/* $Id$ */ /* void * realloc( void *, size_t ) This file is part of the Public Domain C Library (PDCLib). Permission is granted to use, modify, and / or redistribute at will. */ #include #include #include #ifndef REGTEST /* TODO: Primitive placeholder. Improve. */ void * realloc( void * ptr, size_t size ) { void * newptr = NULL; if ( ptr == NULL ) { return malloc( size ); } if ( size > 0 ) { struct _PDCLIB_memnode_t * baseptr = (struct _PDCLIB_memnode_t *)( (char *)ptr - sizeof( struct _PDCLIB_memnode_t ) ); if ( baseptr->size >= size ) { /* Current memnode is large enough; nothing to do. */ return ptr; } else { /* Get larger memnode and copy over contents. */ if ( ( newptr = malloc( size ) ) == NULL ) { return NULL; } memcpy( newptr, ptr, baseptr->size ); } } free( ptr ); return newptr; } #endif #ifdef TEST #include <_PDCLIB_test.h> int main( void ) { /* tests covered in malloc test driver */ return TEST_RESULTS; } #endif