+++ /dev/null
-TARGETS = pdclib\r
- $(error malloc to use unspecified. Set PDCLIB_MALLOC.)\r
-ifeq ($(PDCLIB_MALLOC),solar)\r
- pdclib_SOURCEDIRS += opt/malloc-solar\r
-ifeq ($(PDCLIB_MALLOC),dlmalloc)\r
- pdclib_SOURCEDIRS += opt/dlmalloc\r
- $(error Bad malloc specified. Supported: solar, ptmalloc3)\r
-# No: -Wcast-align; spurious for uses of char* to do pointer arithmetic\r
-# No: -Winline; generates spirous errors on -Os builds\r
-# No: -Wredundant-decls; redefinition of functions is legal and sometimes required\r
-# (especially applicable to PDCLib sources)\r
-# -Wno-unused-parameter; unused parameters are common in some interfaces\r
-WARNINGS := -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wnested-externs -Wno-long-long -Wuninitialized -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-unused-parameter\r
-pdclib_COMFLAGS += -ffreestanding $(WARNINGS)\r
-pdclib_CFLAGS += -std=c11\r
-pdclib_SOURCEDIRS += functions/_PDCLIB functions/ctype functions/inttypes \\r
- functions/locale functions/stdio functions/stdlib \\r
- functions/string/\r
-pdclib_OUT_TYPE += archive\r
-pdclib_INCLUDE_DIRS += $(pdclib_SOURCE_DIR)/includes $(pdclib_SOURCE_DIR)/internals\r
- pdclib_SOURCEDIRS += opt/nothread\r
- pdclib_INCLUDE_DIRS += $(pdclib_SOURCE_DIR)/opt/nothread\r
- pdclib_SOURCEDIRS += opt/notime\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+SubDir PDCLIB_TOP ;\r
+PDCLibConfig ;\r
+PDCLIB_SOURCES = [ RecursiveGlob $(PDCLIB_TOP) : [ FDirName functions ] : *.c ] ;\r
+ [ FDirName platform $(PDCLIB_PLATFORM) functions ] ;\r
+for opt in $(PDCLIB_OPTIONS) {\r
+ optdir = [ FDirName opt $(opt) ] ;\r
+ PDCLIB_SOURCES += [ RecursiveGlob $(PDCLIB_TOP) : $(optdir) : *.c ] ; \r
+Library $(PDCLIB) : $(PDCLIB_SOURCES) ;\r
+if ! $(PDCLIB_NO_TEST) {\r
+ for file in $(PDCLIB_SOURCES) {\r
+ testfile = $(file:S=_t) ;\r
+ regtestfile = $(file:S=_r) ;\r
+ test = $(file:S=-test) ;\r
+ regtest = $(file:S=-regtest) ;\r
+ Object $(testfile).o : $(file) ;\r
+ Object $(regtestfile).o : $(file) ;\r
+ MainFromObjects $(testfile) : $(testfile).o ;\r
+ MainFromObjects $(regtestfile) : $(regtestfile).o ;\r
+ CCFLAGS on $(testfile).o += -DTEST $(PDCLIB_TEST_CCFLAGS) ;\r
+ CCFLAGS on $(regtestfile).o += -DTEST -DREGTEST \r
+ LINKLIBS on $(testfile)$(SUFEXE) += $(PDCLIB_TEST_LINKLIBS) ;\r
+ LINKLIBS on $(regtestfile)$(SUFEXE) += $(PDCLIB_REGTEST_LINKLIBS) ;\r
+ LinkLibraries $(testfile) : $(PDCLIB) ;\r
+ Test $(test) : $(testfile) ;\r
+ RegTest $(regtest) : $(regtestfile) ;\r
+ }\r
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+PDCLIB ?= pdclib ;\r
+ if $(NT) {\r
+ PDCLIB_PLATFORM = "win32" ;\r
+ } else if $(UNIX) {\r
+ PDCLIB_PLATFORM = "posix" ;\r
+ } else {\r
+ ECHO "PDCLIB_PLATFORM not set and platform not automatically detected" ;\r
+ ECHO "Set PDCLIB_PLATFORM to the platform to be built for" ;\r
+ EXIT ;\r
+ }\r
+#if $(CC) = "gcc" {\r
+# TODO: Better toolchain handling\r
+ # No -Wcast-align : spurious warnings when using char* to do pointer \r
+ # arithmetic\r
+ # No -Winline : when compiling with e.g. -Os causes spurious \r
+ # warnings that call is unlikely/code size would grow\r
+ # No -Wredundant-decls : some functions must be multiply defined\r
+ -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wshadow \r
+ -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -Wno-long-long \r
+ -Wuninitialized \r
