/* * Written by Josh Dybnis and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain */ #include #include #include "runtime.h" #include "CuTest.h" #include "common.h" #include "map.h" #include "mem.h" #include "lwt.h" #define ASSERT_EQUAL(x, y) CuAssertIntEquals(tc, x, y) typedef struct worker_data { int id; CuTest *tc; map_t *ht; int *wait; } worker_data_t; static map_type_t map_type_; // Test some basic stuff; add a few keys, remove a few keys void basic_test (CuTest* tc) { map_t *ht = map_alloc(map_type_); ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_add(ht,"a",2,10) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 1, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_add(ht,"b",2,20) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 2, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 20, map_get(ht,"b",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 10, map_set(ht,"a",2,11) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 20, map_set(ht,"b",2,21) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 2, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 21, map_add(ht,"b",2,22) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 11, map_remove(ht,"a",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_get(ht,"a",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 1, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_remove(ht,"a",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 21, map_remove(ht,"b",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_remove(ht,"b",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_remove(ht,"c",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_add(ht,"d",2,40) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 40, map_get(ht,"d",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 1, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 40, map_remove(ht,"d",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_get(ht,"d",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_replace(ht,"d",2,10) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_get(ht,"d",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_set(ht,"d",2,40) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 40, map_replace(ht,"d",2,41) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 41, map_get(ht,"d",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 41, map_remove(ht,"d",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_get(ht,"d",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, map_count(ht) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_replace(ht,"b",2,20) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_get(ht,"b",2) ); // In the end, all entries should be removed ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_set(ht,"b",2,20) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 20, map_replace(ht,"b",2,21) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 21, map_get(ht,"b",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 21, map_remove(ht,"b",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_get(ht,"b",2) ); ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, map_count(ht) ); map_free(ht); // In a quiecent state; it is safe to free. rcu_update(); } void *simple_worker (void *arg) { worker_data_t *wd = (worker_data_t *)arg; map_t *ht = wd->ht; CuTest* tc = wd->tc; uint64_t d = wd->id; int iters = map_type_ == MAP_TYPE_LIST ? 100 : 1000000; SYNC_ADD(wd->wait, -1); do { } while (*((volatile worker_data_t *)wd)->wait); // wait for all workers to be ready for (int j = 0; j < 10; ++j) { for (int i = d; i < iters; i+=2) { char key[10]; sprintf(key, "k%u", i); TRACE("t0", "test map_add() iteration (%llu, %llu)", j, i); CuAssertIntEquals_Msg(tc, key, DOES_NOT_EXIST, map_add(ht, key, strlen(key)+1, d+1) ); rcu_update(); } for (int i = d; i < iters; i+=2) { char key[10]; sprintf(key, "k%u", i); TRACE("t0", "test map_remove() iteration (%llu, %llu)", j, i); CuAssertIntEquals_Msg(tc, key, d+1, map_remove(ht, key, strlen(key)+1) ); rcu_update(); } } return NULL; } // Do some simple concurrent testing void simple_add_remove (CuTest* tc) { pthread_t thread[2]; worker_data_t wd[2]; int wait = 2; map_t *ht = map_alloc(map_type_); // In 2 threads, add & remove even & odd elements concurrently int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { wd[i].id = i; wd[i].tc = tc; wd[i].ht = ht; wd[i].wait = &wait; int rc = nbd_thread_create(thread + i, i, simple_worker, wd + i); if (rc != 0) { perror("nbd_thread_create"); return; } } for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { pthread_join(thread[i], NULL); } // In the end, all members should be removed ASSERT_EQUAL( 0, map_count(ht) ); // In a quiecent state; it is safe to free. map_free(ht); } void *inserter_worker (void *arg) { //pthread_t thread[NUM_THREADS]; //map_t *ht = map_alloc(MAP_TYPE_HASHTABLE); return NULL; } // Concurrent insertion void concurrent_insert (CuTest* tc) { } int main (void) { nbd_init(); //lwt_set_trace_level("h0"); map_type_t map_types[] = { MAP_TYPE_LIST, MAP_TYPE_SKIPLIST, MAP_TYPE_HASHTABLE }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(map_types)/sizeof(*map_types); ++i) { map_type_ = map_types[i]; // Create and run test suite CuString *output = CuStringNew(); CuSuite* suite = CuSuiteNew(); SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, basic_test); SUITE_ADD_TEST(suite, simple_add_remove); CuSuiteRun(suite); CuSuiteSummary(suite, output); CuSuiteDetails(suite, output); printf("%s\n", output->buffer); } return 0; }