Install Instructions The server depends on the following non-core Perl modules: Net::Server Date::Calc It also depends on the provided Net::Server::NNTP module, and a storage module which subclasses Net::Server::NNTP. A postgres storage module, Net::Server::NNTP::Postgres is provided, and requires postgres to be installed and working, though it doesn't need to be a local install. Only Postgres 9.1 has been tested but it should currently work with at least 8.4. I won't make any effort to maintain compatibility with versions of postgres earlier than 9.1. The basic server configuration is done in the manner of Net::Server. Provided example newsd program for how to call the module and get a running server. For the Postgres storage to work, there must be a database named 'news', create it user news and load the schema.sql file into that database. See or execute the make schema target. You will probably want the regular set of newsgroups maintained by ISC. A 'make activesync' will download and install them into the database. You can fire up a test server with 'make testserver', and the 'make test' target will start and use a test server. These all use the existing database, so if you post against the testing server, the articles will persist. The test server runs on the default Net::Server port of 20203, so your newsreader needs to hit that port. I use slrn, NNTPSERVER=localhost:20203 slrn -C -f ~/.jnewsrc --create Will create the newsrc for slrn and you can post a message.