/* * A n t l r T r a n s l a t i o n H e a d e r * * Terence Parr, Will Cohen, and Hank Dietz: 1989-1994 * Purdue University Electrical Engineering * With AHPCRC, University of Minnesota * ANTLR Version 1.32 */ #include #define ANTLR_VERSION 132 #ifdef __cplusplus #ifndef __STDC__ #define __STDC__ #endif #endif #include "set.h" #include #include "syn.h" #include "hash.h" #include "generic.h" #define zzcr_attr(attr,tok,t) #define zzSET_SIZE 20 #include "antlr.h" #include "tokens.h" #include "dlgdef.h" #include "mode.h" #ifndef PURIFY #define PURIFY(r,s) #endif ANTLR_INFO #ifdef __STDC__ static void chkToken(char *, char *, char *, int); #else static void chkToken(); #endif static int class_nest_level = 0; extern int inAlt; extern set attribsRefdFromAction; extern int UsedOldStyleAttrib; extern int UsedNewStyleLabel; void #ifdef __STDC__ grammar(void) #else grammar() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { Graph g; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( 1 ) { if ( !((setwd1[LA(1)]&0x1))) break; if ( (LA(1)==88) ) { zzmatch(88); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(Action); if ( HdrAction==NULL ) { HdrAction = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(HdrAction!=NULL, "rule grammar: cannot allocate header action"); strcpy(HdrAction, LATEXT(1)); } else warn("additional #header statement ignored"); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==89) ) { zzmatch(89); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(QuotedTerm); if ( GenCC ) { warn("#parser meta-op incompatible with -CC; ignored"); } else { if ( strcmp(ParserName,"zzparser")==0 ) { ParserName=StripQuotes(mystrdup(LATEXT(1))); if ( RulePrefix[0]!='\0' ) { warn("#parser meta-op incompatible with '-gp prefix'; '-gp' ignored"); RulePrefix[0]='\0'; } } else warn("additional #parser statement ignored"); } zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==90) ) { zzmatch(90); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(QuotedTerm); { char *fname; zzantlr_state st; FILE *f; struct zzdlg_state dst; UserTokenDefsFile = mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzsave_antlr_state(&st); zzsave_dlg_state(&dst); fname = mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); f = fopen(StripQuotes(fname), "r"); if ( f==NULL ) {warn(eMsg1("cannot open token defs file '%s'", fname+1));} else { ANTLRm(enum_file(fname+1), f, PARSE_ENUM_FILE); UserDefdTokens = 1; } zzrestore_antlr_state(&st); zzrestore_dlg_state(&dst); } zzCONSUME; } } } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( 1 ) { if ( !((setwd1[LA(1)]&0x2))) break; if ( (LA(1)==Action) ) { zzmatch(Action); { UserAction *ua = newUserAction(LATEXT(1)); ua->file = action_file; ua->line = action_line; if ( class_nest_level>0 ) list_add(&class_before_actions, ua); else list_add(&BeforeActions, ua); } zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==101) ) { laction(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==102) ) { aLexclass(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==105) ) { token(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==103) ) { error(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==104) ) { tclass(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==122) ) { default_exception_handler(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==92) ) { class_def(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==91) ) { zzmatch(91); if ( class_nest_level==0 ) warn("missing class definition for trailing '}'"); class_nest_level--; zzCONSUME; } } } } } } } } } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } rule(); g=zzaArg(zztasp1,3); SynDiag = (Junction *) zzaArg(zztasp1,3 ).left; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( 1 ) { if ( !((setwd1[LA(1)]&0x4))) break; if ( (LA(1)==NonTerminal) ) { rule(); if ( zzaArg(zztasp2,1 ).left!=NULL ) {g.right = NULL; g = Or(g, zzaArg(zztasp2,1));} } else { if ( (LA(1)==102) ) { aLexclass(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==105) ) { token(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==103) ) { error(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==104) ) { tclass(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==92) ) { class_def(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==91) ) { zzmatch(91); if ( class_nest_level==0 ) warn("missing class definition for trailing '}'"); class_nest_level--; zzCONSUME; } } } } } } } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( 1 ) { if ( !((setwd1[LA(1)]&0x8))) break; if ( (LA(1)==Action) ) { zzmatch(Action); { UserAction *ua = newUserAction(LATEXT(1)); ua->file = action_file; ua->line = action_line; if ( class_nest_level>0 ) list_add(&class_after_actions, ua); else list_add(&AfterActions, ua); } zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==101) ) { laction(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==103) ) { error(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==104) ) { tclass(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==92) ) { class_def(); } else { if ( (LA(1)==91) ) { zzmatch(91); if ( class_nest_level==0 ) warn("missing class definition for trailing '}'"); class_nest_level--; zzCONSUME; } } } } } } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } zzmatch(Eof); zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd1, 0x10); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ class_def(void) #else class_def() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { int go=1; char name[MaxRuleName+1]; zzmatch(92); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==NonTerminal) ) { zzmatch(NonTerminal); if(go) strncpy(name,LATEXT(1),MaxRuleName); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); if(go) strncpy(name,LATEXT(1),MaxRuleName); zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr1,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } if ( CurrentClassName[0]!