PDCLIB ?= pdclib ; ECHO "PDCLIB_TOP: " $(PDCLIB_TOP) ; if ! $(PDCLIB_HAVE_PLATFORM) && ! $(PDCLIB_PLATFORM) { if $(NT) { PDCLIB_PLATFORM = "win32" ; } else if $(UNIX) { PDCLIB_PLATFORM = "posix" ; } else { ECHO "PDCLIB_PLATFORM not set and platform not automatically detected" ; ECHO "Set PDCLIB_PLATFORM to the platform to be built for" ; EXIT ; } PDCLIB_HAVE_PLATFORM = 1 ; } #if $(CC) = "gcc" { # TODO: Better toolchain handling # No -Wcast-align : spurious warnings when using char* to do pointer # arithmetic # No -Winline : when compiling with e.g. -Os causes spurious # warnings that call is unlikely/code size would grow # No -Wredundant-decls : some functions must be multiply defined PDCLIB_WARNINGS ?= -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-unused-parameter -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-declarations -Wno-long-long -Wuninitialized ; PDCLIB_CCWARNINGS ?= -Wnested-externs -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes ; PDCLIB_CCFLAGS = -ffreestanding #-nostdinc -std=c11 -g -D_PDCLIB_BUILD $(PDCLIB_WARNINGS) ; PDCLIB_C++FLAGS = -ffreestanding #-nostdinc -std=c++11 -g -D_PDCLIB_BUILD $(PDCLIB_WARNINGS) ; actions Link bind NEEDLIBS { $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) -o $(<) $(UNDEFS) $(>) -Wl,--start-group $(NEEDLIBS) $(LINKLIBS) -Wl,--end-group } #} if $(PDCLIB_PLATFORM) { include [ FDirName $(PDCLIB_TOP) platform $(PDCLIB_PLATFORM) Config.jam ] ; } rule PDCLibHeaders { SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) includes ; SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) internals ; SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) testing ; for opt in $(PDCLIB_OPTIONS) { SubDirHdrs $(PDCLIB_TOP) opt $(opt) ; } PDCLibTargetHeaders ; } rule PDCLibConfig { SubDirCcFlags $(PDCLIB_CCFLAGS) ; SubDirC++Flags $(PDCLIB_C++FLAGS) ; PDCLibHeaders ; PDCLibTargetConfig ; } # MinGW needs appropriate prodding to cretae executables if $(TOOLSET) = MINGW { PDCLIB_TEST_LINKFLAGS += -mconsole ; PDCLIB_REGTEST_LINKFLAGS += -mconsole ; } # Tests ALWAYS regtest test ; rule Test { DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ; ALWAYS $(<) ; DEPENDS test : $(<) ; } rule RegTest { DEPENDS $(<) : $(>) ; ALWAYS $(<) ; DEPENDS regtest : $(<) ; } actions Test { $(>) } actions RegTest { $(>) } # list all files in a directory, except ., .. # [ ListDir base : dirname ] rule ListDir { # start with empty list local _result = ; # for each file in the directory local _dirlist = [ GLOB [ FDirName $(1) $(2) ] : * ] ; for _subdir in $(_dirlist) { # if it is not . or .. switch $(_subdir) { case *\\. : _dummy = "" ; # is there some no-op statement? case *\\.. : _dummy = "" ; # is there some no-op statement? case * : # add it to the list _result += $(_subdir:D=$(2)) ; } } # return resulting list return $(_result) ; } # same as glob, but recurses into subdirs rule RecursiveGlob { # initially use the files in the current directory local _dir = $(2) ; local _path = [ FDirName $(1) $(2) ] ; local _result = [ GLOB $(_path) : $(3) ] ; _result = $(_result:D=$(_dir)) ; # list all subdirectories (and files, but it doesn't hurt) local _subdirlist = [ ListDir $(1) : $(2) ] ; # for each subdir/file for _subdir in $(_subdirlist) { # recurse into it _result += [ RecursiveGlob $(1) : $(_subdir) : $(3) ] ; } # return the resulting list return $(_result) ; } # Fix to work on targets in subdirs rule MakeLocate { # Note we grist the directory name with 'dir', # so that directory path components and other # targets don't conflict. if $(>) { local _rev = [ FReverse $(>) ] ; if $(_rev[1]) = "." { _rev = $(_rev[2-]) ; } local _dir = [ FDirName [ FReverse $(_rev) ] $(<[0]:D) ] ; LOCATE on $(<) = [ FDirName $(>) ] ; Depends $(<) : $(_dir:G=dir) ; MkDir $(_dir:G=dir) ; } }