/* * Written by Josh Dybnis and released to the public domain, as explained at * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain * * safe memory reclemation using a simple technique from rcu */ #include #include "common.h" #include "rcu.h" #include "lwt.h" #include "mem.h" #include "nbd.h" #include "tls.h" #define RCU_POST_THRESHOLD 10 #define RCU_QUEUE_SCALE 20 typedef struct fifo { uint32_t head; uint32_t tail; uint32_t scale; void *x[0]; } fifo_t; static uint64_t rcu_[MAX_NUM_THREADS][MAX_NUM_THREADS] = {}; static uint64_t rcu_last_posted_[MAX_NUM_THREADS][MAX_NUM_THREADS] = {}; static fifo_t *pending_[MAX_NUM_THREADS] = {}; static int num_threads_ = 0; static fifo_t *fifo_alloc(int scale) { fifo_t *q = (fifo_t *)nbd_malloc(sizeof(fifo_t) + (1 << scale) * sizeof(void *)); memset(q, 0, sizeof(fifo_t)); q->scale = scale; q->head = 0; q->tail = 0; return q; } static uint32_t fifo_index (fifo_t *q, uint32_t i) { return i & MASK(q->scale); } static void fifo_enqueue (fifo_t *q, void *x) { assert(fifo_index(q, q->head + 1) != fifo_index(q, q->tail)); uint32_t i = fifo_index(q, q->head++); q->x[i] = x; } static void *fifo_dequeue (fifo_t *q) { uint32_t i = fifo_index(q, q->tail++); return q->x[i]; } void rcu_thread_init (int id) { assert(id < MAX_NUM_THREADS); if (pending_[id] == NULL) { pending_[id] = fifo_alloc(RCU_QUEUE_SCALE); SYNC_ADD(&num_threads_, 1); } } static void rcu_post (uint64_t x) { LOCALIZE_THREAD_LOCAL(tid_, int); if (x - rcu_last_posted_[tid_][tid_] < RCU_POST_THRESHOLD) return; int next_thread_id = (tid_ + 1) % num_threads_; TRACE("r0", "rcu_post: %llu", x, 0); rcu_[next_thread_id][tid_] = rcu_last_posted_[tid_][tid_] = x; } void rcu_update (void) { LOCALIZE_THREAD_LOCAL(tid_, int); assert(tid_ < num_threads_); int next_thread_id = (tid_ + 1) % num_threads_; int i; for (i = 0; i < num_threads_; ++i) { if (i == tid_) continue; // No need to post an update if the value hasn't changed if (rcu_[tid_][i] == rcu_last_posted_[tid_][i]) continue; uint64_t x = rcu_[tid_][i]; rcu_[next_thread_id][i] = rcu_last_posted_[tid_][i] = x; } // free while (pending_[tid_]->tail != rcu_[tid_][tid_]) { nbd_free(fifo_dequeue(pending_[tid_])); } } void nbd_defer_free (void *x) { LOCALIZE_THREAD_LOCAL(tid_, int); fifo_enqueue(pending_[tid_], x); TRACE("r0", "nbd_defer_free: put %p on queue at position %llu", x, pending_[tid_]->head); rcu_post(pending_[tid_]->head); } #ifdef MAKE_rcu_test #include #include #include #define NUM_ITERATIONS 10000000 typedef struct node { struct node *next; } node_t; typedef struct lifo { node_t *head; } lifo_t; static volatile int wait_; static lifo_t *stk_; static lifo_t *lifo_alloc (void) { lifo_t *stk = (lifo_t *)nbd_malloc(sizeof(lifo_t)); memset(stk, 0, sizeof(lifo_t)); return stk; } static void lifo_aba_push (lifo_t *stk, node_t *x) { node_t *head; do { head = ((volatile lifo_t *)stk)->head; ((volatile node_t *)x)->next = head; } while (__sync_val_compare_and_swap(&stk->head, head, x) != head); } node_t *lifo_aba_pop (lifo_t *stk) { node_t *head; do { head = ((volatile lifo_t *)stk)->head; if (head == NULL) return NULL; } while (__sync_val_compare_and_swap(&stk->head, head, head->next) != head); head->next = NULL; return head; } node_t *node_alloc (void) { node_t *node = (node_t *)nbd_malloc(sizeof(node_t)); memset(node, 0, sizeof(node_t)); return node; } void *worker (void *arg) { int id = (int)(size_t)arg; unsigned int rand_seed = (unsigned int)id + 1; nbd_thread_init(id); // Wait for all the worker threads to be ready. __sync_fetch_and_add(&wait_, -1); do {} while (wait_); int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_ITERATIONS; ++ i) { int n = rand_r(&rand_seed); if (n & 0x1) { lifo_aba_push(stk_, node_alloc()); } else { node_t *x = lifo_aba_pop(stk_); if (x) { nbd_defer_free(x); } } rcu_update(); } return NULL; } int main (int argc, char **argv) { nbd_init(); //lwt_set_trace_level("m0r0"); int num_threads = 2; if (argc == 2) { errno = 0; num_threads = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); if (errno) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid argument for number of threads\n", argv[0]); return -1; } if (num_threads <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Number of threads must be at least 1\n", argv[0]); return -1; } } stk_ = lifo_alloc(); wait_ = num_threads; pthread_t thread[num_threads]; for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { int rc = pthread_create(thread + i, NULL, worker, (void *)(size_t)i); if (rc != 0) { perror("pthread_create"); return rc; } } for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { pthread_join(thread[i], NULL); } return 0; } #endif//rcu_test