='\0' && strcmp(CurrentClassName,name)!=0 && GenCC ) { err("only one grammar class allowed in this release"); go = 0; } else strcpy(CurrentClassName, name); if ( !GenCC ) { err("class meta-op used without C++ option"); } zzmatch(95); no_classes_found = 0; if ( class_nest_level>=1 ) {warn("cannot have nested classes");} else class_nest_level++; zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd1, 0x20); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ rule(void) #else rule() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { ListNode *ex_groups = NULL; ExceptionGroup *eg; RuleEntry *q; Junction *p; Graph r; int f, l; ECnode *e; set toksrefd, rulesrefd; char *pdecl=NULL, *ret=NULL, *a; CurRetDef = CurParmDef = NULL; CurExGroups = NULL; CurElementLabels = NULL; /* We want a new element label hash table for each rule */ if ( Elabel!=NULL ) killHashTable(Elabel); Elabel = newHashTable(); attribsRefdFromAction = empty; zzmatch(NonTerminal); q=NULL; if ( hash_get(Rname, LATEXT(1))!=NULL ) { err(eMsg1("duplicate rule definition: '%s'",LATEXT(1))); CannotContinue=TRUE; } else { q = (RuleEntry *)hash_add(Rname, LATEXT(1), (Entry *)newRuleEntry(LATEXT(1))); CurRule = q->str; } CurRuleNode = q; f = CurFile; l = zzline; NumRules++; zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==96) ) { zzmatch(96); if ( q!=NULL ) q->noAST = TRUE; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { ; if ( (setwd1[LA(1)]&0x40) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==97) ) { zzmatch(97); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } zzmatch(PassAction); pdecl = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(pdecl!=NULL, "rule rule: cannot allocate param decl"); strcpy(pdecl, LATEXT(1)); CurParmDef = pdecl; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==98) ) { zzmatch(98); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(PassAction); ret = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(ret!=NULL, "rule rule: cannot allocate ret type"); strcpy(ret, LATEXT(1)); CurRetDef = ret; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); if ( q!=NULL ) q->egroup=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } if ( GenEClasseForRules && q!=NULL ) { e = newECnode; require(e!=NULL, "cannot allocate error class node"); if ( q->egroup == NULL ) {a = q->str; a[0] = (char)toupper(a[0]);} else a = q->egroup; if ( Tnum( a ) == 0 ) { e->tok = addTname( a ); list_add(&eclasses, (char *)e); if ( q->egroup == NULL ) a[0] = (char)tolower(a[0]); /* refers to itself */ list_add(&(e->elist), mystrdup(q->str)); } else { warn(eMsg1("default errclass for '%s' would conflict with token/errclass/tokclass",a)); if ( q->egroup == NULL ) a[0] = (char)tolower(a[0]); free((char *)e); } } BlkLevel++; zzmatch(99); inAlt=1; zzCONSUME; block( &toksrefd, &rulesrefd ); r = makeBlk(zzaArg(zztasp1,7),0); CurRuleBlk = (Junction *)r.left; CurRuleBlk->blockid = CurBlockID; CurRuleBlk->jtype = RuleBlk; if ( q!=NULL ) CurRuleBlk->rname = q->str; CurRuleBlk->file = f; CurRuleBlk->line = l; CurRuleBlk->pdecl = pdecl; CurRuleBlk->ret = ret; CurRuleBlk->lock = makelocks(); CurRuleBlk->pred_lock = makelocks(); CurRuleBlk->tokrefs = toksrefd; CurRuleBlk->rulerefs = rulesrefd; p = newJunction(); /* add EndRule Node */ ((Junction *)r.right)->p1 = (Node *)p; r.right = (Node *) p; p->jtype = EndRule; p->lock = makelocks(); p->pred_lock = makelocks(); CurRuleBlk->end = p; if ( q!=NULL ) q->rulenum = NumRules; zzaArg(zztasp1,7) = r; --BlkLevel; zzmatch(100); inAlt=0; zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==Action) ) { zzmatch(Action); a = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(a!=NULL, "rule rule: cannot allocate error action"); strcpy(a, LATEXT(1)); CurRuleBlk->erraction = a; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( (LA(1)==122) ) { eg = exception_group(); if ( eg!=NULL ) { list_add(&CurExGroups, (void *)eg); if ( eg->label=='\0' ) q->has_rule_exception = 1; } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } if ( q==NULL ) zzaArg(zztasp1,0 ).left = NULL; else zzaArg(zztasp1,0) = zzaArg(zztasp1,7); CurRuleNode = NULL; CurRuleBlk->exceptions = CurExGroups; CurRuleBlk->el_labels = CurElementLabels; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd1, 0x80); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ laction(void) #else laction() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { char *a; zzmatch(101); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(Action); a = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(a!=NULL, "rule laction: cannot allocate action"); strcpy(a, LATEXT(1)); list_add(&LexActions, a); zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd2, 0x1); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ aLexclass(void) #else aLexclass() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { zzmatch(102); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(TokenTerm); lexclass(mystrdup(LATEXT(1))); zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd2, 0x2); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ error(void) #else error() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { char *t=NULL; ECnode *e; int go=1; TermEntry *p; zzmatch(103); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { ; if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr2,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } e = newECnode; require(e!