# $Id$ # This is a list of all non-source files that are part of the distribution. AUXFILES := Makefile Readme.txt # Directories belonging to the project PROJDIRS := functions includes internals # All source files of the project SRCFILES := $(shell find $(PROJDIRS) -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 3 -name "*.c") # All header files of the project HDRFILES := $(shell find $(PROJDIRS) -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 3 -name "*.h") # All .c files in functions/_PDCLIB that do not have a regression test driver INTFILES := _Exit atomax digits print rename remove seed strtox_main strtox_prelim # All object files in the library OBJFILES := $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(SRCFILES)) # All test drivers (.t) TSTFILES := $(patsubst %.c,%.t,$(SRCFILES)) # All regression test drivers (.r) REGFILES := $(filter-out $(patsubst %,functions/_PDCLIB/%.r,$(INTFILES)),$(patsubst %.c,%.r,$(SRCFILES))) # All dependency files (.d) DEPFILES := $(patsubst %.c,%.d,$(SRCFILES)) # All files belonging to the source distribution ALLFILES := $(SRCFILES) $(HDRFILES) $(AUXFILES) # All files in platform/example/functions/_PDCLIB (for development only) PATCHFILES1 := $(shell ls platform/example/functions/_PDCLIB/*.c) # All files in platform/example/functions/stdlib (for development only) PATCHFILES2 := $(shell ls platform/example/functions/stdlib/*.c) CFLAGS := -Wall -pedantic -Wshadow -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wwrite-strings -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wredundant-decls -Wnested-externs -Winline -Wno-long-long -Wconversion -Wstrict-prototypes .PHONY: all clean dist tests testdrivers regtests regtestdrivers todos fixmes find links unlink help all: pdclib.a pdclib.a: $(OBJFILES) @ar r pdclib.a $? tests: testdrivers -@rc=0; count=0; for file in $(TSTFILES); do echo " TST $$file"; ./$$file; rc=`expr $$rc + $$?`; count=`expr $$count + 1`; done; echo; echo "Tests executed (linking PDCLib): $$count Tests failed: $$rc" testdrivers: $(TSTFILES) regtests: regtestdrivers -@rc=0; count=0; for file in $(REGFILES); do echo " RTST $$file"; ./$$file; rc=`expr $$rc + $$?`; count=`expr $$count + 1`; done; echo; echo "Tests executed (linking system libc): $$count Tests failed: $$rc" regtestdrivers: $(REGFILES) -include $(DEPFILES) clean: @for file in $(OBJFILES) $(DEPFILES) $(TSTFILES) $(REGFILES) pdclib.a pdclib.tgz; do if [ -f $$file ]; then rm $$file; fi; done dist: @tar czf pdclib.tgz $(ALLFILES) todos: -@for file in $(ALLFILES); do grep -H TODO $$file; done; true fixmes: -@for file in $(ALLFILES); do grep -H FIXME $$file; done; true find: @find functions/ includes/ internals/ platform/ -name "*\.[ch]" -type f | xargs grep $$FIND links: @echo "Linking platform/example..." @cd internals && ln -s ../platform/example/internals/_PDCLIB_config.h @cd includes && ln -s ../platform/example/includes/float.h @cd functions/_PDCLIB && for file in $(PATCHFILES1); do basfile=`basename $$file`; if [ ! -f $$basfile ]; then ln -s `ls ../../$$file` .; fi; done @cd functions/stdlib && for file in $(PATCHFILES2); do basfile=`basename $$file`; if [ ! -f $$basfile ]; then ln -s `ls ../../$$file` .; fi; done unlink: @echo "Unlinking platform files..." @if [ -f internals/_PDCLIB_config.h ]; then rm internals/_PDCLIB_config.h; fi @if [ -f includes/float.h ]; then rm includes/float.h; fi @cd functions/_PDCLIB && for file in $(PATCHFILES1); do basfile=`basename $$file`; if [ -f $$basfile ]; then rm $$basfile; fi; done @cd functions/stdlib && for file in $(PATCHFILES2); do basfile=`basename $$file`; if [ -f $$basfile ]; then rm $$basfile; fi; done help: @echo "Available make targets:" @echo @echo "all - build pdclib.a" @echo "clean - remove all object files, dependency files and test drivers" @echo "dist - build pdclib.tgz (source tarball)" @echo "tests - build and run test drivers (link pdclib.a)" @echo " testdrivers - build but do not run test drivers" @echo "regtests - build and run regression test drivers (link system clib)" @echo " regtestdrivers - build but do not run regression test drivers" @echo "todos - list all TODO comments in the sources" @echo "fixmes - list all FIXME comments in the sources" @echo "find - find a phrase in the sources (Usage: FIND=\"phrase\" make find)" @echo "links - link example platform files (development only)" @echo "unlink - remove links to example platform files (development only)" @echo "%.o - build an individual object file" @echo "%.t - build an individual test driver" @echo "%.r - build an individual regression test driver" @echo "help - print this list" %.o: %.c Makefile @echo " CC $@" @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -Wall -DNDEBUG -MMD -MP -MT "$*.d $*.t" -g -std=c99 -I./includes -I./internals -c $< -o $@ %.t: %.c Makefile pdclib.a @echo " CC $@" @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTEST -std=c99 -I./includes -I./internals $< pdclib.a -o $@ %.r: %.c Makefile @echo " CC $@" @$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DTEST -DREGTEST -std=c99 -I./internals $< -o $@