paths (
-- package id triple
package text,
version text,
without rowid
-create table packagefiletags (
+create table pathtags (
-- package id triple
package text,
version text,
"group" text
+-- zpm actions
+-- not sure how machine readable this needs to be,
+-- do not at all for now, figure it out later
+-- could be worth logging all commands in a history table,
+-- the zpm driver could do that and capture the exit status
+-- as well
+-- might want the history table to note a "group" to tie together
+-- sub-invocations, probably an environment variable set if not
+-- already set by zpm, probably a uuid or a timestamp
+create table zpmlog (
+ ts integer, -- timestamp of action, may need sub-second
+ action text,
+ target text, -- packagename, repo name, etc
+ info text -- human readable
+create table history (
+ ts integer, -- again, probably needs timestamp sub second
+ cmd text,
+ args text,
+ status integer
+create table repository (
+ name text primary key, -- our name for a repo
+ url text not null,
+ priority integer not null default 1,
+ refreshed integer -- last refresh time
+-- track which repository a package was cloned from, i.e. where we got it
+create table packagesource (
+ name text,
+ version text,
+ release integer,
+ repository text references repository
-plan 15
+plan 17
rm -rf $td
okstreq "$4" "$td/foo" file foo in package
diag "$pkglist"
+rm -f $PF
+require zpm addtopackage -f $PF -S "$td" zpmtest $td/foo
+fn=$(zpm showpkg $PF | awk '{print $4}')
+okstreq "$fn" "foo" file foo in package prefix striped
rm -rf $td
- $program "$@"
+ $program "$@" >> test.out 2>&1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
printf 'not ';
- $program "$@"
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- printf "bail out! fail[$?]: $@\n"
+ $program "$@" >> test.out 2>&1
+ rv=$?
+ if [ $rv -ne 0 ]; then
+ diag "bailing on $((tn + 1)) $program $*"
+ printf "bail out! fail[$rv]: $@\n"
exit 255;
tn=$((tn + 1))
+die() {
+ echo $* 1>&2
+ exit 1
+# basic cleanup on a path
+cleanpath() {
+ clean="$1"
+ if [ -z "$clean" ]; then printf ''; fi
+ # multiple slashes
+ clean=$(printf "%s" "$clean" | sed -e 's|/+|/|g')
+ # curdir
+ clean=$(printf "%s" "$clean" | sed -e 's|/\./|/|g')
+ # leading curdir
+ clean=${clean#./}
+ # trailing curdir
+ clean=${clean%/.}
+ # trailing slash
+ clean=${clean%/}
+ printf "%s" "$clean"
# option for "multipackage" just to let the system know that's what you meant
# option to take filenames from stdin
# parse package, version, release from file if not given
-while getopts :f:v:r:d:a:u:l:p:b:P: opt; do
+while getopts :f:v:r:d:a:u:l:p:b:P:S: opt; do
case $opt in
f) pkgfile="$OPTARG" ;;
v) pkgver="$OPTARG" ;;
p) packager="$OPTARG" ;;
b) builddate="$OPTARG" ;;
P) prefix="$OPTARG" ;;
+ S) strip=$(cleanpath "$OPTARG"); ;;
t) tags="$OPTARG" ;;
c) tags="$tags +configuration" ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-die() {
- echo $* 1&>2
- exit 1
if [ -z "$package" ]; then
zpm test -v $pkgfile
+#strip=$(cleanpath "$strip")
for path in $*; do
mtime=$(zpm stat -f '%y' $path)
uid=$(zpm stat -f '%u' $path)
username=$(zpm stat -f '%U' $path)
groupname=$(zpm stat -f '%G' $path)
mode=$(zpm stat -f '%a' $path)
+ rpath="$path"
+ rpath=$(cleanpath "$path")
- # strip off leading slashes
- rpath=$(echo "$path" | sed -e 's|^/*||')
- # and a leading ./
- rpath=${rpath#./}
- rpath=$(echo "$rpath" | sed -e 's|^/*||')
+ # strip off leading slash
+ rpath=${rpath#/}
if [ -z "$rpath" ] || [ "$rpath" = '.' ]; then
+ if [ ! -z "$strip" ]; then
+ echo "stripping $strip"
+ rpath=${rpath#$strip}
+ rpath=${rpath#/}
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$rpath" ]; then
+ die "$path resolves to nothing"
+ fi
+ prefix=$(cleanpath "$prefix")
if [ ! -z "$prefix" ]; then
- # trailing slashes on prefix
- prefix=$(echo "$prefix" | sed -e 's|/*$||')
# allocate an install id, perhaps hash package and timestamp
+# installid=$(echo $(date) $pkglist | zpm hash)
# extract pre-scripts and run them
# get list of paths to install
# for each path, if directory, create and set mode
# move into place
# after all the files, extract post scripts and run them
+# also need to mark package as installing so if it fails part way
+# through, it can be finished later
+# probably also want an option to "backup" any packages being upgraded
+# so it's trivial to downgrade or to revert if the install fails
# option for "multipackage" just to let the system know that's what you meant
# option to take filenames from stdin
# parse package, version, release from file if not given
+# TODO what's the difference between prefix and pkgroot
+# need an option to not chown the files
+# option to install but not merge/track
while getopts :f:v:r:d:a:u:l:p:b:P:R: opt; do
case $opt in
R) pkgroot="$OPTARG" ;;
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-set -e
+die() {
+ echo $* 1>&2
+ exit 1
if [ -z "$pkgfile" ]; then
# actually, if no pkgfile, get pkgfile from repo
+ # but need to loop over finding package files then
+ # so this program probably needs to be "install from pkgfile"
+ # and a separate one that will loop over a package
+ # spec list and find from repos
+ die "must specify package file"
-die() {
- echo $* 1&>2
- exit 1
set -e
zpm test -v $pkgfile
-set +e
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
# add package info to local package db
# zpm merge -L -f $pkgfile $pkg
+ # check for conflicts
# mark package in localdb as installing
# zpm setmark installing $pkg
# install all the files for a package
shift $((OPTIND - 1))
die() {
- echo $* 1&>2
+ echo $* 1>&2
exit 1
- cat <<-EOC
+ # can't use install because it's not posix.
