/* gets( char * ) This file is part of the Public Domain C Library (PDCLib). Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will. */ #include #ifndef REGTEST #include <_PDCLIB_io.h> #include char * gets( char * s ) { _PDCLIB_flockfile( stdin ); if ( _PDCLIB_prepread( stdin ) == EOF ) { _PDCLIB_funlockfile( stdin ); return NULL; } char * dest = s; dest += _PDCLIB_getchars( dest, SIZE_MAX, '\n', stdin ); _PDCLIB_funlockfile( stdin ); if(*(dest - 1) == '\n') { *(--dest) = '\0'; } else { *dest = '\0'; } return ( dest == s ) ? NULL : s; } #endif #ifdef TEST #include <_PDCLIB_test.h> #include int main( void ) { #ifndef REGTEST FILE * fh; char buffer[10]; char const * gets_test = "foo\nbar\0baz\nweenie"; TESTCASE( ( fh = fopen( testfile, "wb" ) ) != NULL ); TESTCASE( fwrite( gets_test, 1, 18, fh ) == 18 ); TESTCASE( fclose( fh ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( ( fh = freopen( testfile, "rb", stdin ) ) != NULL ); TESTCASE( gets( buffer ) == buffer ); TESTCASE( strcmp( buffer, "foo" ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( gets( buffer ) == buffer ); TESTCASE( memcmp( buffer, "bar\0baz\0", 8 ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( gets( buffer ) == buffer ); TESTCASE( strcmp( buffer, "weenie" ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( feof( fh ) ); TESTCASE( fseek( fh, -1, SEEK_END ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( gets( buffer ) == buffer ); TESTCASE( strcmp( buffer, "e" ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( feof( fh ) ); TESTCASE( fseek( fh, 0, SEEK_END ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( gets( buffer ) == NULL ); TESTCASE( fclose( fh ) == 0 ); TESTCASE( remove( testfile ) == 0 ); #endif return TEST_RESULTS; } #endif