/* [XSI] char* strndup(const char *, size_t) This file is part of the Public Domain C Library (PDCLib). Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will. */ #ifdef REGTEST #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L #endif #include #include #ifndef REGTEST char *strndup( const char * s, size_t len ) { char* ns = NULL; if(s) { ns = malloc(len + 1); if(ns) { ns[len] = 0; // strncpy to be pedantic about modification in multithreaded // applications return strncpy(ns, s, len); } } return ns; } #endif #ifdef TEST #include <_PDCLIB_test.h> int main( void ) { #ifndef REGTEST /* Missing on Windows. Maybe use conditionals? */ const char *teststr = "Hello, world"; const char *teststr2 = "\xFE\x8C\n"; char *testres, *testres2; TESTCASE((testres = strndup(teststr, 5)) != NULL); TESTCASE((testres2 = strndup(teststr2, 1)) != NULL); TESTCASE(strcmp(testres, teststr) != 0); TESTCASE(strncmp(testres, teststr, 5) == 0); TESTCASE(strcmp(testres2, teststr2) != 0); TESTCASE(strncmp(testres2, teststr2, 1) == 0); free(testres); free(testres2); TESTCASE((testres = strndup(teststr, 20)) != NULL); TESTCASE((testres2 = strndup(teststr2, 5)) != NULL); TESTCASE(strcmp(testres, teststr) == 0); TESTCASE(strcmp(testres2, teststr2) == 0); free(testres); free(testres2); #endif return TEST_RESULTS; } #endif