+ ;\r
+ -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes ;\r
+ -ffreestanding \r
+ -nostdinc \r
+ -std=c11 \r
+ -g \r
+ -ffreestanding\r
+ -nostdinc\r
+ -std=c++11\r
+ -g\r
+ actions Link bind NEEDLIBS\r
+ {\r
+ $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $(<) $(UNDEFS) $(>) -Wl,--start-group $(NEEDLIBS) $(LINKLIBS) -Wl,--end-group\r
+ }\r
+ include [ FDirName $(PDCLIB_TOP) platform $(PDCLIB_PLATFORM) Config.jam ] ;\r
+rule PDCLibHeaders {\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) includes ;\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) internals ;\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) testing ;\r
+ for opt in $(PDCLIB_OPTIONS) {\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) opt $(opt) ;\r
+ }\r
+ PDCLibTargetHeaders ;\r
+rule PDCLibConfig {\r
+ SubDirCcFlags $(PDCLIB_CCFLAGS) ;\r
+ SubDirC++Flags $(PDCLIB_C++FLAGS) ;\r
+ PDCLibHeaders ;\r
+ PDCLibTargetConfig ;\r
+# MinGW needs appropriate prodding to cretae executables\r
+if $(TOOLSET) = MINGW {\r
+ PDCLIB_TEST_LINKFLAGS += -mconsole ;\r
+# Tests\r
+ALWAYS regtest test ;\r
+rule Test {\r
+ DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;\r
+ ALWAYS $(<) ;\r
+ DEPENDS test : $(<) ;\r
+rule RegTest {\r
+ DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ;\r
+ ALWAYS $(<) ;\r
+ DEPENDS regtest : $(<) ;\r
+actions Test {\r
+ $(>)\r
+actions RegTest {\r
+ $(>)\r
+# list all files in a directory, except ., ..\r
+# [ ListDir base : dirname ]\r
+rule ListDir {\r
+ # start with empty list\r
+ local _result = ;\r
+ # for each file in the directory\r
+ local _dirlist = [ GLOB [ FDirName $(1) $(2) ] : * ] ;\r
+ for _subdir in $(_dirlist) {\r
+ # if it is not . or ..\r
+ switch $(_subdir) {\r
+ case *\\. : _dummy = "" ; # is there some no-op statement?\r
+ case *\\.. : _dummy = "" ; # is there some no-op statement?\r
+ case * :\r
+ # add it to the list\r
+ _result += $(_subdir:D=$(2)) ;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ # return resulting list\r
+ return $(_result) ;\r
+# same as glob, but recurses into subdirs\r
+rule RecursiveGlob {\r
+ # initially use the files in the current directory\r
+ local _dir = $(2) ;\r
+ local _path = [ FDirName $(1) $(2) ] ;\r
+ local _result = [ GLOB $(_path) : $(3) ] ;\r
+ _result = $(_result:D=$(_dir)) ;\r
+ # list all subdirectories (and files, but it doesn't hurt)\r
+ local _subdirlist = [ ListDir $(1) : $(2) ] ;\r
+ # for each subdir/file\r
+ for _subdir in $(_subdirlist) {\r
+ # recurse into it\r
+ _result += [ RecursiveGlob $(1) : $(_subdir) : $(3) ] ;\r
+ }\r
+ # return the resulting list\r
+ return $(_result) ;\r
+# Fix to work on targets in subdirs\r
+rule MakeLocate\r
+ # Note we grist the directory name with 'dir',\r
+ # so that directory path components and other\r
+ # targets don't conflict.\r
+ if $(>)\r
+ {\r
+ local _rev = [ FReverse $(>) ] ;\r
+ if $(_rev[1]) = "." {\r
+ _rev = $(_rev[2-]) ;\r
+ } \r
+ local _dir = [ FDirName [ FReverse $(_rev) ] $(<[0]:D) ] ;\r
+ LOCATE on $(<) = [ FDirName $(>) ] ;\r
+ Depends $(<) : $(_dir:G=dir) ;\r
+ MkDir $(_dir:G=dir) ;\r
+ }\r
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# This is where you chose which platform to compile for (see 'make links' / './platform')
-PLATFORM := example
-# This is a list of all non-source files that are part of the distribution.
