/* * Written by Josh Dybnis and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain * * Extreamly fast multi-threaded malloc. */ #ifndef USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC #define _BSD_SOURCE // so we get MAP_ANON on linux #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "rlocal.h" #include "lwt.h" #define RECYCLE_PAGES #define MAX_SCALE 31 // allocate blocks up to 4GB (arbitrary, could be bigger) #ifndef NBD32 #define MIN_SCALE 3 // smallest allocated block is 8 bytes #define MAX_POINTER_BITS 48 #define PAGE_SCALE 21 // 2MB pages #else #define MIN_SCALE 2 // smallest allocated block is 4 bytes #define MAX_POINTER_BITS 32 #define PAGE_SCALE 12 // 4KB pages #endif #define PAGE_SIZE (1 << PAGE_SCALE) #define HEADERS_SIZE (((size_t)1 << (MAX_POINTER_BITS - PAGE_SCALE)) * sizeof(header_t)) typedef struct block { struct block *next; } block_t; // TODO: Break the page header into two parts. The first part is located in the header region. The // second part is located on the page and is only used when there are free items. typedef struct header { #ifdef RECYCLE_PAGES struct header *next; struct header *prev; block_t *free_list; // list of free blocks int num_in_use; #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES uint8_t owner; // thread id of owner uint8_t scale; // log2 of the block size } header_t; #ifdef RECYCLE_PAGES typedef struct size_class { header_t *active_page; header_t *oldest_partial; header_t *newest_partial; } size_class_t; #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES typedef struct tl { #ifndef RECYCLE_PAGES block_t *free_list[MAX_SCALE+1]; #else header_t *free_pages; size_class_t size_class[MAX_SCALE+1]; #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES block_t *blocks_from[MAX_NUM_THREADS]; block_t *blocks_to[MAX_NUM_THREADS]; } __attribute__((aligned(CACHE_LINE_SIZE))) tl_t; static header_t *headers_ = NULL; static tl_t tl_[MAX_NUM_THREADS] = {}; static inline header_t *get_header (void *r) { ASSERT(((size_t)r >> PAGE_SCALE) < HEADERS_SIZE); return headers_ + ((size_t)r >> PAGE_SCALE); } static void *get_new_region (int block_scale) { LOCALIZE_THREAD_LOCAL(tid_, int); #ifdef RECYCLE_PAGES tl_t *tl = &tl_[tid_]; // thread-local data if (block_scale <= PAGE_SCALE && tl->free_pages != NULL) { void *region = tl->free_pages; tl->free_pages = tl->free_pages->next; get_header(region)->scale = block_scale; return region; } #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES size_t region_size = (1 << block_scale); if (region_size < PAGE_SIZE) { region_size = PAGE_SIZE; } void *region = mmap(NULL, region_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); TRACE("m1", "get_new_region: mmapped new region %p (size %p)", region, region_size); if (region == (void *)-1) { perror("get_new_region: mmap"); exit(-1); } if ((size_t)region & (region_size - 1)) { TRACE("m0", "get_new_region: region not aligned", 0, 0); munmap(region, region_size); region = mmap(NULL, region_size * 2, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); if (region == (void *)-1) { perror("get_new_region: mmap"); exit(-1); } TRACE("m0", "get_new_region: mmapped new region %p (size %p)", region, region_size * 2); void *aligned = (void *)(((size_t)region + region_size) & ~(region_size - 1)); size_t extra = (char *)aligned - (char *)region; if (extra) { munmap(region, extra); TRACE("m0", "get_new_region: unmapped extra memory %p (size %p)", region, extra); } extra = ((char *)region + region_size) - (char *)aligned; if (extra) { munmap((char *)aligned + region_size, extra); TRACE("m0", "get_new_region: unmapped extra memory %p (size %p)", (char *)aligned + region_size, extra); } region = aligned; } assert(region); header_t *h = get_header(region); TRACE("m1", "get_new_region: header %p (%p)", h, h - headers_); assert(h->scale == 0); h->scale = block_scale; h->owner = tid_; return region; } void mem_init (void) { assert(headers_ == NULL); // Allocate space for the page headers. This could be a big chunk of memory on 64 bit systems, // but it just takes up virtual address space. Physical space used by the headers is still // proportional to the amount of memory the user mallocs. headers_ = (header_t *)malloc(HEADERS_SIZE); TRACE("m1", "mem_init: header page %p", headers_, 0); memset(headers_, 0, HEADERS_SIZE); // initialize spsc queues for (int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_THREADS; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_THREADS; ++j) { if (i != j) { tl_[i].blocks_to[j] = (block_t *)&(tl_[j].blocks_from[i]); } } } } void nbd_free (void *x) { TRACE("m1", "nbd_free: block %p page %p", x, (size_t)x & ~MASK(PAGE_SCALE)); ASSERT(x); LOCALIZE_THREAD_LOCAL(tid_, int); block_t *b = (block_t *)x; header_t *h = get_header(x); int b_scale = h->scale; TRACE("m1", "nbd_free: header %p scale %llu", h, b_scale); ASSERT(b_scale && b_scale <= MAX_SCALE); #ifdef RECYCLE_PAGES if (b_scale > PAGE_SCALE) { int rc = munmap(x, 1 << b_scale); ASSERT(rc == 0); rc = rc; } #endif #ifndef NDEBUG memset(b, 0xcd, (1 << b_scale)); // bear trap #endif tl_t *tl = &tl_[tid_]; // thread-local data if (h->owner == tid_) { TRACE("m1", "nbd_free: private block, old free list head %p", tl->free_list[b_scale], 0); #ifndef RECYCLE_PAGES b->next = tl->free_list[b_scale]; tl->free_list[b_scale] = b; #else //RECYCLE_PAGES b->next = h->free_list; h->free_list = b; h->num_in_use--; size_class_t *sc = &tl->size_class[b_scale]; if (sc->active_page != h) { if (h->num_in_use == 0) { // remove from the partial-page list if (h->next != NULL) { h->next->prev = h->prev; } if (h->prev != NULL) { h->prev->next = h->next; } // put on the free-page list h->next = tl->free_pages; tl->free_pages = h; } else { // move to the top of the partial-page list if (h->next != NULL) { h->next->prev = h->prev; if (h->prev != NULL) { h->prev->next = h->next; } h->prev = sc->newest_partial; h->next = NULL; sc->newest_partial = h; } } } #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES } else { // push onto it's owner's queue int b_owner = h->owner; TRACE("m1", "nbd_free: owner %llu", b_owner, 0); // The assignment statements are volatile to prevent the compiler from reordering them. VOLATILE_DEREF(b).next = NULL; VOLATILE_DEREF(tl->blocks_to[b_owner]).next = b; tl->blocks_to[b_owner] = b; } } static inline void process_incoming_blocks (tl_t *tl) { for (int p = 0; p < MAX_NUM_THREADS; ++p) { block_t *b = tl->blocks_from[p]; if (EXPECT_FALSE(b == NULL)) continue; // the queue is completely empty // Leave the last block on the queue. Removing the last block on the queue would create a // race with the producer thread putting a new block on the queue. for (block_t *next = b->next; next != NULL; b = next, next = b->next) { // push onto the appropriate free list #ifndef RECYCLE_PAGES int b_scale = get_header(b)->scale; b->next = tl->free_list[b_scale]; tl->free_list[b_scale] = b; #else //RECYCLE_PAGES header_t *h = get_header(b); b->next = h->free_list; h->free_list = b; #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES } tl->blocks_from[p] = b; } } static inline block_t *pop_free_list (tl_t *tl, int scale) { #ifndef RECYCLE_PAGES block_t **free_list = &tl->free_list[scale]; #else //RECYCLE_PAGES size_class_t *sc = &tl->size_class[scale]; if (EXPECT_FALSE(sc->active_page == NULL)) return NULL; block_t **free_list = &sc->active_page->free_list; #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES block_t *b = *free_list; if (EXPECT_FALSE(b == NULL)) return NULL; ASSERT(get_header(b)->scale == scale); *free_list = b->next; return b; } // Allocate a block of memory at least size . Blocks are binned in powers-of-two. Round up to // the nearest power of two. // // First check the current thread's free list for an available block. If there are no blocks on the // free list, pull items off of the current thread's incoming block queues and push them onto the // free list. If we didn't get an appropriate size block off of the block queues then allocate a new // page, break it up into blocks and push them onto the free list. void *nbd_malloc (size_t n) { // the scale is the log base 2 of , rounded up int b_scale = (sizeof(void *) * __CHAR_BIT__) - __builtin_clzl((n) - 1); TRACE("m1", "nbd_malloc: size %llu (scale %llu)", n, b_scale); if (EXPECT_FALSE(b_scale < MIN_SCALE)) { b_scale = MIN_SCALE; } if (EXPECT_FALSE(b_scale > MAX_SCALE)) { return NULL; } LOCALIZE_THREAD_LOCAL(tid_, int); tl_t *tl = &tl_[tid_]; // thread-local data block_t *b = pop_free_list(tl, b_scale); if (b != NULL) { TRACE("m1", "nbd_malloc: returning block %p", b, 0); return b; } // The free list is empty so process blocks freed from other threads and then check again. process_incoming_blocks(tl); b = pop_free_list(tl, b_scale); if (b != NULL) { TRACE("m1", "nbd_malloc: returning block %p", b, 0); return b; } #ifdef RECYCLE_PAGES // The current active page is completely allocated. Make the oldest partially allocated page // the new active page. size_class_t *sc = &tl->size_class[b_scale]; if (sc->oldest_partial != NULL) { sc->active_page = sc->oldest_partial; sc->oldest_partial = sc->oldest_partial->next; sc->oldest_partial->prev = NULL; b = pop_free_list(tl, b_scale); ASSERT(b != NULL); TRACE("m1", "nbd_malloc: returning block %p", b, 0); return b; } // There are no partially allocated pages so get a new page. #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES // Get a new page. char *page = get_new_region(b_scale); b = (block_t *)page; // grab the first block on the page // Break up the remainder of the page into blocks and put them on the free list. Start at the // end of the page so that the free list ends up in increasing order, for ease of debugging. if (b_scale < PAGE_SCALE) { size_t block_size = (1 << b_scale); block_t *head = NULL; for (int offset = PAGE_SIZE - block_size; offset > 0; offset -= block_size) { block_t *x = (block_t *)(page + offset); x->next = head; head = x; } #ifndef RECYCLE_PAGES tl->free_list[b_scale] = head; #else //RECYCLE_PAGES sc->active_page = get_header(page); sc->active_page->free_list = head; #endif//RECYCLE_PAGES } TRACE("m1", "nbd_malloc: returning block %p from new region %p", b, (size_t)b & ~MASK(PAGE_SCALE)); return b; } #else//USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC #include void mem_init (void) { return; } void ndb_free (void *x) { TRACE("m1", "nbd_free: %p", x, 0); #ifndef NDEBUG memset(x, 0xcd, sizeof(void *)); // bear trap #endif//NDEBUG free(x); return; } void *nbd_malloc (size_t n) { TRACE("m1", "nbd_malloc: request size %llu", n, 0); void *x = malloc(n); TRACE("m1", "nbd_malloc: returning %p", x, 0); return x; } #endif//USE_SYSTEM_MALLOC