# -a all phases
# default is failed packages, orphaned elf, vacuum
+# only affect files with the status in the list
# phases
# -cC remove command history by date
# -dD remove dry run
# -eE remove orphaned elf
# -fF remove failed
# -hH fix file content hash
# -hH remove install history by date
# -lL remove old logs, given by date
# -nN remove acked notes
# -oO remove outdated packages, unless preserved
-# -pP remove history for removed packages
+# -pP remove history for missing packages
# -rR remove orphaned rows in files table packagefiles, notes, scripts, ...
# -hH remove all file content that is not scripts or configs
# -rR remove removed packages, unless preserved
# -vV compactify the database file
# remove incomplete packages
+# TODO use temporary gc delete log trigger?
+if [ $remove_incomplete_packages -ne 0 ]; then
+ zpm shell $ZPMDB "delete from packages where hash is null"
-# remove outdated packages, unless preserved
+# remove old version packages, unless preserved
# TODO need 'rstatus' flag
+if [ $remove_old_packages -ne 0 ]; then
+ # TODO check for preserved
+ # TODO add ability to keep a certain number of back packages
+ zpm shell $ZPMDB "delete from packages where status = 'updated'"
# remove removed packages, unless preserved
# remove orphaned rows in files table
# references in packagefiles, notes, scripts, possibly others
-zpm shell $ZPMDB 'delete from files where hash in (select hash from filerefs where refcount = 0);'
+if [ $remove_orphaned_files -ne 0 ]; then
+ zpm shell $ZPMDB 'delete from files where hash in (select hash from filerefs where refcount = 0);'
# remove old logs, given by date
# remove acked notes
+if [ $remove_acked_notes -ne 0 ]; then
+ zpm shell $ZPMDB 'delete from notes where ack != 0'
# remove install history by date
-# remove history for removed packages
+# remove history for missing packages
+if [ $clean_missing_package_history -ne 0 ]; then
# remove command history by date
-# compactify the database file
-osize=$(zpm stat -f '%s' $ZPMDB)
-zpm log -v -i -a 'gc compacting' -t $ZPMDB
-zpm shell $ZPMDB vacuum
-nsize=$(zpm stat -f '%s' $ZPMDB)
+if [ $vacuum -ne 0 ]; then
+ # compactify the database file
+ osize=$(zpm stat -f '%s' $ZPMDB)
+ zpm log -v -i -a 'gc compacting' -t $ZPMDB
+ zpm shell $ZPMDB vacuum
+ nsize=$(zpm stat -f '%s' $ZPMDB)
-printf 'original size %s\n' $osize
-printf 'new size %s\n' $nsize
+ printf 'original size %s\n' $osize
+ printf 'new size %s\n' $nsize