# Directories belonging to the project
PROJDIRS := functions includes internals
# All source files of the project
-SRCFILES := $(shell find $(PROJDIRS) -type f -name "*.c")
+SRCFILES := $(shell find -L $(PROJDIRS) -type f -name "*.c")
# All header files of the project
-HDRFILES := $(shell find $(PROJDIRS) -type f -name "*.h")
+HDRFILES := $(shell find -L $(PROJDIRS) -type f -name "*.h")
# All .c files in functions/_PDCLIB that do not have a regression test driver
INTFILES := _Exit atomax digits open print scan remove rename seed stdinit strtox_main strtox_prelim filemode eol errno seek prepread prepwrite allocpages tmpfilename closeall
# All object files in the library