=NULL, "cannot allocate error class node"); e->lexclass = CurrentLexClass; if ( Tnum( (t=StripQuotes(t)) ) == 0 ) { if ( hash_get(Texpr, t) != NULL ) warn(eMsg1("errclass name conflicts with regular expression '%s'",t)); e->tok = addTname( t ); set_orel(e->tok, &imag_tokens); require((p=(TermEntry *)hash_get(Tname, t)) != NULL, "hash table mechanism is broken"); p->classname = 1; /* entry is errclass name, not token */ list_add(&eclasses, (char *)e); } else { warn(eMsg1("redefinition of errclass or conflict w/token or tokclass '%s'; ignored",t)); free( (char *)e ); go=0; } zzmatch(95); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==NonTerminal) ) { zzmatch(NonTerminal); if ( go ) t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); if ( go ) t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); if ( go ) t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr3,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } if ( go ) list_add(&(e->elist), t); { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( (setwd2[LA(1)]&0x4) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==NonTerminal) ) { zzmatch(NonTerminal); if ( go ) t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); if ( go ) t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); if ( go ) t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr4,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } if ( go ) list_add(&(e->elist), t); zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } zzmatch(91); zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd2, 0x8); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ tclass(void) #else tclass() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { char *t=NULL; TCnode *e; int go=1,tok; TermEntry *p, *term; zzmatch(104); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(TokenTerm); t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; e = newTCnode; require(e!=NULL, "cannot allocate token class node"); e->lexclass = CurrentLexClass; if ( Tnum( t ) == 0 ) { e->tok = addTname( t ); set_orel(e->tok, &imag_tokens); set_orel(e->tok, &tokclasses); require((p=(TermEntry *)hash_get(Tname, t)) != NULL, "hash table mechanism is broken"); p->classname = 1; /* entry is class name, not token */ p->tclass = e; /* save ptr to this tclass def */ list_add(&tclasses, (char *)e); } else { warn(eMsg1("redefinition of tokclass or conflict w/token '%s'; ignored",t)); free( (char *)e ); go=0; } zzmatch(95); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( (setwd2[LA(1)]&0x10) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); if ( go ) { term = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Tname, LATEXT(1)); if ( term==NULL && UserDefdTokens ) { err("implicit token definition not allowed with #tokdefs"); go = 0; } else {t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); tok=addTname(LATEXT(1));} } zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); if ( go ) { term = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Texpr, LATEXT(1)); if ( term==NULL && UserDefdTokens ) { err("implicit token definition not allowed with #tokdefs"); go = 0; } else {t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); tok=addTexpr(LATEXT(1));} } zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr5,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } if ( go ) list_add(&(e->tlist), t); zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } zzmatch(91); zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd2, 0x20); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ token(void) #else token() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { char *t=NULL, *e=NULL, *a=NULL; int tnum=0; zzmatch(105); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); t=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==106) ) { zzmatch(106); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(107); tnum = atoi(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); e=mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==Action) ) { zzmatch(Action); a = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(a!=NULL, "rule token: cannot allocate action"); strcpy(a, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } chkToken(t, e, a, tnum); zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd2, 0x40); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ block( set *toksrefd, set *rulesrefd ) #else block(toksrefd,rulesrefd) set *toksrefd; set *rulesrefd ; #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { Graph g, b; set saveblah; int saveinalt = inAlt; ExceptionGroup *eg; * toksrefd = empty; * rulesrefd = empty; set_clr(AST_nodes_refd_in_actions); CurBlockID++; CurAltNum = 1; saveblah = attribsRefdFromAction; attribsRefdFromAction = empty; alt( toksrefd,rulesrefd ); b = g = zzaArg(zztasp1,1); if ( ((Junction *)g.left)->p1->ntype == nAction ) { if ( !((ActionNode *)(((Junction *)g.left)->p1))->is_predicate ) { ((ActionNode *)(((Junction *)g.left)->p1))->init_action = TRUE; } } ((Junction *)g.left)->blockid = CurBlockID; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( (LA(1)==122) ) { eg = exception_group(); if ( eg!=NULL ) { eg->altID = makeAltID(CurBlockID,CurAltNum); CurAltStart->exception_label = eg->altID; list_add(&CurExGroups, (void *)eg); } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } CurAltNum++; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( (LA(1)==108) ) { zzmatch(108); inAlt=1; zzCONSUME; alt( toksrefd,rulesrefd ); g = Or(g, zzaArg(zztasp2,2)); ((Junction *)g.left)->blockid = CurBlockID; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { while ( (LA(1)==122) ) { eg = exception_group(); if ( eg!