-AUXFILES := Makefile Readme.txt
-# Directories belonging to the project
-PROJDIRS := functions includes internals
-# All source files of the project
-SRCFILES := $(shell find -L $(PROJDIRS) -type f -name "*.c")
-# All header files of the project
-HDRFILES := $(shell find -L $(PROJDIRS) -type f -name "*.h")
-# All .c files in functions/_PDCLIB that do not have a regression test driver
-INTFILES := _Exit atomax digits open print scan remove rename seed stdinit strtox_main strtox_prelim filemode eol errno seek prepread prepwrite allocpages tmpfilename closeall
-# All object files in the library
-OBJFILES := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRCFILES))
-# All test drivers (.t)
-TSTFILES := $(patsubst %.c,%_t,$(SRCFILES))
-# All regression test drivers (.r)
-REGFILES := $(filter-out $(patsubst %,functions/_PDCLIB/%_r,$(INTFILES)),$(patsubst %.c,%_r,$(SRCFILES)))
-# All library dependency files (.d)
-DEPFILES := $(patsubst %.c,%.d,$(SRCFILES))
-# All test driver dependency files (_t.d)
-TSTDEPFILES := $(patsubst %,%.d,$(TSTFILES))
-# All regression test driver dependency files (_r.d)
-REGDEPFILES := $(patsubst %,%.d,$(REGFILES))
-# All files belonging to the source distribution
-WARNINGS := -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Winline -Wno-long-long -Wuninitialized -Wstrict-prototypes
-CFLAGS := -fno-builtin -g -std=c99 -I./internals -I./testing $(WARNINGS) $(USERFLAGS)
-.PHONY: all clean srcdist bindist test tests testdrivers regtests regtestdrivers todos fixmes find links unlink help
-all: pdclib.a testdrivers regtestdrivers
- @echo
- @echo "========================"
- @echo "Executing library tests:"
- @echo "========================"
- @echo
- @$(MAKE) tests | grep -v "^ TST" | grep -v "^Failed"
- @echo
- @echo "==========================="
- @echo "Executing regression tests:"
- @echo "==========================="
- @echo
- @$(MAKE) regtests | grep -v "^ RTST" | grep -v "^Failed"
-pdclib.a: $(OBJFILES)
- @echo " AR $@"
- @ar rc pdclib.a $?
