--- /dev/null
+; MMURTL Operating System Source Code\r
+; Copyright 1991,1992,1993,1994 Richard A. Burgess\r
+; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Version 1.0\r
+; Each Task State Segment (Structure) is 512 bytes long\r
+; The Task State Segment is a structure required by the\r
+; CPU for harware task switching. It is used to save\r
+; the state of the processor for a task that is suspended.\r
+; The rest of the TSS is used to save software state information\r
+; for the OS.\r
+; Space is also reserved for Math Coprocessor registers\r
+; which will be used when we add support for management of tasks\r
+; using the coprocessor. The top potions for registers\r
+; are aligned as required for the hardware (processor).\r
+; The rest is WORD or DWORD aligned for best efficiency.\r
+sTSS EQU 512\r
+TSS_BackLink EQU 0 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; Task Selector of Interrupted TASK\r
+TSS_ESP0 EQU 4 ;DD 00000000h ; Top of Stack for Prot Level 0\r
+TSS_SS0 EQU 8 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; Selector for Prot Level 0 Stack\r
+TSS_ESP1 EQU 12 ;DD 00000000h ; Top of Stack for Prot Level 1\r
+TSS_SS1 EQU 16 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; Selector for Prot Level 1 Stack\r
+TSS_ESP2 EQU 20 ;DD 00000000h ; Top of Stack for Prot Level 2\r
+TSS_SS2 EQU 24 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; Selector for Prot Level 2 Stack\r
+TSS_CR3 EQU 28 ;DD 00000000h ; Physical Address of Page Directory\r
+TSS_EIP EQU 32 ;DD 00000000h ; Extended Instruction Pointer\r
+TSS_EFlags EQU 36 ;DD 00000000h ; Extended Flags\r
+TSS_EAX EQU 40 ;DD 00000000h ; General Purpose Registers\r
+TSS_ECX EQU 44 ;DD 00000000h ;\r
+TSS_EDX EQU 48 ;DD 00000000h ;\r
+TSS_EBX EQU 52 ;DD 00000000h ;\r
+TSS_ESP EQU 56 ;DD 00000000h ; Top of Stack for Current Prot Level\r
+TSS_EBP EQU 60 ;DD 00000000h ; Base Frame Pointer (64 bytes to here)\r
+TSS_ESI EQU 64 ;DD 00000000h ; Source Index Register\r
+TSS_EDI EQU 68 ;DD 00000000h ; Destination Index Register\r
+TSS_ES EQU 72 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; E Selector (Extra)\r
+TSS_CS EQU 76 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; C Selector (Code)\r
+TSS_SS EQU 80 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; S Selector (Stack Curr Prot Level)\r
+TSS_DS EQU 84 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; D Selector (Data)\r
+TSS_FS EQU 88 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; F Selector (Extra)\r
+TSS_GS EQU 92 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; G Selector (Extra)\r
+TSS_LDT EQU 96 ;DW 0000h,0000h ; LDT Selector ( ALWAYS 0) (100)\r
+TSS_TrapBit EQU 100 ;DW 0000h ; 1 = DEBUG; 0 = NODEBUG\r
+TSS_IOBitBase EQU 102 ;DW 1111111111111111b ; NULL I/O Permission Bit Map\r
+; This begins MMURTL's software state that we save in the TSS\r
+TSS_Exch EQU 104 ;DD 00000000h ; Task Exchange used by OS ONLY\r
+TSS_pJCB EQU 108 ;DD 00000000h ; pointer to Job Control Blk (Owner)\r
+Tid EQU 112 ;DW 0000h ; 1 word Task Id (Selector)\r
+Priority EQU 114 ;DB 00h ; 1 byte Priority (0..31)\r
+TSS_Rsvd1 EQU 115 ;DB 00h ; For alignment\r
+TSS_MSG EQU 116 ;DD 00000000h,00000000h ; 8 Byte OS Msg Block\r
+pLBRet EQU 124 ;DD 00000000h ; pLB containing MessageRet (128)\r
+NextTSS EQU 128 ;DD 00000000h ; Near Pointer to next TSS (132)\r
+TSSNum EQU 132 ;DW 0000h ; Sequential Number of this TSS\r
+;TSS_Rsvd2 EQU 134 ;DB 122 dup (00h) ; Math Coprocessor Registers (future)\r
+;TSS_Rsvd3 ;DD 64 dup (00000000h) ; Future Expansion\r
+;================== End of module ===========================\r