=NULL ) { eg->altID = makeAltID(CurBlockID,CurAltNum); CurAltStart->exception_label = eg->altID; list_add(&CurExGroups, (void *)eg); } zzLOOP(zztasp3); } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } CurAltNum++; zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } zzaArg(zztasp1,0) = b; attribsRefdFromAction = saveblah; inAlt = saveinalt; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd2, 0x80); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ alt( set *toksrefd, set *rulesrefd ) #else alt(toksrefd,rulesrefd) set *toksrefd; set *rulesrefd ; #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { int n=0,ne=0; Graph g; int e_num=0, not=0; Node *node; set elems, dif; int first_on_line = 1, use_def_MT_handler = 0; g.left=NULL; g.right=NULL; CurAltStart = NULL; elems = empty; inAlt = 1; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==84) ) { zzmatch(84); use_def_MT_handler = 1; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { int tok; while ( (setwd3[LA(1)]&0x1) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { not=0; if ( (LA(1)==109) ) { zzmatch(109); not=1; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } node = element( not, first_on_line, use_def_MT_handler ); if ( node!=NULL && node->ntype!=nAction ) first_on_line = 0; if ( zzaArg(zztasp2,2 ).left!=NULL ) { g = Cat(g, zzaArg(zztasp2,2)); n++; if ( node!=NULL ) { if ( node->ntype!=nAction ) e_num++; /* record record number of all rule and token refs */ if ( node->ntype==nToken ) { TokNode *tk = (TokNode *)((Junction *)zzaArg(zztasp2,2 ).left)->p1; tk->elnum = e_num; set_orel(e_num, &elems); } else if ( node->ntype==nRuleRef ) { RuleRefNode *rn = (RuleRefNode *)((Junction *)zzaArg(zztasp2,2 ).left)->p1; rn->elnum = e_num; set_orel(e_num, rulesrefd); } } } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } if ( n == 0 ) g = emptyAlt(); zzaArg(zztasp1,0) = g; /* We want to reduce number of LT(i) calls and the number of * local attribute variables in C++ mode (for moment, later we'll * do for C also). However, if trees are being built, they * require most of the attrib variables to create the tree nodes * with; therefore, we gen a token ptr for each token ref in C++ */ if ( GenCC && !GenAST ) { /* This now free's the temp set -ATG 5/6/95 */ set temp; temp = set_and(elems, attribsRefdFromAction); set_orin( toksrefd, temp); set_free(temp); } else set_orin( toksrefd, elems); if ( GenCC ) { dif = set_dif(attribsRefdFromAction, elems); if ( set_deg(dif)>0 ) err("one or more $i in action(s) refer to non-token elements"); set_free(dif); } set_free(elems); set_free(attribsRefdFromAction); inAlt = 0; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd3, 0x2); } } LabelEntry * #ifdef __STDC__ element_label(void) #else element_label() #endif { LabelEntry * _retv; PURIFY(_retv,sizeof( LabelEntry * )) zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { TermEntry *t=NULL; LabelEntry *l=NULL; RuleEntry *r=NULL; char *lab; zzmatch(LABEL); lab = mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; UsedNewStyleLabel = 1; if ( UsedOldStyleAttrib ) err("cannot mix with new-style labels with old-style $i"); t = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Tname, lab); if ( t==NULL ) t = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Texpr, lab); if ( t==NULL ) r = (RuleEntry *) hash_get(Rname, lab); if ( t!=NULL ) { err(eMsg1("label definition clashes with token/tokclass definition: '%s'", lab)); _retv = NULL; } else if ( r!=NULL ) { err(eMsg1("label definition clashes with rule definition: '%s'", lab)); _retv = NULL; } else { /* we don't clash with anybody else */ l = (LabelEntry *) hash_get(Elabel, lab); if ( l==NULL ) { /* ok to add new element label */ l = (LabelEntry *)hash_add(Elabel, lab, (Entry *)newLabelEntry(lab)); /* add to list of element labels for this rule */ list_add(&CurElementLabels, (void *)lab); _retv = l; } else { err(eMsg1("label definitions must be unique per rule: '%s'", lab)); _retv = NULL; } } zzmatch(99); zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return _retv; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd3, 0x4); return _retv; } } Node * #ifdef __STDC__ element( int not, int first_on_line, int use_def_MT_handler ) #else element(not,first_on_line,use_def_MT_handler) int not; int first_on_line; int use_def_MT_handler ; #endif { Node * _retv; PURIFY(_retv,sizeof( Node * )) zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { Attrib blk; Predicate *pred = NULL; int local_use_def_MT_handler=0; ActionNode *act; RuleRefNode *rr; set toksrefd, rulesrefd; TermEntry *term; TokNode *p=NULL; RuleRefNode *q; int approx=0; LabelEntry *label=NULL; _retv = NULL; if ( (setwd3[LA(1)]&0x8) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==LABEL) ) { label = element_label(); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); term = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Tname, LATEXT(1)); if ( term==NULL && UserDefdTokens ) { err("implicit token definition not allowed with #tokdefs"); zzaRet.left = zzaRet.right = NULL; } else { zzaRet = buildToken(LATEXT(1)); p=((TokNode *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1); term = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Tname, LATEXT(1)); require( term!= NULL, "hash table mechanism is broken"); p->tclass = term->tclass; p->complement = not; if ( label!=NULL ) { p->el_label = label->str; label->elem = (Node *)p; } } zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==110) ) { zzmatch(110); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp4); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); if ( p!=NULL ) setUpperRange(p, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); if ( p!