create view syncconflicts as with -- metadata different md_conflict as ( select path, count(distinct printf('%s:%s:%s:%s', PFA.filetype, PFA.mode, PFA.username, PFA.groupname)) as mdcount, count(distinct PFA.hash) as hashcount from packagefiles PFA join packages PA on PA.package = PFA.package and PA.version = PFA.version and PA.release = PFA.release where PA.status in ('installing', 'installed') group by path having (count(distinct printf('%s:%s:%s:%s', PFA.filetype, PFA.mode, PFA.username, PFA.groupname) ) > 1 or count(distinct PFA.hash) > 1) ) select PFH.*, printf('%s-%s-%s', PFH.package, PFH.version, PFH.release) as pkgid, printf('%s:%s:%s:%s', PFH.filetype, PFH.mode, PFH.username, PFH.groupname) as mds, 'hash' as conflict from packagefiles PFH join packages PA on PA.package = PFH.package and PA.version = PFH.version and PA.release = PFH.release where path in (select path from md_conflict where hashcount > 1) and PA.status in ('installing', 'installed') union select PFM.*, printf('%s-%s-%s', PFM.package, PFM.version, PFM.release) as pkgid, printf('%s:%s:%s:%s', PFM.filetype, PFM.mode, PFM.username, PFM.groupname) as mds, 'md' as conflict from packagefiles PFM join packages PA on PA.package = PFM.package and PA.version = PFM.version and PA.release = PFM.release where path in (select path from md_conflict where hashcount > 1) and PA.status in ('installing', 'installed') ;