+ # probably worth writing a zpm-install, but with
+ # a different name since that wants to be a package install
+ # probably makes the most sense for extract to know how
+ # to do the extract to temp and such, then
+ # you can just add the -S option (secure)
+ #cat <<-EOC
+ set -x
mkdir -p $dir
zpm extract $pkgfile $fhash $tmppath 0
chown $owner:$group $tmppath
chmod $mode $tmppath
- mv $tmppath $dir/$name
+ # TODO mv -n non-posix, going to need to have extract do all
+ # of this
+ mv -n $tmppath $dir/$name
+ set +x
+ #EOC
shift $(( OPTIND - 1))
die() {
- echo $* 1&>2
+ echo $* 1>&2
exit 1
set -e
if [ -z "$pkgfile" ]; then
-appid=$(sqlite3 $pkgfile 'pragma application_id;' | ( echo obase = 16; cat - ) | bc)
-if [ "$appid" != "5A504442" ]; then
- echo $pkgfile does not appear to be a zpm package file
- exit 1
+zpm-test -v $pkgfile
+pkg=$(zpm-findpkg $pkgfile)
+#.mode line
-sqlite3 $pkgfile <<EOS
-.mode line
-select * from packages where package = '$package' and version = '$pkgver' and release = $pkgrel
+sqlite3 $pkgfile <<-EOS
+ printf('Package: %s
+ Version: %s
+ Release: %s
+ URL: %s
+ License: %s
+ Packager: %s
+ Description: %s
+ Buildtime: %s
+ Content-Checksum: %s
+ ',
+ package, version, release, url, licenses, packager,description,
+ strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', build_time, 'unixepoch'),
+ )
+from packages
+'$pkg' = package||'-'||version||'-'||release
-} | sed -e 's/ = /=/' -e 's/^ \+//'
+#mode user group hash mtime csvtags path
+sqlite3 $pkgfile <<-EOS
+.header on
+ printf('%s %s %s %s %s %s',
+ F.mode, F.username, F.groupname,
+ case when F.filetype = 'c' then
+ F.devmajor || ',' || F.devminor
+ else
+ F.hash
+ end
+ ,strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', F.mtime, 'unixepoch')
+ , T.tags
+ ,F.path)
+from packagefiles as F
+left join (
+ select TG.package, TG.version, TG.release, TG.path
+ ,coalesce(group_concat(tag), '-') as tags
+ from packagefiletags TG
+ group by package, version, release, path
+) T
+on T.package = F.package and T.version = F.version and T.release = F.release
+and T.path = F.path
+-- apparently going to have to do this in C because there's
+-- no way to order the aggregated tags
+'$pkg' = F.package||'-'||F.version||'-'||F.release
exit 0
+ path text, -- filesystem path
+ mode text, -- perms, use text for octal rep?
+ username text, -- name of owner
+ groupname text, -- group of owner
+ uid integer, -- numeric uid, generally ignored
+ gid integer, -- numeric gid, generally ignored
+ filetype varchar default 'r',
+ -- r regular file
+ -- d directory
+ -- s symlink
+ -- h hard link -- not supported
+ -- c character special and b device special files add dev number column
+ -- b block special
+ -- p fifos (i.e. pipe)
+ target text, -- link target for links
+ -- device file dev numbers, should probably be a separate table
+ devmajor integer,
+ devminor integer,
+ hash text, -- null if no actual content, i.e. anything but a regular file
+ mtime integer,
+mode user group hash mtime csvtags path
+following order by path