#include "cmdo.r" resource 'cmdo' (128, "Antlr") { { /* [1] */ 295, "ANTLR -- Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set (PCCTS) LL(k) parser generator.", { /* [1] */ NotDependent { }, MultiFiles { "Grammar File(s)É", "Choose the grammar specification files you wish to have ANTLR process.", {25, 24, 44, 154}, "Grammar specification:", "", MultiInputFiles { { /* array MultiTypesArray: 1 elements */ /* [1] */ text }, ".g", "Files ending in .g", "All text files" } }, /* [2] */ NotDependent { }, Files { DirOnly, OptionalFile { {56, 25, 72, 155}, {77, 25, 96, 155}, "Output Directory", ":", "-o", "", "Choose the directory where ANTLR will put its output.", dim, "Output DirectoryÉ", "", "" }, NoMore { } }, /* [3] */ NotDependent { }, Redirection { StandardOutput, {126, 27} }, /* [4] */ NotDependent { }, Redirection { DiagnosticOutput, {126, 178} }, /* [5] */ NotDependent { }, TextBox { gray, {117, 20, 167, 300}, "Redirection" }, /* [6] */ NotDependent { }, NestedDialog { 2, {20, 324, 40, 460}, "OptionsÉ", "Various command line options may be set " "with this button." }, /* [7] */ NotDependent { }, NestedDialog { 3, {48, 324, 68, 460}, "More OptionsÉ", "Antlr has ALOT of options. There are even more to be found with this button." }, /* [8] */ NotDependent { }, NestedDialog { 4, {76, 324, 96, 460}, "Rename OptionsÉ", "Options for renaming output files may be set with this button." }, /* [9] */ NotDependent { }, VersionDialog { VersionString { "1.33" }, "PCCTS was written by Terence Parr, Russell Quong, Will Cohen, and Hank Dietz: 1989-1995. " "MPW port by Scott Haney.", noDialog } }, /* [2] */ 295, "Use this dialog to specify command line options.", { /* [1] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {18, 25, 33, 225}, "Generate C++ code", "-CC", "Generate C++ output from both ANTLR and DLG." }, /* [2] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {38, 25, 53, 225}, "Generate ASTs", "-gt", "Generate code for Abstract-Syntax-Trees (ASTs)." }, /* [3] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {18, 235, 33, 435}, "Support parse traces", "-gd", "If this option is checked, ANTLR inserts code in each parsing " "function to provide for user-defined handling of a detailed parse trace. " "The code consists of calls to zzTRACEIN and zzTRACEOUT." }, /* [4] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {58, 25, 73, 225}, "Generate line info", "-gl", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will generate line info about grammar" "actions, thereby making debugging easier since " "compile errors will point to the grammar file." }, /* [5] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {38, 235, 53, 435}, "Generate cross-references", "-cr", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will generate a cross reference for all " "rules. For each rule it will print a list of all other rules that refrence it." }, /* [6] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {78, 25, 93, 225}, "Generate error classes", "-ge", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will generate an error class for" "each non-terminal." }, /* [7] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {58, 235, 73, 435}, "Hoist predicate context", "-prc on", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will turn on the computation and hoisting of " "predicate context." }, /* [8] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {98, 25, 113, 225}, "Don't generate Code", "-gc", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will generate no code, i.e. " "it will only perform analysis on the grammar." }, /* [9] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {78, 235, 93, 435}, "Don't create Lexer files", "-gx", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will not generate DLG-related output files. " "This option should be used if one wants a custom lexical analyzer or if one " "has made changes to the grammar not affecting the lexical structure." }, /* [10] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {118, 25, 133, 225}, "Delay lookahead fetches", "-gk", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will generate a parser that delays lookahead " "fetches until needed." }, /* [11] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {98, 235, 113, 460}, "Don't generate token expr