#!/bin/sh # program to submit a bug report # TODO # gpg encrypt the report. this will require that # the submitter have gpg set up, we might be able # to use a system one # # allow a bug report from stdin set -e [ -f /etc/rc.conf ] && . /etc/rc.conf [ -f /etc/zoranix.conf ] && . /etc/zoranix.conf name=$(logname) host=$(hostname) from=${REPLYTO:-${name}@${host}} signature= if [ -r $HOME/.signature ]; then signature=$(cat $HOME/.signature) else signature=$(printf '-- \n%s\n' $name) fi # -n -- make a bug report out of a note file=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/bugreport-XXXXXX) note= package=${1:-general} subject='zoranix bug report' if [ "$1" = "-n" ]; then shift if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then rm $file usage fi note=$1 package=$(zpm note category $1) subject=$(zpm note show $1 | head -1) if [ $subject = "" ]; then subject='zoranix bug report' fi fi cat >$file < $file elif [ -f /etc/zpm/bugtemplate ]; then cat /etc/zpm/bugtemplate >> $file else cat >>$file <>$file <&2 echo "a copy of your report is in $file" 1>&2 exit 1; esac