#!/bin/sh pkgfile=${ZPMDB:-/var/lib/zpm/local.db} long=0 pkgonly=0 quiet=0 config=include showsoname=0 status= sharedlibsonly=0 while getopts f:qlncCLIs opt; do case $opt in f) pkgfile="$OPTARG" ;; l) long=1 ;; n) pkgonly=1 ;; q) quiet=1 ;; c) config=only ;; C) config=exclude ;; L) showsoname=1 ;; s) sharedlibsonly=1 ;; I) status=installed ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [ ! -f $pkgfile ]; then echo cannot find $pkgfile exit 1 fi if [ $long -gt 0 ]; then cols="filetype,printf('%.4s', mode) as mode,username,groupname," fi if [ $pkgonly -eq 1 ]; then cols="pkgid" elif [ $quiet -eq 0 ]; then cols="pkgid,$cols" fi pkglist= while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do pkg=$1 shift if [ "$pkg" = '--' ]; then break; fi pkgid=$(zpm findpkg -f $pkgfile "$pkg") if [ -n "$pkgid" ]; then q=$(zpm quote -q "$pkgid") pkglist=",$q" else printf "package $pkg not found, ignoring\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi pkglist=${pkglist#,} if [ -z "$pkglist" ]; then printf "can't find any packages\n" 1>&2 exit 1 fi done globlist= for glob in "$@"; do q=$(zpm quote -q "$glob") globlist="or path glob $q" done globlist=${globlist#'or '} cols=${cols%,} { printf '.separator " "\n' # printf '.echo on\n' printf 'select %s\n' "$cols" if [ $pkgonly -eq 0 ]; then if [ -n "$cols" ]; then printf ', ' fi printf "case\n"; printf "when filetype = 'd' then rtrim(path,'/') || '/'\n" printf "when filetype = 'l' then printf('%%s -> %%s', path, target)\n" if [ $showsoname -eq 1 ]; then printf "when EL.soname is not null then printf('%%s (%%s)', path, EL.soname)\n" fi printf "else path end as path\n" fi printf "from packagefiles_pkgid PF\n" if [ $showsoname -eq 1 ] || [ $sharedlibsonly -eq 1 ]; then printf "left join elflibraries EL on EL.file = PF.hash\n" fi if [ -n "$status" ]; then printf "join packages P on P.package = PF.package and P.version = PF.version and P.release = PF.release\n" fi printf "where true\n" if [ -n "$globlist" ]; then printf "and (%s)\n" "$globlist" fi if [ -n "$pkglist" ]; then printf "and pkgid in (%s)\n" "$pkglist" fi case $config in only) printf "and configuration = 1\n" ;; exclude) printf "and configuration = 0\n" ;; esac if [ $sharedlibsonly -eq 1 ]; then printf "and EL.soname is not null\n" fi if [ -n "$status" ]; then printf "and P.status = '%s'\n" "$status" fi printf 'order by PF.package, PF.version collate vercmp, PF.release, PF.path\n' printf ';\n' } | zpm shell $pkgfile #} | cat