***** README - pd_readline ***** This repo is for the storage of a public-domain readline-and-command-history implementation. FILES: pd_readline.c - This is a file to test the implementation. Contains the main() function. test.txt - A small text file to test scrolling up and down with. This would be the "history" file in a real readline implementation. Status - 31st Dec 2015 - "sort of works". I'm back into doing work on this code. I've reverted the code to a much simpler early version. This compiles without errors and allows scrolling up and down through the "test.txt" "dummy history" file. It also allows editing of the command line. However, edits are *not* yet saved in a history file. Pressing Enter exits the program rather than storing the existing command-line and "staying in the program". I hope to change this soon. You can edit a command-line (using backspace). You can move around with left and right-arrow keys. "Dummy" history (from text.txt) can be recalled from a file with the up-arrow key, and you can scroll up and down through that file using the up and down arrows. This code is released to the public domain. "Share and enjoy........ ;) " - mooseman