Btree-source-code ================= A working project for High-concurrency B-tree source code in C There are four major code sets in the standard btree source code: btree2s.c Single Threaded/MultiProcess version that removes keys all the way back to an original empty btree, placing removed nodes on a free list. Operates under either memory mapping or file I/O. Recommended btrees hosted on network file systems. threads2h.c Multi-Threaded/Multi-Process with latching implemented by a latch manager with pthreads/SRW latches in the first few btree pages. Recommended for Windows. threads2i.c Multi-Threaded/Multi-Process with latching implemented by a latch manager with test & set latches in the first few btree pages with thread yield system calls during contention. threads2j.c Multi-Threaded/Multi-Process with latching implemented by a latch manager with test & set locks in the first few btree pages with Linux futex system calls during contention. Recommended for linux. Compilation is achieved on linux or Windows by: gcc -D STANDALONE threads2h.c -lpthread -lrt or cl /Ox /D STANDALONE threads2h.c Please see the project wiki page for documentation