#include "lfds610_abstraction_internal_body.h" /****************************************************************************/ #if (defined _WIN64 && defined _MSC_VER) /* TRD : 64 bit Windows (user-mode or kernel) on any CPU with the Microsoft C compiler _WIN64 indicates 64 bit Windows _MSC_VER indicates Microsoft C compiler */ static LFDS610_INLINE unsigned char lfds610_abstraction_dcas( volatile lfds610_atom_t *destination, lfds610_atom_t *exchange, lfds610_atom_t *compare ) { assert( destination != NULL ); assert( exchange != NULL ); assert( compare != NULL ); return( _InterlockedCompareExchange128((volatile __int64 *) destination, (__int64) *(exchange+1), (__int64) *exchange, (__int64 *) compare) ); } #endif /****************************************************************************/ #if (!defined _WIN64 && defined _WIN32 && defined _MSC_VER) /* TRD : 32 bit Windows (user-mode or kernel) on any CPU with the Microsoft C compiler (!defined _WIN64 && defined _WIN32) indicates 32 bit Windows _MSC_VER indicates Microsoft C compiler */ static LFDS610_INLINE unsigned char lfds610_abstraction_dcas( volatile lfds610_atom_t *destination, lfds610_atom_t *exchange, lfds610_atom_t *compare ) { __int64 original_compare; assert( destination != NULL ); assert( exchange != NULL ); assert( compare != NULL ); *(__int64 *) &original_compare = *(__int64 *) compare; *(__int64 *) compare = _InterlockedCompareExchange64( (volatile __int64 *) destination, *(__int64 *) exchange, *(__int64 *) compare ); return( (unsigned char) (*(__int64 *) compare == *(__int64 *) &original_compare) ); } #endif /****************************************************************************/ #if (defined __x86_64__ && defined __GNUC__) /* TRD : any OS on x64 with GCC __x86_64__ indicates x64 __GNUC__ indicates GCC */ static LFDS610_INLINE unsigned char lfds610_abstraction_dcas( volatile lfds610_atom_t *destination, lfds610_atom_t *exchange, lfds610_atom_t *compare ) { unsigned char cas_result; assert( destination != NULL ); assert( exchange != NULL ); assert( compare != NULL ); __asm__ __volatile__ ( "lock;" // make cmpxchg16b atomic "cmpxchg16b %0;" // cmpxchg16b sets ZF on success "setz %3;" // if ZF set, set cas_result to 1 // output : "+m" (*(volatile lfds610_atom_t (*)[2]) destination), "+a" (*compare), "+d" (*(compare+1)), "=q" (cas_result) // input : "b" (*exchange), "c" (*(exchange+1)) // clobbered : "cc", "memory" ); return( cas_result ); } #endif /****************************************************************************/ #if ((defined __i686__ || defined __arm__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1 && __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ >= 0) /* TRD : any OS on x86 or ARM with GCC 4.1.0 or better GCC 4.1.0 introduced the __sync_*() atomic intrinsics __GNUC__ / __GNUC_MINOR__ / __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ indicates GCC and which version */ static LFDS610_INLINE unsigned char lfds610_abstraction_dcas( volatile lfds610_atom_t *destination, lfds610_atom_t *exchange, lfds610_atom_t *compare ) { unsigned char cas_result = 0; unsigned long long int original_destination; assert( destination != NULL ); assert( exchange != NULL ); assert( compare != NULL ); original_destination = __sync_val_compare_and_swap( (volatile unsigned long long int *) destination, *(unsigned long long int *) compare, *(unsigned long long int *) exchange ); if( original_destination == *(unsigned long long int *) compare ) cas_result = 1; *(unsigned long long int *) compare = original_destination; return( cas_result ); } #endif