.TH zpm-add 8 2019-02-15 "ZPM 0.4" .SH NAME zpm-add \- add files to a package .SH SYNOPSIS .B zpm add .RI -f packagefile .B [ -icCNschlrvxz ] .BI "[ -F " type " ]" .BI "[ -H " hash " ]" .BI "[ -M " mtime " ]" .BI "[ -P " prefix " ]" .BI "[ -S " stripprefix " ]" .BI "[ -s " n " ]" .BI "[ -T " target " ]" .BI "[ -f " path " ]" .BI "[ -g " group " ]" .BI "[ -u " user " ]" .BI "[ -m " mode " ]" .BI "[ -p " package " ]" .IR path ... .SH DESCRIPTION \fBzpm-add\fR adds files to a zpm package. The package file must exist, and the package in the package file must exist. File metadata is taken from the filesystem, unless overridden by command line options. .PP If the package name is not given with the \-p option, it will be inferred. from the package file name. The package file name must be parsable as a complete package id. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-i Create the package if necessary, create the package file if it does not exist. .TP .B \-C mark the package as complete when finished. Normally a package is marked as incomplete after adding files. .TP .B \-c Mark added files as config files. .TP .BI \-p pkgid Add files to the named package. The package will be looked up as if by zpm-findpkg. Overrides \-i. .TP .BI \-F type force added files to be the type. See Non-Existent Files. .TP .BI \-H hash_value specify the hash value of a file. See Non-Existent Files. .TP .BI \-M mtime specify mtime. for a non-existent file, if not specified here, the current time will be used. .TP .BI \-m mode Directly set the mode of added files. If not set, the mode will be taken from the filesystem. .TP .B \-N Don't add any file content for regular files. .TP .BI \-P prefix Prefix added file paths with the given prefix. No '/' is added, so the prefix should include a trailing '/' if the prefix is intended to be a directory. .TP .B \-r recursively add paths underneath directories .SH EXAMPLES .TP zpm-add -f passwd-1.0-1.zpm passwd-1.0-1 /etc/passwd Add the /etc/passwd file to the passwd-1.0-1 package. .SH EXIT STATUS 0 if adding files was successful 1 if adding files failed if -x is not given 255 if adding files failed and -x is given .SH FILES None .SH ENVIRONMENT None .SH AUTHOR Nathan Wagner .SH SEE ALSO .BR zpm (8) .BR zpm-packagehash (8) .BR zpm-addfile (8)