=NULL ) setUpperRange(p, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr6,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp4); } } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } if ( p!=NULL && (p->upper_range!=0 || p->tclass || not) ) list_add(&MetaTokenNodes, (void *)p); { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==111) ) { zzmatch(111); if ( p!=NULL ) p->astnode=ASTroot; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (setwd3[LA(1)]&0x10) ) { if ( p!=NULL ) p->astnode=ASTchild; } else { if ( (LA(1)==96) ) { zzmatch(96); if ( p!=NULL ) p->astnode=ASTexclude; zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr7,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==84) ) { zzmatch(84); local_use_def_MT_handler = 1; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } if ( p!=NULL && first_on_line ) { CurAltStart = (Junction *)zzaRet.left; p->altstart = CurAltStart; } if ( p!=NULL ) p->use_def_MT_handler = use_def_MT_handler || local_use_def_MT_handler; _retv = (Node *)p; } else { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); term = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Texpr, LATEXT(1)); if ( term==NULL && UserDefdTokens ) { err("implicit token definition not allowed with #tokdefs"); zzaRet.left = zzaRet.right = NULL; } else { zzaRet = buildToken(LATEXT(1)); p=((TokNode *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1); p->complement = not; if ( label!=NULL ) { p->el_label = label->str; label->elem = (Node *)p; } } zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==110) ) { zzmatch(110); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp4); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==QuotedTerm) ) { zzmatch(QuotedTerm); if ( p!=NULL ) setUpperRange(p, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); if ( p!=NULL ) setUpperRange(p, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr8,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp4); } } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==111) ) { zzmatch(111); if ( p!=NULL ) p->astnode=ASTroot; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (setwd3[LA(1)]&0x20) ) { if ( p!=NULL ) p->astnode=ASTchild; } else { if ( (LA(1)==96) ) { zzmatch(96); if ( p!=NULL ) p->astnode=ASTexclude; zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr9,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==84) ) { zzmatch(84); local_use_def_MT_handler = 1; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } if ( p!=NULL && (p->upper_range!=0 || p->tclass || not) ) list_add(&MetaTokenNodes, (void *)p); if ( first_on_line ) { CurAltStart = (Junction *)zzaRet.left; p->altstart = CurAltStart; } if ( p!=NULL ) p->use_def_MT_handler = use_def_MT_handler || local_use_def_MT_handler; _retv = (Node *)p; } else { if ( (LA(1)==WildCard) ) { if ( not ) warn("~ WILDCARD is an undefined operation (implies 'nothing')"); zzmatch(WildCard); zzaRet = buildWildCard(LATEXT(1)); p=((TokNode *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==111) ) { zzmatch(111); p->astnode=ASTroot; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (setwd3[LA(1)]&0x40) ) { p->astnode=ASTchild; } else { if ( (LA(1)==96) ) { zzmatch(96); p->astnode=ASTexclude; zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr10,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } list_add(&MetaTokenNodes, (void *)p); if ( first_on_line ) { CurAltStart = (Junction *)zzaRet.left; p->altstart = CurAltStart; if ( label!=NULL ) { p->el_label = label->str; label->elem = (Node *)p; } } _retv = (Node *)p; } else { if ( (LA(1)==NonTerminal) ) { if ( not ) warn("~ NONTERMINAL is an undefined operation"); zzmatch(NonTerminal); zzaRet = buildRuleRef(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==96) ) { zzmatch(96); q = (RuleRefNode *) ((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1; q->astnode=ASTexclude; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (setwd3[LA(1)]&0x80) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp4); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==97) ) { zzmatch(97); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp4); } } zzmatch(PassAction); addParm(((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } rr=(RuleRefNode *) ((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { char *a; if ( (LA(1)==98) ) { zzmatch(98); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(PassAction); a = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(a!=NULL, "rule element: cannot allocate assignment"); strcpy(a, LATEXT(1)); rr->assign = a; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } if ( label!=NULL ) { rr->el_label = label->str; label->elem = (Node *)rr; } if ( first_on_line ) { CurAltStart = (Junction *)zzaRet.left; ((RuleRefNode *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->altstart = CurAltStart; } _retv = (Node *)rr; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr11,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } } else { if ( (LA(1)==Action) ) { if ( not ) warn("~ ACTION is an undefined operation"); zzmatch(Action); zzaArg(zztasp1,0) = buildAction(LATEXT(1),action_file,action_line, 0); zzCONSUME; if ( first_on_line ) CurAltStart = (Junction *)zzaArg(zztasp1,0 ).left; _retv = (Node *) ((Junction *)zzaArg(zztasp1,0 ).left)->p1; } else { if ( (LA(1)==Pred) ) { if ( not ) warn("~ SEMANTIC-PREDICATE is an undefined operation"); zzmatch(Pred); zzaArg(zztasp1,0) = buildAction(LATEXT(1),action_file,action_line, 1); zzCONSUME; act = (ActionNode *) ((Junction *)zzaArg(zztasp1,0 ).left)->p1; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { char *a; if ( (LA(1)==PassAction) ) { zzmatch(PassAction); a = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(a!