sets", "-gs", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will not generate sets for token expression " "sets; instead, it will generate a || separated sequence of LA(1)==token #. " }, /* [12] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Lookahead:", {140, 25, 155, 150}, {160, 25, 176, 150}, "1", keepCase, "-k", "This entry specifies the number of tokens of lookahead." }, /* [13] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Compr lookahead:", {140, 165, 155, 290}, {160, 165, 176, 290}, "", keepCase, "-ck", "This entry specifies the number of tokens of lookahead when using compressed " "(linear approximation) lookahead. In general, the compressed lookahead is much " "deeper than the full lookahead." }, /* [14] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Max tree nodes:", {140, 310, 155, 435}, {160, 305, 176, 435}, "", keepCase, "-rl", "This entry specifies the maximum number of tokens of tree nodes used by the grammar " "analysis." } }, /* [3] */ 295, "Use this dialog to specify still more command line options.", { /* [1] */ NotDependent { }, RadioButtons { { /* array radioArray: 3 elements */ /* [1] */ {38, 25, 53, 105}, "None", "", Set, "When this option is selected, ANTLR " "will not print the grammar to stdout.", /* [2] */ {38, 115, 53, 195}, "Yes", "-p", NotSet, "When this option is selected, ANTLR " "will print the grammar, stripped of all actions and comments, to stdout.", /* [3] */ {38, 210, 53, 300}, "More", "-pa", NotSet, "When this option is selected, ANTLR " "will print the grammar, stripped of all actions and comments, to stdout. " "It will also annotate the output with the first sets determined from grammar " "analysis." } }, /* [2] */ NotDependent { }, TextBox { gray, { 28, 15, 60, 310 }, "Grammar Printing" }, /* [3] */ NotDependent { }, RadioButtons { { /* array radioArray: 3 elements */ /* [1] */ {88, 25, 103, 105}, "Low", "", Set, "When this option is selected, ANTLR " "will show ambiguities/errors in low detail.", /* [2] */ {88, 115, 103, 195}, "Medium", "-e2", NotSet, "When this option is selected, ANTLR " "will show ambiguities/errors in more detail.", /* [3] */ {88, 210, 103, 300}, "High", "-e3", NotSet, "When this option is selected, ANTLR " "will show ambiguities/errors in excruciating detail." } }, /* [4] */ NotDependent { }, TextBox { gray, { 78, 15, 110, 310 }, "Error reporting" }, /* [5] */ NotDependent { }, CheckOption { NotSet, {128, 25, 143, 225}, "More warnings", "-w2", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will warn if semantic predicates and/or " "(É)? blocks are assumed to cover ambiguous alternatives." }, }, /* [4] */ 295, "Use this dialog to specify command line options relating to renaming output files.", { /* [1] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Errors file name:", {35, 25, 50, 205}, {35, 205, 51, 300}, "err.c", keepCase, "-fe", "This entry specifies the name ANTLR uses for " "the errors file." }, /* [2] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Lexical output name:", {60, 25, 75, 205}, {60, 205, 76, 300}, "parser.dlg", keepCase, "-fl", "This entry specifies the name ANTLR uses for " "the lexical output file." }, /* [3] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Lexical modes name:", {85, 25, 100, 205}, {85, 205, 101, 300}, "mode.h", keepCase, "-fl", "This entry specifies the name ANTLR uses for " "the lexical mode definitions file." }, /* [4] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Remap file name:", {110, 25, 125, 205}, {110, 205, 126, 300}, "remap.h", keepCase, "-fl", "This entry specifies the name ANTLR uses for " "the file that remaps globally visible symbols." }, /* [5] */ NotDependent { }, RegularEntry { "Tokens file name:", {135, 25, 150, 205}, {135, 205, 151, 300}, "tokens.h", keepCase, "-fl", "This entry specifies the name ANTLR uses for " "the tokens file." }, /* [6] */ NotDependent{ }, CheckOption { NotSet, {160, 25, 175, 175}, "Create std header", "-gh", "If this option is checked, ANTLR will create a standard header file named, " "by default 'stdpccts.h'. This name can be altered using the entry right next door." }, /* [7] */ Or { {6} }, RegularEntry { "Std header file name:", {160, 175, 175, 355}, {160, 355, 176, 450}, "stdpccts.h", keepCase, "-fh", "This entry specifies the name ANTLR uses for " "the standard header file." } } } };