/* * Written by Josh Dybnis and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain */ #ifndef TXN_H #define TXN_H #include "map.h" typedef enum { TXN_READ_WRITE, TXN_READ_ONLY, TXN_BLIND_WRITE } txn_access_e; typedef enum { TXN_REPEATABLE_READ, TXN_READ_COMMITTED, TXN_DIRTY_READ } txn_isolation_e; typedef enum { TXN_RUNNING, TXN_VALIDATING, TXN_VALIDATED, TXN_ABORTED } txn_state_e; typedef struct txn txn_t; txn_t * txn_begin (txn_access_e access, txn_isolation_e isolation, map_t *map); void txn_abort (txn_t *txn); txn_state_e txn_commit (txn_t *txn); uint64_t tm_get (txn_t *txn, void *key); void tm_set (txn_t *txn, void *key, uint64_t value); #endif//TXN_H