#!/bin/sh net=$1 IFS=';' # TODO allow for /etc/sysconfig/$net also test -f /etc/sysconfig/$net.net || echo "unknown network configuration '$net'" >&2 && exit 1 ifdown_post() { return 0 } ifdown_pre() { return 0 } . /etc/sysconfig/$net.net #if [ $enable = 'no' || $enable -eq 0 ]; then; exit 0; fi ifdown_pre #ip link set dev $dev up for r in $route; do ip route del $r done for address in $addr do ip addr del $address dev $dev done # how do we determine if we should bring the link down? # there could be other configurations that also set up IP # addresses. Also, what happens exactly if the primary # ip address is removed, but not the secondary ones also? # for now, just leave the link up, I don't think it hurts # anything ifdown_post