=NULL, "rule element: cannot allocate predicate fail action"); strcpy(a, LATEXT(1)); act->pred_fail = a; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } if ( first_on_line ) CurAltStart = (Junction *)zzaArg(zztasp1,0 ).left; _retv = (Node *)act; } else { if ( (setwd4[LA(1)]&0x1) ) { if ( not ) warn("~ BLOCK is an undefined operation"); BlkLevel++; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==112) ) { zzmatch(112); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==113) ) { zzmatch(113); approx=LL_k; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==114) ) { zzmatch(114); approx = 1; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==115) ) { zzmatch(115); approx = 2; zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr12,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==116) ) { zzmatch(116); zzCONSUME; block( &toksrefd,&rulesrefd ); zzmatch(117); blk = zzaRet = zzaArg(zztasp2,2); --BlkLevel; zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==118) ) { zzmatch(118); zzaRet = makeLoop(zzaRet,approx); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==119) ) { zzmatch(119); zzaRet = makePlus(zzaRet,approx); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==120) ) { zzmatch(120); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp4); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==121) ) { zzmatch(121); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(Pred); zzaRet = buildAction(LATEXT(1),action_file,action_line,1); zzCONSUME; act = (ActionNode *) ((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1; { zzBLOCK(zztasp5); zzMake0; { char *a; if ( (LA(1)==PassAction) ) { zzmatch(PassAction); a = (char *)calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(a!=NULL, "rule element: cannot allocate predicate fail action"); strcpy(a, LATEXT(1)); act->pred_fail = a; zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp5); } } if ( first_on_line) CurAltStart=(Junction *)zzaRet.left; _retv = (Node *)act; pred = computePredicateFromContextGuard(blk); if ( pred==NULL ) err("invalid or missing context guard"); else { pred->expr = act->action; pred->source = act; act->guardpred = pred; } } else { if ( (setwd4[LA(1)]&0x2) ) { zzaRet = makeBlk(zzaRet,approx); FoundGuessBlk = 1; ((Junction *) ((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->guess=1; if ( ! first_on_line ) { err("(...)? predicate must be first element of production"); } } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr13,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp4); } } } else { if ( (setwd4[LA(1)]&0x4) ) { zzaRet = makeBlk(zzaRet,approx); } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr14,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } if ( pred==NULL ) { ((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->blockid = CurBlockID; ((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->tokrefs = toksrefd; ((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->rulerefs = rulesrefd; if ( first_on_line ) CurAltStart = (Junction *)((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1); _retv = (Node *) ((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1; } } else { if ( (LA(1)==95) ) { zzmatch(95); zzCONSUME; block( &toksrefd,&rulesrefd ); zzaRet = makeOpt(zzaArg(zztasp2,2),approx); --BlkLevel; zzmatch(91); ((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->blockid = CurBlockID; ((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->tokrefs = toksrefd; ((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1)->rulerefs = rulesrefd; zzCONSUME; if ( first_on_line ) CurAltStart = (Junction *) ((Junction *)((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1); _retv = (Node *) ((Junction *)zzaRet.left)->p1; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr15,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } } else { if ( (LA(1)==118) ) { zzmatch(118); warn("don't you want a ')' with that '*'?"); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==119) ) { zzmatch(119); warn("don't you want a ')' with that '+'?"); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==98) ) { zzmatch(98); warn("'>' can only appear after a nonterminal"); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==PassAction) ) { zzmatch(PassAction); warn("[...] out of context 'rule > [...]'"); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr16,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } } } } } } } zzEXIT(zztasp1); return _retv; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd4, 0x8); return _retv; } } void #ifdef __STDC__ default_exception_handler(void) #else default_exception_handler() #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { DefaultExGroup = exception_group(); zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd4, 0x10); } } ExceptionGroup * #ifdef __STDC__ exception_group(void) #else exception_group() #endif { ExceptionGroup * _retv; PURIFY(_retv,sizeof( ExceptionGroup * )) zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { ExceptionHandler *h; LabelEntry *label=NULL; FoundException = 1; zzmatch(122); _retv = (ExceptionGroup *)calloc(1, sizeof(ExceptionGroup)); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { char *p; if ( (LA(1)==PassAction) ) { zzmatch(PassAction); p = LATEXT(1)+1; p[strlen(p)-1] = '\0'; /* kill trailing space */ label = (LabelEntry *) hash_get(Elabel, LATEXT(1)+1); if ( label==NULL ) { err(eMsg1("unknown label in exception handler: '%s'", LATEXT(1)+1)); } zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( (LA(1)==124) ) { h = exception_handler(); list_add(&(_retv->handlers), (void *)h); zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==123) ) { zzmatch(123); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(99); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(Action); { ExceptionHandler *eh = (ExceptionHandler *) calloc(1, sizeof(ExceptionHandler)); char *a = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(eh!