- @echo
-test: functions/$(FILE)
- functions/$(FILE)
-tests: testdrivers
- -@rc=0; count=0; failed=""; for file in $(TSTFILES); do echo " TST $$file"; ./$$file; test=$$?; if [ $$test != 0 ]; then rc=`expr $$rc + $$test`; failed="$$failed $$file"; fi; count=`expr $$count + 1`; done; echo; echo "Tests executed (linking PDCLib): $$count Tests failed: $$rc"; echo; for file in $$failed; do echo "Failed: $$file"; done; echo
-testdrivers: $(TSTFILES)
- @echo
-regtests: regtestdrivers
- -@rc=0; count=0; failed=""; for file in $(REGFILES); do echo " RTST $$file"; ./$$file; test=$$?; if [ $$test != 0 ]; then rc=`expr $$rc + $$test`; failed="$$failed $$file"; fi; count=`expr $$count + 1`; done; echo; echo "Tests executed (linking system libc): $$count Tests failed: $$rc"; echo; for file in $$failed; do echo "Failed: $$file"; done; echo
-regtestdrivers: $(REGFILES)
- @echo
- -@$(RM) $(wildcard $(OBJFILES) $(DEPFILES) $(TSTFILES) $(TSTDEPFILES) $(REGFILES) $(REGDEPFILES) pdclib.a pdclib.tgz scanf_testdata_*)
- @tar czf pdclib.tgz $(ALLFILES)
- -@for file in $(ALLFILES:Makefile=); do grep -H TODO $$file; done; true
- -@for file in $(ALLFILES:Makefile=); do grep -H FIXME $$file; done; true
- @find functions/ includes/ internals/ platform/ -name "*\.[ch]" -type f | xargs grep $$FIND
- @echo "Linking platform/$(PLATFORM)..."
- @for file in $$(find platform/$(PLATFORM) -mindepth 2 -type f ! -path *.svn* -printf "%P\n"); do ln -s $$(dirname $$file | sed "s@[^/]*@..@g")/platform/$(PLATFORM)/$$file $$file; done
- @echo "Unlinking platform files..."
- @for dir in $(PROJDIRS); do find $$dir -type l -exec rm {} +; done
- @echo "Available make targets:"
- @echo
- @echo "all - build pdclib.a"
- @echo "clean - remove all object files, dependency files and test drivers"
- @echo "srcdist - build pdclib.tgz (source tarball)"
- @echo "test - test a single testdriver (Usage: FILE=\"test.[rt]\" make test)"
- @echo "tests - build and run test drivers (link pdclib.a)"
- @echo " testdrivers - build but do not run test drivers"
- @echo "regtests - build and run regression test drivers (link system clib)"
- @echo " regtestdrivers - build but do not run regression test drivers"
- @echo "todos - list all TODO comments in the sources"
- @echo "fixmes - list all FIXME comments in the sources"
- @echo "find - find a phrase in the sources (Usage: FIND=\"phrase\" make find)"
- @echo "links - link platform files (development only)"
- @echo "unlink - remove links to platform files (development only)"
- @echo "%.o - build an individual object file"
- @echo "%.t - build an individual test driver"
- @echo "%.r - build an individual regression test driver"
- @echo "help - print this list"
- @echo
- @echo "Any additional compiler flags you want to use can be passed as USERFLAGS"
- @echo "(Usage: USERFLAGS=\"flags\" make [...])."
-%.o: %.c Makefile
- @echo " CC $(patsubst functions/%,%,$@)"
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -I./includes -c $< -o $@
-%_t: %.c Makefile pdclib.a
- @echo " CC $(patsubst functions/%,%,$@)"
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -DTEST -I./includes $< pdclib.a -o $@
-%_r: %.c Makefile
- @echo " CC $(patsubst functions/%,%,$@)"
- @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -MMD -MP -DTEST -DREGTEST $< -o $@
#ifndef REGTEST\r
-#pragma weak strdup\r
char *strdup(const char *s)\r
char* ns = NULL;\r
--- /dev/null
+/* [XSI] char* strndup(const char *, size_t)\r
+ This file is part of the Public Domain C Library (PDCLib).\r
+ Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will.\r
+#include <string.h>\r
+#include <stdlib.h>\r
+#ifndef REGTEST\r
