TESTS= t/cantor.t t/distance.t t/adjacency.t t/range.t t/hexbin.t \
t/gridsize.t t/center.t t/astar.t
all: test libhexagon.a docs
ar r $@ $+
ranlib $@
+install: libhexagon.a hexagon.h doc/hexagon.3
+ cp libhexagon.a $(PREFIX)/lib
+ cp hexagon.h $(PREFIX)/include
+ cp doc/hexagon.3 $(PREFIX)/share/man/man3
make -C doc
--- /dev/null
+A simple make will compile the library, run the tests, and create the
+man page. Running the tests is dependent on having a 'prove'
+command that will run a test harness. This would normally
+be installed with perl.
+make install will install the library to /usr/local. If you
+want it somewhere else, you can pass PREFIX to make like so:
+make PREFIX=/usr install
+This library is in the public domain. All of the code was
+written by Nathan Wagner.