building liblfds ================ Windows (user-mode) =================== 1. Use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (or later versions) to load "liblfds.sln". The "Win32" platform is x86, the "x64" platform is x64. 2. Use Microsoft Windows SDK and GNUmake to run (obviously you'll need to have run setenv.bat or the appropriate vcvars*.bat first; you can build for x64/64-bit and x86/32-bit - just run the correct batch file). Targets are "librel", "libdbg", "dllrel", "dlldbg" and "clean". You need to clean between switching targets. Windows (kernel) ================ Use the Windows Driver Kit "build" command. Prior to running "build", if you wish to build a static library, run the batch file "runme_before_win_kernel_static_lib_build.bat"; if you wish to build a dynamic library, instead run "runme_before_win_kernel_dynamic_lib_build.bat". The Windows kernel build system is rather limited and rather than really rather messing up the directory/file structure just for the Windows kernel platform, I've instead arranged it that these batch files do the necessary work so that "build" will work. The batch files are idempotent; you can run them as often as you like, in any order, at any time (before or after builds), and they'll do the right thing. You need to clean between switching targets. Linux ===== Use GNUmake to run "makefile.linux". Targets are "arrel", "ardbg", "sorel", "sodbg" and "clean". You need to clean between switching targets.