+char *strndup( const char * s, size_t len )\r
+ char* ns = NULL;\r
+ if(s) {\r
+ ns = malloc(len + 1);\r
+ if(ns) {\r
+ ns[len] = 0;\r
+ // strncpy to be pedantic about modification in multithreaded \r
+ // applications\r
+ return strncpy(ns, s, len);\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
+ return ns;\r
+#ifdef TEST\r
+#include <_PDCLIB_test.h>\r
+int main( void )\r
+ const char *teststr = "Hello, world";\r
+ const char *teststr2 = "\xFE\x8C\n";\r
+ char *testres, *testres2;\r
+ TESTCASE(testres = strndup(teststr, 5));\r
+ TESTCASE(testres2 = strndup(teststr2, 1));\r
+ TESTCASE(strcmp(testres, teststr) != 0);\r
+ TESTCASE(strncmp(testres, teststr, 5) == 0);\r
+ TESTCASE(strcmp(testres2, teststr2) != 0);\r
+ TESTCASE(strncmp(testres2, teststr2, 1) == 0);\r
+ free(testres);\r
+ free(testres2);\r
+ TESTCASE(testres = strndup(teststr, 20));\r
+ TESTCASE(testres2 = strndup(teststr2, 5));\r
+ TESTCASE(strcmp(testres, teststr) == 0);\r
+ TESTCASE(strcmp(testres2, teststr2) == 0);\r
+ free(testres);\r
+ free(testres2);\r
+ \r
+ return TEST_RESULTS;\r
#include <_PDCLIB_config.h>
+/* Functions _NOT_ tagged noreturn as this hampers debugging */
void _PDCLIB_assert99( char const * const, char const * const, char const * const );
void _PDCLIB_assert89( char const * const );
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define assert( ignore ) ( (void) 0 )
-#elif _PDCLIB_C_VERSION >= 99
+#elif _PDCLIB_C_MIN(99)
#define assert(expression) \
- do { if(!(expression)) \
- _PDCLIB_assert99("Assertion failed: " #expression \
+ do { if(!(expression)) { \
+ _PDCLIB_assert99("Assertion failed: " _PDCLIB_symbol2string(expression)\
", function ", __func__, \
", file " __FILE__ \
", line " _PDCLIB_symbol2string( __LINE__ ) \
"." _PDCLIB_endl ); \
+ } \
} while(0)
#define assert(expression) \
- do { \
- if(!(expression)) \
- _PDCLIB_assert89( "Assertion failed: " #expression \
- ", file " __FILE__ \
- ", line " _PDCLIB_symbol2string( __LINE__ ) \
- "." _PDCLIB_endl ); \
+ do { if(!(expression)) { \
+ _PDCLIB_assert89("Assertion failed: " _PDCLIB_symbol2string(expression)\
+ ", file " __FILE__ \
+ ", line " _PDCLIB_symbol2string( __LINE__ ) \
+ "." _PDCLIB_endl ); \
+ } \
} while(0)
size_t strlen( const char * s );
char * strdup( const char* src );
+char * strndup( const char* src, size_t n );
#if !defined(__cplusplus) || defined(_PDCLIB_CXX_VERSION)
- /* Pass - conditional simplification case */
#elif __cplusplus == 201103L
#define _PDCLIB_CXX_VERSION 2011
+ /* TODO: Do we want this? */
#if _PDCLIB_C_VERSION < 2011
#define _PDCLIB_C_VERSION 2011
- #define _PDCLIB_noreturn [[noreturn]]
+ // Hold off on C++ attribute syntax for now
+ // #define _PDCLIB_noreturn [[noreturn]]
#elif _PDCLIB_C_VERSION >= 2011
#define _PDCLIB_noreturn _Noreturn
#ifndef _PDCLIB_noreturn
- #define _PDCLIB_noreturn __attribute__((noreturn))
+ /* If you don't use __noreturn__, then stdnoreturn.h will break things! */
+ #define _PDCLIB_noreturn __attribute__((__noreturn__))
+ #define _PDCLIB_API
#ifndef _PDCLIB_restrict
#define _PDCLIB_symbol2value( x ) #x
#define _PDCLIB_symbol2string( x ) _PDCLIB_symbol2value( x )
-#ifndef __PDCLIB_PURE
- #define __PDCLIB_PURE 0
+/* Feature test macros
+ *
+ * All of the feature test macros come in the following forms
+ * _PDCLIB_*_MIN(min): Available in versions > min
+ * _PDCLIB_*_MINMAX(min, max): Available in versions > min < max
+ * _PDCLIB_*_MAX(max): Availabel in versions < max
+ *
+ * The defined tests are:
+ * C: C standard versions
+ * 1990, 1995, 1999, 2011
+ * CXX: C++ standard versions
+ * 1997, 2011
+ * POSIX: POSIX extension versions.