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate handler"); require(a!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate action"); strcpy(a, LATEXT(1)); eh->action = a; eh->signalname = (char *) calloc(strlen("default")+1, sizeof(char)); require(eh->signalname!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate sig name"); strcpy(eh->signalname, "default"); list_add(&(_retv->handlers), (void *)eh); } zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } if ( label!=NULL ) { /* Record ex group in sym tab for this label */ if ( label->ex_group!=NULL ) { err(eMsg1("duplicate exception handler for label '%s'",label->str)); } else { label->ex_group = _retv; /* Label the exception group itself */ _retv->label = label->str; /* Make the labelled element pt to the exception also */ switch ( label->elem->ntype ) { case nRuleRef : { RuleRefNode *r = (RuleRefNode *)label->elem; r->ex_group = _retv; break; } case nToken : { TokNode *t = (TokNode *)label->elem; t->ex_group = _retv; break; } } } /* You may want to remove this exc from the rule list * and handle at the labeled element site. */ _retv = NULL; } zzEXIT(zztasp1); return _retv; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd4, 0x20); return _retv; } } ExceptionHandler * #ifdef __STDC__ exception_handler(void) #else exception_handler() #endif { ExceptionHandler * _retv; PURIFY(_retv,sizeof( ExceptionHandler * )) zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { char *a; zzmatch(124); _retv = (ExceptionHandler *)calloc(1, sizeof(ExceptionHandler)); require(_retv!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate handler"); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==NonTerminal) ) { zzmatch(NonTerminal); _retv->signalname = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(_retv->signalname!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate sig name"); strcpy(_retv->signalname, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (LA(1)==TokenTerm) ) { zzmatch(TokenTerm); _retv->signalname = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(_retv->signalname!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate sig name"); strcpy(_retv->signalname, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr17,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } zzmatch(99); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { _retv->action = NULL; if ( (LA(1)==Action) ) { zzmatch(Action); _retv->action = (char *) calloc(strlen(LATEXT(1))+1, sizeof(char)); require(_retv->action!=NULL, "exception: cannot allocate action"); strcpy(_retv->action, LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } zzEXIT(zztasp1); return _retv; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); CannotContinue=TRUE; zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd4, 0x40); return _retv; } } void #ifdef __STDC__ enum_file( char *fname ) #else enum_file(fname) char *fname ; #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { if ( (setwd4[LA(1)]&0x80) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==132) ) { zzmatch(132); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(ID); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==138) ) { zzmatch(138); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(ID); zzCONSUME; } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==140) ) { { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); int zzcnt=1; zzMake0; { do { enum_def( fname ); zzLOOP(zztasp3); } while ( (LA(1)==140) ); zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } } else { if ( (LA(1)==138) ) { defines( fname ); } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr18,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } } else { if ( (LA(1)==Eof) ) { } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr19,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd5, 0x1); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ defines( char *fname ) #else defines(fname) char *fname ; #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { int v,maxt= -1; char *t; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); int zzcnt=1; zzMake0; { do { zzmatch(138); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(ID); t = mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(INT); v = atoi(LATEXT(1)); /* fprintf(stderr, "#token %s=%d\n", t, v);*/ TokenNum = v; if ( v>maxt ) maxt=v; if ( Tnum( t ) == 0 ) addForcedTname( t, v ); else { warnFL(eMsg1("redefinition of token %s; ignored",t), fname,zzline); } zzCONSUME; zzLOOP(zztasp2); } while ( (LA(1)==138) ); zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } TokenNum = maxt + 1; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd5, 0x2); } } void #ifdef __STDC__ enum_def( char *fname ) #else enum_def(fname) char *fname ; #endif { zzRULE; zzBLOCK(zztasp1); zzMake0; { int v= 0; char *t; zzmatch(140); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(ID); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(141); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(ID); t = mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==142) ) { zzmatch(142); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(INT); v=atoi(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (setwd5[LA(1)]&0x4) ) { v++; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr20,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } /* fprintf(stderr, "#token %s=%d\n", t, v);*/ TokenNum = v; if ( Tnum( t ) == 