+ * 1 (POSIX.2), 2 (POSIX.2), 199309L (POSIX.1b),
+ * 199506L (POSIX.1c), 200112L (2001), 200809L (2008)
+ * XOPEN: X/Open System Interface (XSI)/Single Unix Specification
+ * 0 (XPG4), 500 (SUSv2/UNIX98), 600 (SUSv3/UNIX03), 700 (SUSv4)
+ *
+ * PDCLib does not attempt or claim POSIX comformance, but makes available these
+ * extensions as
+ * (a) useful, and
+ * (b)
+ */
+#define _PDCLIB_C_MIN(min) _PDCLIB_C_MINMAX(min, 3000)
+#define _PDCLIB_CXX_MIN(min) _PDCLIB_CXX_MINMAX(min, 3000)
+#define _PDCLIB_XOPEN_MIN(min) _PDCLIB_XOPEN_MINMAX(min, 30000000)
+#define _PDCLIB_POSIX_MIN(min) _PDCLIB_POSIX_MINMAX(min, 30000000)
+#define _PDCLIB_C_MAX(max) _PDCLIB_C_MINMAX(0, max)
+#define _PDCLIB_CXX_MAX(max) _PDCLIB_CXX_MINMAX(0, max)
+#if defined(_PDCLIB_ALL) || defined(_PDCLIB_BUILD)
+ #define _PDCLIB_C_MINMAX(min, max) 1
+ #define _PDCLIB_CXX_MINMAX(min, max) 1
+ #define _PDCLIB_POSIX_MINMAX(min, max) 1
+ #define _PDCLIB_XOPEN_MINMAX(min, max) 1
+ #define _PDCLIB_C_MINMAX(min, max) \
+ (_PDCLIB_C_VERSION >= (min) && _PDCLIB_C_VERSION <= (max))
+ #define _PDCLIB_CXX_MINMAX(min, max) \
+ (_PDCLIB_CXX_VERSION >= (min) && _PDCLIB_CXX_VERSION <= (max))
+ #define _PDCLIB_XOPEN_MINMAX(min, max) \
+ (defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) \
+ && _XOPEN_SOURCE >= (min) && _XOPEN_SOURCE <= (max))
+ #define _PDCLIB_POSIX_MINMAX(min, max) \
+ (defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) \
+ && _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= (min) && _POSIX_C_SOURCE <= (max))
+ #if defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) && (_XOPEN_SOURCE-1 == -1)
+ /* If _XOPEN_SOURCE is defined as empty, redefine here as zero */
+ #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE
+ #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 0
+ #endif
+ #if _PDCLIB_XOPEN_MIN(700) && !_PDCLIB_POSIX_MIN(200809L)
+ #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2008098L
+ #elif _PDCLIB_XOPEN_MIN(600) && !_PDCLIB_POSIX_MIN(200112L)
+ #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L
+ #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 2
+ #endif
+ #if defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE)
+ #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 1
+ #endif
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+rule PDCLibTargetConfig { }\r
+rule PDCLibTargetHeaders {\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) platform example includes ;\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) platform example internals ;\r
+PDCLIB_TEST_LINKFLAGS += -nostdlib ;\r
+PDCLIB_OPTIONS = nothread notime dlmalloc ;
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+rule PDCLibTargetConfig { }\r
+rule PDCLibTargetHeaders {\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) platform posix includes ;\r
+ SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) platform posix internals ;\r
+PDCLIB_TEST_LINKFLAGS += -nostdlib ;\r
+PDCLIB_OPTIONS = nothread notime dlmalloc ;
\ No newline at end of file