0 ) addForcedTname( t, v ); else { warnFL(eMsg1("redefinition of token %s; ignored",t), fname,zzline); } { zzBLOCK(zztasp2); zzMake0; { while ( (LA(1)==143) ) { zzmatch(143); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp3); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==ID) ) { zzmatch(ID); t = mystrdup(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; { zzBLOCK(zztasp4); zzMake0; { if ( (LA(1)==142) ) { zzmatch(142); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(INT); v=atoi(LATEXT(1)); zzCONSUME; } else { if ( (setwd5[LA(1)]&0x8) ) { v++; } else {zzFAIL(1,zzerr21,&zzMissSet,&zzMissText,&zzBadTok,&zzBadText,&zzErrk); goto fail;} } zzEXIT(zztasp4); } } /* fprintf(stderr, "#token %s=%d\n", t, v);*/ TokenNum = v; if ( Tnum( t ) == 0 ) addForcedTname( t, v ); else { warnFL(eMsg1("redefinition of token %s; ignored",t), fname,zzline); } } zzEXIT(zztasp3); } } zzLOOP(zztasp2); } zzEXIT(zztasp2); } } zzmatch(144); zzCONSUME; zzmatch(145); TokenNum++; zzCONSUME; zzEXIT(zztasp1); return; fail: zzEXIT(zztasp1); zzsyn(zzMissText, zzBadTok, (ANTLRChar *)"", zzMissSet, zzMissTok, zzErrk, zzBadText); zzresynch(setwd5, 0x10); } } /* semantics of #token */ static void #ifdef __STDC__ chkToken(char *t, char *e, char *a, int tnum) #else chkToken(t,e,a,tnum) char *t, *e, *a; int tnum; #endif { TermEntry *p; /* check to see that they don't try to redefine a token as a token class */ if ( t!=NULL ) { p = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Tname, t); if ( p!=NULL && p->classname ) { err(eMsg1("redefinition of #tokclass '%s' to #token not allowed; ignored",t)); if ( a!=NULL ) free((char *)a); return; } } if ( t==NULL && e==NULL ) { /* none found */ err("#token requires at least token name or rexpr"); } else if ( t!=NULL && e!=NULL ) { /* both found */ if ( UserDefdTokens ) { /* if #tokdefs, must not define new */ p = (TermEntry *) hash_get(Tname, t); if ( p==NULL ) { err(eMsg1("#token definition '%s' not allowed with #tokdefs; ignored",t)); return; } } Tklink(t, e); if ( a!=NULL ) { if ( hasAction(e) ) { err(eMsg1("redefinition of action for %s; ignored",e)); } else setHasAction(e, a); } } else if ( t!=NULL ) { /* only one found */ if ( UserDefdTokens ) { err(eMsg1("#token definition '%s' not allowed with #tokdefs; ignored",t)); return; } if ( Tnum( t ) == 0 ) addTname( t ); else { err(eMsg1("redefinition of token %s; ignored",t)); } if ( a!=NULL ) { err(eMsg1("action cannot be attached to a token name (%s); ignored",t)); free((char *)a); } } else if ( e!=NULL ) { if ( Tnum( e ) == 0 ) addTexpr( e ); else { if ( hasAction(e) ) { err(eMsg1("redefinition of action for expr %s; ignored",e)); } else if ( a==NULL ) { err(eMsg1("redefinition of expr %s; ignored",e)); } } if ( a!=NULL ) setHasAction(e, a); } /* if a token type number was specified, then add the token ID and 'tnum' * pair to the ForcedTokens list. (only applies if an id was given) */ if ( t!=NULL && tnum>0 ) { if ( set_el(tnum, reserved_positions) ) { err(eMsgd("a token has already been forced to token number %d; ignored", tnum)); } else { list_add(&ForcedTokens, newForcedToken(t,tnum)); set_orel(tnum, &reserved_positions); } } } static int #ifdef __USE_PROTOS match_token(char *s, char **nxt) #else match_token(s,nxt) char *s; char **nxt; #endif { if ( !(*s>='A' && *s<='Z') ) return 0; s++; while ( (*s>='a' && *s<='z') || (*s>='A' && *s<='Z') || (*s>='0' && *s<='9') || *s=='_' ) { s++; } if ( *s!=' ' && *s!='}' ) return 0; *nxt = s; return 1; } static int #ifdef __USE_PROTOS match_rexpr(char *s, char **nxt) #else match_rexpr(s,nxt) char *s; char **nxt; #endif { if ( *s!='"' ) return 0; s++; while ( *s!='"' ) { if ( *s=='\n' ) warn("eoln found in regular expression"); if ( *s=='\\' ) s++; s++; } *nxt = s+1; return 1; } /* * Walk a string "{ A .. Z }" where A..Z is a space separated list * of token references (either labels or reg exprs). Return a * string "inlineX_set" for some unique integer X. Basically, * we pretend as if we had seen "#tokclass inlineX { A .. Z }" * on the input stream outside of an action. */ char * #ifdef __USE_PROTOS inline_set(char *s) #else inline_set(s) char *s; #endif { char *nxt; fprintf(stderr, "found consumeUntil( {...} )\n"); while ( *s==' ' || *s=='\t' || *s=='\n' || *s=='\r' ) {s++;} if ( *s!='{' ) { err("malformed consumeUntil( {...} ); missing '{'"); return "bad_set"; } s++; while ( *s==' ' || *s=='\t' || *s=='\n' || *s=='\r' ) {s++;} while ( *s!='}' ) { if ( match_token(s,&nxt) ) fprintf(stderr, "found token %s\n", s); else if ( match_rexpr(s,&nxt) ) fprintf(stderr, "found rexpr %s\n", s); else { err("invalid element in consumeUntil( {...} )"); return "bad_set"; } s = nxt; while ( *s==' ' || *s=='\t' || *s=='\n' || *s=='\r' ) {s++;} } return "inlineX_set"; } /* ANTLR-specific syntax error message generator * (define USER_ZZSYN when compiling so don't get 2 definitions) */ void #ifdef __STDC__ zzsyn(char *text, int tok, char *egroup, SetWordType *eset, int etok, int k, char *bad_text) #else zzsyn(text, tok, egroup, eset, etok, k, bad_text) char *text, *egroup, *bad_text; int tok; int etok; int k; SetWordType *eset; #endif { fprintf(stderr, ErrHdr, FileStr[CurFile]!=NULL?FileStr[CurFile]:"stdin", zzline); fprintf(stderr, " syntax error at \"%s\"", (tok==zzEOF_TOKEN)?"EOF":text); if ( !etok && !eset ) {fprintf(stderr, "\n"); return;} if ( k==1 ) fprintf(stderr, " missing"); else { fprintf(stderr, "; \"%s\" not", bad_text); if ( zzset_deg(eset)>1 ) fprintf(stderr, " in"); } if ( zzset_deg(eset)>0 ) zzedecode(eset); else fprintf(stderr, " %s", zztokens[etok]); if ( strlen(egroup) > (size_t)0 ) fprintf(stderr, " in %s", egroup); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }